Hearne History - Page 149

[Continued from page 147]

College, was chosen one of the prize declaimers in his Freshman year, and finished his Sophomore year June, 1906, and won second prize in declaimers’ contest, there being eight contestants -- four from the Freshman and four from the Sophomore class.

Ethel Claire, born Mar. 6, 1890. She graduated in the Marietta High School June, 1906.

Melville Halstead, born Sept. 24, 1892, entered Marietta Academy Sept., 1905.

Rowena Catherine, born Apr. 15, 1897, is a bright and attractive child.

The four oldest are professing Christians and members of the First Baptist church. I think one will hardly find a family of five children who will show better results educationally at respective ages than do these.

JOHN WILLIAM ROOD, born Oct. 4, 1848, was educated in the Marietta schools, taught for some years, and gave his spare time to the study of medicine. April 10, 1884, he married Miss Nelly Heines and went to Mt. Gory, Ohio, and lived there till 1886, when they renioved to Sedalia, Mo. He went into a wholesale grocery house till 1889, when. on account of his wife’s health, they went to Colorado, where she died, Nov., 1891. He then went to Chicago, entering a wholesale drug house. Feby., 1897, he went to a farm in Illinois, and in 1901 went to Marietta, Ohio, and is residing there. He has no children. Mary Lucinda Rood. born Aug. 30, 1850, died Sept. 5, 1879. She was converted when quite young, and united with the Baptist church, and lived a beautiful Christian life.

LYDIA COMER ROOD born at Marietta. 0., Mar. 22, 1854. In the schools of Marietta she received her early education and began teaching very young. First in the district schools of her county, until spring of 1877. when she was appointed to one of the Marietta public schools, which position she filled for eleven successive years. During this time, in connection with her school work, she was a member of the “Ohio Teachers’ Reading Circle,” studying Pedagogy. Psychology, History, Literature and science. This position she resigned Oct., 1888, when, with her mother, she went to Chicago. Ill., by so doing making a home for the son and brother (Dudley) who went to that city the fall before, and was in business there. From that time until

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