Jan. 10, 1868. He (F. P. H.,Sr.) married Sarah S. Cowgil, July
26, 1865. She was born Sept. 27, 1844, died June 22, 1876.
Children: Jennie Barkley, born Feb. 2, 1869; Alice Cannon, born Sept.
30, 1872. He married Eliza M. Snell (fourth wife), 1877. Children;
Grace Garland, born Oct. 6, 1878, died late in 1894 of quick
consumption; Susie Snell , born Dec. 8, 1880; Harold Hays, born
July 1, 1885; Cannon Clement
, born Dec. 9, 1891.
Dr. Hearne was born near Versailles, Woodford Co., Mar. 26, 1851. He is the son of Frank P. Hearne of Hannibal, Mo., and Catherine Hieatte Hearne. His mother died while he was an infant, and he lived with his grandfather, Allen Hieatte, on the farm. In the fall of 1862 he enlisted with General Jno. H. Morgan, as a courier boy, and was with him at the battle of Perryville, Ky. His career as a Confederate soldier was of short duration, as his grandfather, on account of his extreme youth, had him return home. In 1867 he entered the State University of Missouri at Columbia, where he was graduated, 1870. In 1874 he located in Hannibal, Mo., where he married Miss Fannie Elizabeth Brown, Oct. 22, the same year. His wife was born at Hannibal, Mo., Feb. 7, 1854, and died 1884. The children of this marriage, all born in Hannibal, were Eleanor Virginia, born Sep. 8, 1875; Allen Hieatte, born July 1, 1877, and died Nov. 1, 1878; Katharan, born (dates blacked out) and Fannie E., born June 27, 1884, and died Aug. 30, the same year.
The doctor located in San Diego, Cal., Dec., 1891, where he soon took his place at the head of the medical fraternity. Indeed it is not too much to say that he is well recognized as one of the leading, if not the leading, surgeon of Southern California. Soon after his arrival at San Diego he was appointed local surgeon to the Southern California railway, which position he still retains. He confines himself to his profession, which is very large, but, as he is recognized as one of the most prominent citizens, he is constantly being called upon to take an active part in all matters pertaining to the interest and advancement of the community in which he resides. He is a man of indomitable will and great energy, and easily attends to matters outside his profession that a man possessed of these qualities in a lesser degree would find too burdensome to undertake. The doctor is a member and lieutenant of Jno. H. Morgan Camp No. 1198, United Veterans of the Confederacy, located at
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Thanks to Catherine Bradford for transcribing this page.
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