Hearne History - Page 750

[Continued from page 749]

From Dr Charles Sheppard Hearne, Philadelphia, Pa.---The work you have bestowed on the book must have been enormous. The result obtained is certainly satisfactory. I, with every member of our family, owe you a debt of most sincere gratitude.

Mrs. Bama H. Adams, Dallas, Tex.---I prize the book very much. It will be something that my boys will appreciate in years to come. I am quite proud of being a member of the family.

Orren A. Hearne, Pilot Point, Tex.---For me to say that I am delighted with the History does not express my feelings. The more I turn its pages the more I am impressed with the herculean task it has been to you to bring it out so elaborately, and yet so condensed. It throws the relationship in close touch with each other and it will certainly be a great incentive to the younger members of the family to aspire to a higher and holier life. I feel that the author of the book is entitled to the everlasting gratitude of the Hearne name and blood, those living and those to come hereafter.

Marcellus H. Hendrickson, Marion, Ill.---Allow me to thank for the grand and good work you have performed in preparing this book. We are greatly pleased with it, and know it has been a task on your mind to get together so much valuable information.

F. P. Hearne, Alton, Illinois.---I am very, very much pleased with the "Hearne History", and it shall be taken care of as one of my most valuable possessions. It is useless for me to make any remarks on the labor, time and money spent in this good work. You will be repaid for all this only by future generations in years to come.

Mrs. Harriet Hearne Cannon, Laurel, Del.---I have read the "Hearne History" through and now wish to write and tell you something of my appreciation of it, but that is an impossible task. It has so far surpassed my expectations in point of numbers and the correctness of the genealogy of those whom I know of myself. It was an arduous task and but for your perserverance and untiring industry, we should never have known of our dear kindred. I feel I should be glad to shake hands with everyone by the name of Hearne contained in the book. I am puzzled to know how you ever gleaned up so much in regard to our ancestors.

Minos Henry Fooks, West Hoboken, N. J.---The history is a supreme success, and if I could not obtain another, it would take

[Continued on page 751]


Thanks to Catherine Bradford for transcribing this page.

Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.