Hearne History - Page 680

[Continued from page 679]

this too, is William, son of Thomas and Nancy (Wilson) Hearne. (W. T. H., author.)

Joel A. Hearne, of Ripley, Miss., now rather an old man, and well posted on the older families, says:

Our father and mother had a cousin, James Hearne, who moved from North Carolina, through Tenn., 1823-1828, and settled in Hamilton Co., Ohio; the last letter we had from him was dated Aug., 1841, and written frm Cheviot, Ohio, which is in Hamilton Co.

Derby Hearne (brother of William and Ebenezer) of 1681, who settled at Theodore Brewington's Mill at that time seems to have removed from there 1708, as there is a deed of record at Annapolis, Maryland, of a tract of land in Kent Co., Md., to Derby Hearne, date July 15, 1708, and Derby Hearne's will recorded at Annapolis, Md., bears date May 12, 1716, of Kent Co., Province of Maryland; he devises his land to his son John who was under twenty-one years of age, and states that John's sisters shall have their living upon the plantation so long as they remain single; he leaves his wife, Sarah Hearne, full and wholly executrix of his estate.

We have no knowledge of any other children except an older son, Edward, whose will is on record at Annapolis and also at Princess Anne, Md.; the will bears the date Feb. 26, 1745, and was probated July, 1747; hence the inference is that he died the summer of 1747. His will is as follows:

In the name of God, Amen. This 26 day of Feb., in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty-five, I, Edward Hearne, of Somerset County, Maryland, being weak and sick of body but of good, sound, and perfect memory, thanks be to God, and believing all men must die, and the time being uncertain when and where, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say,

First: I will and bequeath my soul and spirit into the hands of my Heavenly Father, the Almighty God, by whom I trust to be saved and received into Eternal rest, through the death of my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and my body to the Earth, to be buried as my wife and friends shall deem necessary, and as far as what worldly goods it has pleased the Almighty God to bestow upon me,

[Continued on page 681]


Thanks to Catherine Bradford for transcribing this page.

Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.