Hearne History - Page 761

[Continued from page 760]

Executor of the will to pay them fifteen hundred dollars, for the estate; it to revert to her heirs, instead of to the Board of the purposes named in the will. The Executors were his brother, Lot Hearne, and his wife, Sally Hearne.

Lot Hearne's will probated Jan. 13, 1845, names wife Frances, niece Emily Randle, sisters Elizabeth, and Mary Hamilton; brothers, Samuel, Asa and William.

The will of Asa Hearne, was probated Sept. 8, 1831, names wife Elizabeth and children, Alexander McKinney, Elisha Madison, Micheal Farlow, Emily Franklin, and Elmira Oliver.

Lot Hearne, in his will left twelve thousand dollars for the founding of the Hearne Manual Labor School, at Cave Springs, Ga.

Jonathan Hearne's will was probated Sept. 23, 1827, names wife Betsy, daughter, Sarah Elinder, sons, Zabad, Jacob and William.

Asa Hearne married Elizabeth McKinney, in Jackson County, Ga., between 1805 and 1811.

Elisha Hearne, was a purchaser at the sale of the personal effects of Jacob Parker, in Hancock County, Feb. 21, 1795, and returned a poll and one slave in that county, 1803.

John Hearne, Sr., returned two slaves and land on Kettle Creek, Wilkes County, 1800.

Jonathan Hearne, was an Inferior Court Juror, Hancock county, 1797; Justice of the Peace in Jackson County, between 1802 and 1812.

Lot Hearne, married Frances McLendon, Putnam County, between 1808 and 1816.

The will of Phebe Hearne is on file in Putnam County, after 1823.

Polly Hearne and Richard Murphy were married in Putnam County, between 1808 and 1816.

Posey Hearne and John Hamilton were married in Jackson County, between 1805 and 1811. This is evidently the sister Mary Hamilton, to whom Lot Hearne alludes in his will.

William Poor and Sally Hearne, were married in Randolph, now Jasper County.

John Henderson and Sally Hearne were married in Putnam County, between 1808 and 1816.

[Continued on page 762]


Thanks to Henry Hearn for providing an image of this page.

Thanks to Ida Olroyd for indexing this page.

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