Page 277-Twelfth line, Greenboro,should be Greensboro; also Tenth line from bottom, homesteam should be homestead.
Page 279-Twenty-first line, th should be the.
Page 292-Thirteenth line from bottom, after Eveline put born Sept. 29, 1819.
Page 312-Fourth line, Minisiter should be Minister; also Twenty-sixth line, none should be very few.
Page 332-Eighth line, Mamie should be Nannie.
Page 338-Twentieth line, greately should be greatly.
Page 346-Fourteenth line, Sussie should be Susie; also Twenty-third line, Meyers should be Myers.
Page 354-Eleventh line at end, o should be of; also Sixth line from bottom, orphage should be orphanage.
Page 355-Second line, Lxington should be Lexington; also Fifth line, 1849 should be 1848; also Eighteenth line, Meyers should be Myers.
Page 360-Third line, enterting should be entering.
Page 369-Seventeenth line, Newton should be Newtown.
Page 375-Eleventh line, Grores should be Graves.
Page 379-Ninth line, Batteman should be Bateman.
Page 381-Second line, -ueathed should be -queathed.
Page 403-Miss should Mrs..
Page 456-Sixth line, Fourth should be Fifth; Eleventh line, Fifth should be Sixth; Thirteenth line from bottom, Sixth should be Eighth; also Sixth line from bottom 1807 should be 1814.
Page 457-Seventeenth line, after Priscilla should read 4th child of Thomas and Sally Hearne, William born 1808, married Mrs. Harriet Dawson, nee Wooten, and their first child, Isaac N. born Sept. 15, 1833.
Page 463-Second line, Amanada should be Amanda.
Page 465-Sixth line from bottom, Lewis should be Lewes.
Page 469-Fourteenth line, borne should be born; also Seventh line from bottom Newmann should be Newman.
Page 470-Tuskaloosa should be Tuscaloosa.
Page 482-Second line, he should be the.
Page 516-Eleventh line, here should be there.
Page 520-each Hearn should be Hearne.
Page 521-Twelfth line from bottom, its should be his partys.
Page 531-Eleventh line from bottom, Suton should be Sutton.
Page 532-Fifth line, all after 1869 should be erased; also Thirteenth line, their deaths should be death.
Page 533-Hearn should be Hearne.
Page 538-Fifth line, Heerne should be Hearne.
Page 542-Sixth line, ad should be and; also Ninth line, Nannie, Missouri, commashould be out making one name.
Page 545-Second line from bottom, Gato should be Cato.
Page 571-Fourth line, 1887 should be 1877.
Page 583-Second and third lines from bottom, Sue and Peg., see pages 103-104.
Thanks to Catherine Bradford for transcribing this page.
Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.