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Hearne Family Genealogy Database

Sixth Generation


892. Frances Adeline Hearne 1 (William H. , Nancy Rachel , Thomas , Thomas , William ) was born on 22 Feb 1831 in Lebanon, Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 498,501 --Lived in Corinth, Ill.

Frances married Vancleave Hendrickson 1 on 25 Oct 1855. Vancleave was born on 14 Jul 1836 in , Williamson, Illinois, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 501

They had the following children:

+ 2238 F i Susan Elizabeth Hendrickson
+ 2239 M ii Marcellus House Hendrickson
+ 2240 F iii Sarah Florence Hendrickson

895. Joseph M. Hearne 1 (James W. , Nancy Rachel , Thomas , Thomas , William ) was born 2 calculated 1813 in of, Wilson,Tennessee, USA. He died in 1868 in , Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 496,497

MARRIAGE-SPOUSE: (Whitley, Wilson Marriages, p. 129) "Joseph M. Hean & Sedision Edwards, Oct. 23, 1834, by Jacob S. Hearn, M.G., Oct. 29, 1834. Joseph P. Moseley, BM"

CENSUS-BIRTH-SPOUSE-SIBLINGS: (Sistler, 1860 Census, pg 26) 1860 Tennesee Davidson Census Joseph M. Hern M 47, Sediction E. 51 F, James W. 23 M, Martha 18 F, Brunette 16 F, Louisa 13 F, Josephine 11 F, D-41-489.

NOTE: The 1860 census has only one Joseph Hern (Hearne) married to a Sediction. This family is in Davidson Co. The ages fit. The oldest child fits. *However* none of the other children fit.
Hearne Census
====== =======
James W. James W. (1837)
Martha (1842)
Mary F.
Brunette (1844)
John E. (1846)
Lousia (1847)
Josephine (1849)

I conclude this *must* be the same family, based on the high unlikelyhood of finding another Joseph and Sediction Hearne.

BIRTH: LDS IGI lists birth date as 1818

Joseph married 2 Sediction Edwards 1 on 28 Oct 1834 in Wilson, Tennessee, USA. Sediction was born 3 in 1809 in , Wilson, Tennessee, USA. She died in 1885 in , Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 497

MARRIAGE-SPOUSE: (Whitley, Wilson Marriages, p. 129) "Joseph M. Hean & Sedision Edwards, Oct. 23, 1834, by Jacob S. Hearn, M.G., Oct. 29, 1834. Joseph P. Moseley, BM"

CENSUS-BIRTH-SPOUSE-SIBLINGS: (Sistler, 1860 Census, pg 26) 1860 Tennesee Davidson Census Joseph M. Hern M 47, Sediction E. 51 F, James W. 23 M, Martha 18 F, Brunette 16 F, Louisa 13 F, Josephine 11 F, D-41-489.

NOTES: See discussion about this family in husbands notes.

They had the following children:

  2241 M i James W. Hearne 1 was born calculated 1837 in of, Davidson, Tennessee, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 497 --Lives in Dallas, Texas.

LIVES: Dallas Texas

CENSUS-BIRTH-PARENTS-SIBLINGS: (Sistler, 1860 Census, pg 26) 1860 Tennesee Davidson Census Joseph M. Hern M 47, Sediction E. 51 F, James W. 23 M, Martha 18 F, Brunette 16 F, Louisa 13 F, Josephine 11 F, D-41-489.
  2242 F ii Mary F. Hearne 1 was born in , Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 497 --Lives in Waco, Texas
        Mary married Living.
+ 2243 M iii John E. Hearne

896. Milbry P. Hearne 1 (James W. , Nancy Rachel , Thomas , Thomas , William ) was born 2 in 1812/1818 in of, Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 496,537 --He and all his children are dead without issue except Hardy.

CENSUS- PARENTS-SIBLINGS: (Carpenter, 1850 Wilson Census) Milberry Hearn 38 M TN, Elizabeth 32 F Tenn, Martha A. 11 F, James 9 M, Roberson 6 M TN, Henry C 4 M TN, Hardy 11/12 M TN..

CENSUS-SPOUSE-CHILDREN: (1860 Wilson Census, bjc image) M. P. Hearn 42 M, Elizabeth 31 F, Martha 19 F, James 18 M, Robertson, 15 M, Henry, 13 M, Hardy 10 M.

Milbry married Elizabeth Jane Johnson 1 on 24 Jan 1839 in , Wilson, Tennessee, USA. Elizabeth was born 2 in 1818 in of, Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 537

CENSUS- PARENTS-SIBLINGS: (Carpenter, 1850 Wilson Census) Milberry Hearn 38 M TN, Elizabeth 32 F Tenn, Martha A. 11 F, James 9 M, Roberson 6 M TN, Henry C 4 M TN, Hardy 11/12 M TN.

