Hearne History - Page 744

[Continued from page 743]


Page 51, Bleuheim should be Blenheim.
Page 23, bottom line, Jurague should be Juraquee.

Page 63, Hunt should be Hurt

Page 103, fourth line from bottom, untilhe is, should be she is.

Page 107, fourth line, Silas Hearne should be Silas F. Hearne.
Page 212, Pittsburg. should be Pittsville.
Page 306, should be in this mannner, after *N. B. at Mudlick:
Abner Shropshire......:	1--1/2:		Samuel Hannah........:	1 
Benj. Shropshire......:	1/2   :		Wm. M. Hatton........:	2 
Hugh Kinkade..........:	1     :		Jonathan Shingleton..:	1 
John Kincade..........:	1     :		Clemt Hearne.........:	2 
Gabriel George........:	1     :		Griffin Robinson.....:	1 
Wm. A. Hardwick.......:	1--1/2:		Dan'l Hufford for the
					first quarter........:	2 
Wm. Edmonson..........:	1--1/2:		John Hamilton for the
					first quarter........:	1 
John Boswell..........:	1     :		Joseph Shropshire....:	1--1/2 
Michael Hayns.........:	1     :		Febr. 26th 1814......: 	 
Lewis H. Smith........:	1     :		Solomon Coon.........:	1/2 
Joseph Scroggin.......:	1     :		Richard Keeth........:	1--1/2 
John Curry............:	1     :		Chas, Ford...........:	1--1/2 
Page 495, thirteenth line, Mathew should be Matthew, and just above should be this paragraph:
          Rev, Jacob Hearne had two brothers, Thomas and Matthew; they were all sons of
George and Tabitha (Skein) Hearne (as shown on the family tree), grandsons of Thomas
and Nancy (Wilson) Hearne, great grandsons of Thomas and Sally (Wingate) Hearne,
and great-great-grandsons of the merchant William, who died in Maryland October, 1691.

[Continued on page 746]


Thanks to Catherine Bradford for transcribing this page.

Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.