Hearne History - Page 350

[Continued from page 349]

signal success. With another party he bought thirteen acres of ground on Garrard street just south of the Newport bridge in Covington, bordering on Licking River. This land they laid off in lots and sold for three times as much as they paid for it. They sold one lot 150 feet front to a party who built a $30,000 house on it, and a few years afterwards, during a financial panic, sold the house and lot back to Jonathan D. Hearne for $18,000. In connection with two other parties he succeeded in obtaining a charter from the Legislature for a bridge across the Ohio river, and sold it immediately for $120,000. Jonathan D. Hearne's share being $40,000. He bought largely of stock in the City National Bank and was made president at a salary of $5,000 per year. He served in this capacity till 1882, when he was chosen president of the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, O., at a salary of $10,000 per annum, a position he held till a short time before his death, June 15, 1905. He was generous to the poor, and to some of his kindred, who had not been so fortunate financially as he, and made many contibutions to benevolent objects. He was a strong and healthy man all his life, till about a year before his death, when a serious kidney trouble developed, which proved fatal.

In 1863 and 1864 large numbers of negro men were brought to Cincinnati from West Virginia and sold by shylocks for $1,000 each to individuals for substitutes in the Northern or Union army, thus relieving such persons who put them in from service should they be drafted. These shylocks kept most of the money, giving the ignorant negroes but a small part. Jonathan D. Hearne bought one of these negroes and put him in as his substitute, and advised me to do the same thing, but I declined for more reasons than one. All the talk about the sin of the Southern people buying and selling negroes pales into insignificance when compared with the purchase and sale of these ignorant negroes and putting them in front to be shot at by an enraged Southern people whose country was being devastated and their homes pillaged and burned by an invading army. This by the way, Jonathan D. Hearne left an estate of eight or nine hundred thousand dollars. He made his daughter Sara executrix without bond. His will is too long for full insertion here, but I make copious extracts, covering the salient points, and the names of the beneficiaries, their relationship to him and the amounts given each one, as well as amounts given to benevolent

[Continued on page 351]


Thanks to Catherine Bradford for transcribing this page.

Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.