CENSUS-SPOUSE-CHILDREN: (1860 Wilson Census, bjc image) M. P. Hearn 42 M, Elizabeth 31 F, Martha 19 F, James 18 M, Robertson, 15 M, Henry, 13 M, Hardy 10 M.

NAME: Middle name from LDS IGI.

They had the following children:

  2244 F i Martha A Hearne was born 1 in 1839/1841 in Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

CENSUS- PARENTS-SIBLINGS: (Carpenter, 1850 Wilson Census) Milberry Hearn 38 M TN, Elizabeth 32 F Tenn, Martha A. 11 F, James 9 M, Roberson 6 M TN, Henry C 4 M TN, Hardy 11/12 M TN.

CENSUS-SPOUSE-CHILDREN: (1860 Wilson Census, bjc image) M. P. Hearn 42 M, Elizabeth 31 F, Martha 19 F, James 18 M, Robertson, 15 M, Henry, 13 M, Hardy 10 M.
  2245 M ii James Hearne was born 1 in 1841/1842 in Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

CENSUS- PARENTS-SIBLINGS: (Carpenter, 1850 Wilson Census) Milberry Hearn 38 M TN, Elizabeth 32 F Tenn, Martha A. 11 F, James 9 M, Roberson 6 M TN, Henry C 4 M TN, Hardy 11/12 M TN.

CENSUS-- PARENTS-SIBLINGS: (1860 Wilson Census, bjc image) M. P. Hearn 42 M, Elizabeth 31 F, Martha 19 F, James 18 M, Robertson, 15 M, Henry, 13 M, Hardy 10 M.
  2246 M iii Robertson Hearne was born 1 in 1844/1845 in Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

CENSUS- PARENTS-SIBLINGS: (Carpenter, 1850 Wilson Census) Milberry Hearn 38 M TN, Elizabeth 32 F Tenn, Martha A. 11 F, James 9 M, Roberson 6 M TN, Henry C 4 M TN, Hardy 11/12 M TN.

CENSUS-- PARENTS-SIBLINGS: (1860 Wilson Census, bjc image) M. P. Hearn 42 M, Elizabeth 31 F, Martha 19 F, James 18 M, Robertson, 15 M, Henry, 13 M, Hardy 10 M.
  2247 M iv Henry C Hearne was born 1 in 1846/1847 in Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

CENSUS- PARENTS-SIBLINGS: (Carpenter, 1850 Wilson Census) Milberry Hearn 38 M TN, Elizabeth 32 F Tenn, Martha A. 11 F, James 9 M, Roberson 6 M TN, Henry C 4 M TN, Hardy 11/12 M TN.

CENSUS-PARENTS-SIBLINGS: (1860 Wilson Census, bjc image) M. P. Hearn 42 M, Elizabeth 31 F, Martha 19 F, James 18 M, Robertson, 15 M, Henry, 13 M, Hardy 10 M.
+ 2248 M v Hardy Hearne

898. Henry L. Hearne 1 (James W. , Nancy Rachel , Thomas , Thomas , William ) was born calculated 1819 in of, Wilson, Tennessee, USA. He died in 1857.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 496

CENSUS-SPOUSE-CHILDREN: (1850 Census, #566) Henry HEARNE, 31 m Tenn, Rebecca 34 F Tenn, James D. 7 m, Henry M. 6 M.

Henry married 2 Ann Rebecca Patton 1 on 19 Jan 1841 in , Wilson, Tennessee, USA. Ann was born calculated 1814 in of, Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 496

CENSUS-SPOUSE-CHILDREN: (1850 Census, #566) Henry HEARNE, 31 m Tenn, Rebecca 34 F Tenn, James D. 7 m, Henry M. 6 M.

BIRTH: LDS IGI lists name as Rebecca Ann, and birth about 1820

They had the following children:

  2249 M i James D. Hearne 1 was born in 1842 in , Wilson, Tennessee, USA. He died in 1863 in Fort Delaware.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 496 --Died a prisoner of war at Fort Delaware 1863.

CENSUS-PARENTS-SIBLINGS: (1850 Census, #566) Henry HEARNE, 31 m Tenn, Rebecca 34 F Tenn, James D. 7 m, Henry M. 6 M.
+ 2250 M ii Dr. Henry Marion Hearne

899. Hardy D. Hearne 1 (James W. , Nancy Rachel , Thomas , Thomas , William ) was born in 1825/1826 in of, Wilson, Tennessee, USA. He died in 1860.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 496,497,537 --He died in the Army in Virginia.

