Hearne History - Page 788

[Continued from page 787]

F., born 1862, died 1910; Jessie W., born 1864, died 1907; Asca Adolphus, born 1866, and sarah Clifford, born 1868, died 1904.

Francis H. Freeman married Miss Sue Brown in 1875, Children: Reger, born 1876; Sylph, born 1878 and Sarah, born 1880.

James Edgar Freeman, born 1856, married December 24, 1884, Miss Clara Pound, who was born April 3, 1863. Children: Julia, born October 26, 1885; Rex, born June 20, 1889, died August 2, 1910; C. L. (initals only), born December 11, 1902, and Ed, born May 29, 1905. This family live at Pittsburg, Tex.

Julia Freeman, born 1885, married G. L. Gay in 1907 and lives in Dallas, Tex.

John Jeter Freeman married a Miss Scott and died in 1900, leaving two children, Scott and Clara. Clara married a Mr. Fry, of Gorman, Tex.

Pierpont Reid Freeman, born October 26, 1860, in Georgia, Indian Springs, and died at Bay City, Tex., April 23, 1904. He married Miss Ella James, near Pittsburg, Tex., January 6, 1887. She was born in Arkansas, November 19, 1868. Children: Patty Hearne, born November 17, 1887, and died August 10, 1911; Gracia Alton, born March 25, 1889, and died March 22, 1912, at Hearne, Tex., where she was teaching school; Josiah David, born September 15, 1890, and died September 3, 1911. Barbara Alice, born March 25, 1892; Pierpont Reid, Jr., born October 21, 1897; Jesse Ross, born December 24, 1898. Mrs. Ella J. Freeman lives now at San Angelo, Tex. It is sad indeed. She was called on to give up three of her children, who were just entering manhood and womanhood, with so much promise of usefulness, but such is life. She and her husband were members of the Baptist church.

Septimus Freeman married Miss Julia Pound in 1886. Children: Zilla May, born 1887; Loree, born 1890 and Adron, born 1893. Mr. Freeman died in 1911 and his widow lives in Atlanta, Ga.

Asca Adolphus Freeman married Miss Belle Wheeler. Children: Joe Wheeler, Sarah, Otelia and Belle.

Sarah Clifford Freeman married James B. Watkins in 1885 and has six children. They live in Jackson, Butts County, Ga.

[Continued on page 789]


Thanks to Henry Hearn for providing an image of this page.
Thanks to Carol Ealey for transcribing and indexing this page.

Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.