When the factories superseded the hand work in manufacturing that line of goods, his services were in demand for the finest inside wood-work on buildings. A man of unusual grace and ease of manner, of unswerving integrity, kind and exemplary, respected by all who knew him, In the home always kind and gentle, as in the management of his children, yet firm. He chose far his life’s companion a decided Christian woman, whose influence seemed to be a means of attracting him to her Savior. He was converted about four years after his marriage and united with the Marietta Baptist church, of which she was a member. Children:
David Robert, John William, Mary Lucinda, Lydia Corner, Martin Newton, Hattie Jane, and Dudley Halstead. Hattie Jane died when entering her 19th year. All were converted and united with the Baptist church before the age of twenty. and all were teachers except Dudley Halstead. Both parents being musical, these children inherited the gift, and seldom a Sunday afternoon passed without the entire family spending a part of it in singing together, until one. and then another was ailed to the home above, and others passed from the parent home to make homes of their own.
DAVID ROBERT ROOD, born Feb. 23, 1847. Jan. 14, 1864, enlisted in Company L, First Ohio Cavalry, under Colonel Thomas Pattin. His service was principally at headquarters of Major-General George H. Thomas. He was honorably discharged Sept. 26th, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn. He devoted thirteen years to teaching school, giving his leisure hours to the study of law. was admitted to the bar, 1877, at Athens, O. He at once began the practice of his profession which be continued uninterrupted until 1893, when he was elected Probate Judge of Washington Co. September 3, 1884, married Priscilla Duff Hadley, daughter of William Hadley, Roxburgh Shire, Scotland. Priscilla Duff Hadley was born Apr. 27, 1858. Children: Edna May, Elmer Hadley, Ethel Claire, Melville Haistead and Rowena Catherine.
Edna May, born July 11, 1885, graduated from the High School June, 1904. Since her graduation she is giving her time to music, church work and to domestic duties in the home.
Elmer Hadley, born Jan. 18, 1888, graduated from Marietta Academy, June, 1904. The following Sept. he entered Marietta
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