Hearne History - Page 757

[Continued from page 756]

West when a child. Children: Harriet Ann, born Jan. 8, 1862; Charles Albert Augustus, born Oct. 19, 1864; Marietta Louise, born Feb. 16, 1867; Isaac Wilber, born April 22, 1872, and Perry William Thomas, born Jan. 24, 1877. The father died 1879, and Charles Albert Augustus and Isaac Wilber, died in 1900. This family all were members of the United Brethren Church.

Harriet Ann Hearne, married Oct. 30, 1881, Samuel Brinckerhoof, who was born Feb. 2, 1858, and they live on part of the old farm. Children: Elsworth, born May 6, 1883; Clarence, born Sept. 11, 1887; Wilbur Welley, born Dec. 29, 1894, and Mary Agnes, born Jan. 9, 1902.

Elsworth, married Dec. 26, 1909, Miss Bertha Hazel Shauver, who was born July 29, 1881. They have one child, Bonia Agnes, born Oct. 26, 1910. Clarence Brinckerhoof, married Mar. 26, 1907, Miss Daisy Ethel Kretinger, and they have one child, Emma Louella, born Sept. 19, 1911.

Charles, A. A. Hearne, married Mar. 2, 1889, Miss Sarah Brum. Children: Arthur Perry LeRoy, born Aug. 10, 1890; Edith, born Aug. 2, 1896, and Roscoe C., born July 17, 1900. The father died 1902. Marietta Louise Hearne, married Dec. 23, 1893, George Miller. Children: Galen Henry, born Nov. 23, 1894; William Hobert, born July 5, 1896, and Milo Merle, born Mar. 8, 1906. Isaac Wilber Hearne, married Aug. 22, 1900, Miss Margaurette May Vanatta, and died two months after.

Perry William Thomas Hearne, married Aug. 8,1901, Miss Mary Delfena Huntworth. Children: Walter Leo, born Sept. 19, 1902,and Helen Irene, born Oct. 8, 1904. After marriage, Perry W. T. Hearne, went to Portland Indiana, where he held a civil service position in post office. In spring of 1906, he removed to Lehigh, Iowa, where he took a position with the Lehigh Clay Products Co., as Secretary and Treasurer. In 1910 he sold his interests in the company and removed to Webster City, Iowa, where he was instrumental in organizing the National Sewer Pipe Company, of which he was made Secretary and Manager.

Pages 55-56. In May 1911, I made a visit to Wm. Howell Hearne and others, Eatonton, Georgia, and went out eight miles to the grave and beautiful tomb of Lot Hearne. The inscription read: "Lot Hearne died Nov. 30, 1844, in the 54th year of his

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Thanks to Henry Hearn for providing an image of this page.

Thanks to Ida Olroyd for indexing this page.

Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.