He wrote me again Apr. 10, 1895, and says:
I have been so engaged that it has been impossible for me to see my relatives and get you tbe genealogical data desired. One of my cousins told me that his fatber, Stephen Hearne, said that his father used the e at the end of his name. I will give you as best I know as follows:
James Hearne was born at Salisbury, Virginia, or North Carolina (I think it was Maryland or North Carolina.W. T. H.), about 1745, and removed to Ohio, near Cincinnati, about 1795; he had a family of a second wife, four or five sans: James, Jesse, Stephen, Beverly and Isaac; also two daughters, one of whom married Col. Ned Stoughton, and the other married Mr. Fred Miller: all of the above lived in Hamilton Co., Ohio, except Beverly, who settled in Bartholomew Co., Indiana; they raised large families, some of them changing the name to Herron. James Hearne raised a large family of sons and daughters; all his four boys were brave defenders of our county in the Civil War.
Jesse Hearne, mv grandfather, was born 1783 and died 1854, leaving four sons: Edward (my father), Purnell, James, and Jesse C., and three daughters: Elizabeth, Mary Ann, and Annabel. The family seemed to love the Hamilton County hills, for the children of Jesse all remained in this county. uniting mostly with the United Brethren and the Methodist Episcopal Churches.
My father, Edward Hearne, died Dec. 29, 1894, nearly eighty-one years of age: none of his uncles had lived to so great an age. He left five Sons: Isaac, Horace, Charles, Jesse E., and Daniel W.; and two daughters: Harriet, now Mrs. T. J. Markland of Rockport, Indiana, and Melissa, now Mrs. Wm. Argo, Cleves, Ohio.
Stephen Hearne was a man of some ability in the United Brethren Church; lie died about 1885, leaving four sans and one daughter. Two of the sons, John and Albert, are teachers in Hamilton County. Silas moved to Greensburg, Indiana, and raised a large family. Lorenzo lives in Las Angeles, California.
The sons of Isaac Hearne (brother to Jesse and Stephen) died many years ago, leaving two Sons, Cornelius and Stephen. I think Cornelius still lives in Cincinnati. Stephen moved to Oregon.
A list of the names of the descendants of James Hearne would be a very long one, and would fill many branches and leaves of a “tree,” but I believe there has been no historian among them.
Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.