This may be Hardy D. Hearne in the Wilson 1850 census. Married to Martha J. He was born 1826, she born 1830.

CENSUS-BIRTH-SPOUSE: (1860 Wilson TN Census, Shop Springs, p 34, dwellin 805, bjc image) Hardy Hearne 35 M, Martha 35 F, James 6 M, Hardy 4 M, Thomas 6/12 M

Hardy married Martha about 1850 in Wilson, Tennessee, USA. Martha was born in 1825 in of, Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

CENSUS-BIRTH-SPOUSE: (1860 Wilson TN Census, Shop Springs, p 34, dwellin 805, bjc image) Hardy Hearne 35 M, Martha 35 F, James 6 M, Hardy 4 M, Thomas 6/12 M

Hardy and Martha had the following children:

  2251 M i James Hearne was born calculated 1854 in Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

CENSUS-BIRTH-PARENT-SIBLINGS: (1860 Wilson TN Census, Shop Springs, p 34, dwellin 805, bjc image) Hardy Hearne 35 M, Martha 35 F, James 6 M, Hardy 4 M, Thomas 6/12 M
  2252 M ii Hardy Hearne was born in 1856 in Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

CENSUS-BIRTH-PARENT-SIBLINGS: (1860 Wilson TN Census, Shop Springs, p 34, dwellin 805, bjc image) Hardy Hearne 35 M, Martha 35 F, James 6 M, Hardy 4 M, Thomas 6/12 M
  2253 M iii Thomas Hearne was born in Feb 1860 in Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

CENSUS-BIRTH-PARENTS-SIBLINGS: (1860 Wilson TN Census, Shop Springs, p 34, dwellin 805, bjc image) Hardy Hearne 35 M, Martha 35 F, James 6 M, Hardy 4 M, Thomas 6/12 M; Census taken on August 1.

918. Lee S. Hearne 1 (Purnell , Nancy Rachel , Thomas , Thomas , William ).

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 498

Lee married Living.

They had the following children:

  2254 F i Living
  2255 F ii Living
  2256 F iii Living
  2257 F iv Living
  2258 M v Living

920. Jesse Hearne 1 (James , Purnell , George , Thomas , William ) was born about 1783 in , , North Carolina, USA. He died about 1854 in Hamilton Co., Ohio.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 105,106 and 107--settled in Hamilton Co., Ohio

Jesse married Mrs. Jesse (mnu) Hearne 1.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 106 -- (no name given for the wife of Jesse)

They had the following children:

+ 2259 M i Edward Hearne
  2260 M ii Purnell Hearne 1 was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 106.
  2261 M iii James Hearne 1 was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 106.
  2262 M iv Jesse C. Hearne 1 was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 106.
  2263 F v Elizabeth Hearne 1 was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 106.
  2264 F vi Mary Ann Hearne 1 was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 106.
  2265 F vii Annabel Hearne 1 was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 106.

921. Stephen M. Hearne 1 (James , Purnell , George , Thomas , William ) was born about 1804 in , , North Carolina, USA. He died about 1885 in Hamilton Co., Ohio.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 105,106 and 107--settled in Hamilton Co., Ohio. Was a man of some ability in the United Brethren Church preaching for 40 years. He was a farmer.

Stephen married Rachel Polk 1.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 106 and 107--of the same family as President James Polk.

They had the following children:

  2266 M i Lorenzo D. Hearne 1 was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 106 and 107.---lived in Los Angeles, California and is a carpenter and builder. He is married and has three daughters and they are all married. (no names of wife or children given)
+ 2267 M ii Simon L. Hearne
+ 2268 M iii Silas F. Hearne
  2269 M iv John P. Hearne 1 was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 106 and 107.---teacher in Hamilton County. Married, but no name given for his wife. Lived near Dent, Hamilton Co., Ohio, a farmer and school teacher and has two sons and one daughter (no names given for children). He served three years in the Union Army during the war.
  2270 M v Albert M. Hearne 1 was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 106 and 107.--teacher in Hamilton County and a farmer. Married (no name given for his wife). No children. Lives near Cincinnati, Ohio.
+ 2271 F vi Ann Eliza Hearne
  2272 F vii Elizabeth Hearne 1 was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 107.---Married (husband's name not given) and lives in California. Has no children.

930. Thomas Hearne 1 (Ebenezer , Purnell , George , Thomas , William ) was born on 21 Feb 1793 in , Cabarrus, North Carolina, USA. He died on 18 Jun 1855 in Union Co., Mississippi.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 538 -- In 1822 he moved to Wilson Co., Tenn then to Carroll Co., Tenn. In 1844 he moved to Tippah (now Union) Co., Miss

Thomas married Diana Hearne "Dicey" 1. Diana was born on 3 Apr 1796 in , , North Carolina, USA.

