Hearne History - Page 497

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war, May, 1865. He then atteended a literary school and entered the Medical Department of the University of Nashville, graduating with distinction, 1869, and at once entered into a successful practice of medicine, which he continued till his death in Woodbury, Tenn., June 12, 1897. 1866 he was elected, on the Democratic ticket, a member of The Legislature, and was chosen temporary Speaker in its organization. He served three terms in the lower house, and, 1890, was elected. by a large majority, to the State Senate, and in the winter of 1891-92 he made a warm contest for the Speakership (the second office in the State), up to the ninetieth bollot, when he withdrew. 1889 he was elected messenger to bear the Presidential electorial vote to Washington, D. C. He was county health officer for eleven years preceding his death, and all his life was an active member of Christian Church. 1865 he married Miss Minnie Bentley, and she bore him one child, William D., born 1868, who graduated at Lebanon. Law School and married Miss Mabel Austelle, 1891, and they have one son, Wm. D., Jr., born 1892. Wm. D., the father died 1894. Dr. H. M. Hearne's wife, Minnie, died 1868, and he married Miss Elizabeth V. Sanford, who died 1882; she bore him one son: Robert C., born 1879, who has now a position in business with Hardy Hearne, of Lebanon, Tenn. 1883 Dr. H. M. Hearne married (third wife) Miss Lida Wharton, of Woodbury, Tenn., and died, as stated, June 12, 1897, of Bright's disease. He was an exceedingly popular and useful man.

Joseph, third son of James W. and Kate( Moxley) Hearne, died 1868, Wilson Co., Tenn., aged about fifty years. His wife Sediction Edwards, died 1885, aged seventy-four years. Children: James W., lives in Dallas, Texas. Mary F., married W. M. Ragland, and lives in Waco, Texas. John E., born in Wilson Co., Tenn., May 12, 1846, and now lives in Ft. Worth, Texas, a retired capitalist; he married Mary J. Duvall, 1872, and they have two children: Lola, married Fred H. Riley, of Fort Worth, Feb. 18, 1896; and Joe Lou, married Joseph M. Adams, Jr., of Fort Worth Feb. 18, 1896 (a double wedding), at the First Baptist Church, J Morgan Wells, pastor, of which church the family are members.

Alaphair Hearne, married Jacob Skein, of North Carolina. Elizabeth H., married Handy Morgan of Georgia. Milbra, married Hasky Maddox, of Tenn. Children: Ebenezer; Sarah; James; John, of Bremond, Texas. Nancy; Elizabeth; Easterly and Rachel.

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