named Harry. Robert Boyce, who married Bell Cannon, lives in Laurel, Del., and has two married daughters, Mattie Moore and Clara Collins, and one son named Edgar. Harland Boyce married Annie Chipman. He is a prosperous farmer and lives near Laurel, and has eleven living children. Mary Ann Boyce married Thomas Ward, and lives near Laurel and has no children. Julia Boyce married George Moore and has six children. Andrew J. O'Neal went West and settled in Oxford, Ohio, and died May 18, 1905. He married Lucinda Hanlon and had two children, William H. and Harriet Lavinia; both are married. William lives in Oxford and is a wagon maker. His father also was a wagon maker by trade. He was also a musician of rare ability and taught vocal classes rnost of his life and was a noble and good man. Benjamin O'Neal married Ann Eliza Morgan and was a railroad man in Wilmington, Del., most of his life. but has now retired and lives with his daughter, Cora McCaulley, in Philadelphia. His eldest son, Alba, was also a railroad man and was fatally injured in railroad yards. He left a wife and two daughters. Benjamin O'Neal's eldest daughter married a Mr. Hewitt and is now a widow, living in Wilmington with her son, Harry, who is an electrician. Mr. Jesse L. Long of Laurel died Feby. 15, 1902. His wife, Mary, died Apr. 5, 1897. The daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Horsey, died Sept. 17, 1897. Charles L. Horsey is located at Pioche, Lincoln County, Nevada, and is states attorney of that county. He married and has two sons, aged one and two years this May, 1906.
Mrs. Harriet H. Cannon died Dec. 11, 1901. William C. Hearne lived at Woodland. Sussex Co., Del., and died Dec. 7, 1901. Thomas Bacon, born , was a farmer near Laurel, Del., and died Oct. 22. 1903. His son, Frank, moved to near Boise City, Idaho, 1879, where he now lives and owns a large sheep ranch. Samuel Bacon, born May 8, 1832, died at his home in Laurel, Del., June 22, 1906. Levin Bacon died in Eureka, Utah. June 10, 1896. Henry Bacon died Oct., 1904. John Giles lived many years in Blue Springs, Mo., and died June, 1896, in Altamont, Kas. Cora Morgan married Robert McCaulley, Jr., 1881, and lives in Philadelphia, In the summer of 1896, there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Hickey a son named Harry Marshall,
Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.