They had the following children:

  2273 M i Joel A. Hearne 1 was born in 1823 in , Wilson, Tennessee, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 538 --He was a member of the Methodist Church. Living in Ripley, Miss. when he was an old man, says "Our father and mother had a cousin, James Hearne, who moved from North Carolina through Tennessee, 1823-1828 and settled in Hamilton Co.,Ohio. The last letter we had from him was dated Aug. 1841 and written from Cheviot,Ohio which is in Hamilton Co."
        Joel married (1) Miss Dansby 1 in 1858. Miss died in 1878.
        Joel married (2) Mrs. W. T. Fleming 1 in 1880.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 538 -- A member of the Methodist Church. She is the owner of about 1600 acres of land in Tippah Co. with a beautiful home in Ripley, Miss.
  2274 M ii George W. Hearne 1 was born in , Cabarrus, North Carolina, USA.
  2275 M iii Jesse L. Hearne 1 was born in , Cabarrus, North Carolina, USA.
  2276 M iv John Hearne 1 was born in , Cabarrus, North Carolina, USA.
  2277 M v William Spencer Hearne 1 was born in , Cabarrus, North Carolina, USA.

931. George W. Hearne 1 (Ebenezer , Purnell , George , Thomas , William ) was born about 1795 in Hugharra River, North Carolina. He died about 1874 in , Weakley, Tennessee, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 109,127,132,134,135,136,479,614--Born in North Carolina on the Hugharra river. In early life he married his cousin and moved to Wilson Co.,Tennessee in 1823 and lived for many years near Lebanon, Wilson Co., Tenn and then in 1834 moved to Weakley Co., Tenn where he spent the remainder of his life. He became a member of the Baptist Church about five years before his death. In the war of 1812, he was Captain of a company which he led through the war, serving with distinction to the end and after his return home he served two terms as high sheriff of his county.
On "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 135 it shows his death as being in 1870, at the age of 79--Which date is correct??

George married Milly Hearne 1 daughter of William Hearne and Sally Hancock in , , Tennessee, USA. Milly was born about 1797. She died about 1876 in Thompson's Creek, Weakley, Tennessee.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 109,127,132,134,135,136--She was a cousin to her husband. They lived for many years near Lebanon, Wilson Co., Tenn and then moved to Weakley Co., Tenn . She died at the home of her son in the same county. She was a devoted member of the Methodist Church

They had the following children:

+ 2278 M i Cyrus Robert Hearne is printed as #818.
+ 2279 F ii Casendana Hearne is printed as #819.
+ 2280 M iii George Washington Hearne (Jr.) is printed as #820.
+ 2281 M iv Rev. Erasmus Hill Hearne is printed as #821.
+ 2282 F v Priscilla A. Hearne is printed as #822.
  2283 M vi Erastus S. Hearne is printed as #823.
  2284 F vii Rachel H. Hearne is printed as #824.
  2285 F viii Emily A. Hearne is printed as #825.
  2286 F ix Jane P. (Elizabeth) Hearne is printed as #826.

954. Ann Moore 1 (Jemima Hearne , Nehemiah , George , Thomas , William ) was born 2 about 1794. She died in 1831/1832 in , , Delaware, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 139 and 140.

Ann married 2 William Knowles 1 about 1814 in , , Delaware, USA. William was born in , , Delaware, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 139 and 140.--He was a Methodist minister. After his wife, Ann, died he married her sister and in 1835 they moved to Indiana and lived near Moore's Hill and raised quite a family of children. (of these, only three names given)

They had the following children:

  2287 F i Lizzie Knowles 1 was born in , , Delaware, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 139.
  2288 F ii Mary Ann Knowles 1 was born in , , Delaware, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 139.
  2289 F iii Harriet Catherine Knowles 1 was born in , , Delaware, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 139.
  2290 M iv David Knowles 1 was born in , , Delaware, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 139.

955. Henrietta Moore 1 (Jemima Hearne , Nehemiah , George , Thomas , William ) was born in , , Delaware, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 139 and 140.

Henrietta married William Knowles 1 in Oct 1832 in , , Delaware, USA. William was born in , , Delaware, USA.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Pages 139 and 140.--He was a Methodist minister. After his wife, Ann, died he married her sister and in 1835 they moved to Indiana and lived near Moore's Hill and raised quite a family of children. (of these, only three names given)

They had the following children:

  2291 F i Martha Knowles 1.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 140.
  2292 M ii Thomas Knowles 1.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 140.
  2293 M iii David Knowles 1.

Info from Hearne, "History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family", Page 140.

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