lives at Oklahoma City, Okla. Edgar D., second child of E. W. and Gussie S. Thomas, born Nov. 12, 1876, is a traveling salesman for Tenisson Bros., Dallas Texas. Josephine Hearne, third child, born Dec. 2, 1881, and Esther Winford, born June 22, 1887, live with their parents, 77 Ewing Ave., Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas.
Thomas, son of Mons Hearne, born Apr. 20, 1854, died 1883. Mary Jane, fourth child, born Jan. 28, 1857, married Jerry Faucher and has two chidren, Cullus and Willis; live in Bell Co., Texas. Sereptha Hearne died Sept. 11, 1897, and buried a Campbell, Texas. The above familes are all Methodist except the Hendricks family, who are Presbyterians.
David Thomas, son of Asa and Easter Hearne, born Apr. 8, 1831, went to Cass Co., Texas, enlisted in Confederate Army 1861; elected 1st Lieutenant; promoted to Captain; served through the war. Jan. 10, 1866. Married Miss Elmina Abernathy, and settled on a farm near Avinger, Cass Co. He was elected to the Legislature twice and served both terms creditably. He owns one thousand acres of land and grows fruit, and has stock of all kinds. Apr. 13, 1904 his wife died, leaving two children, Sarah Frances and John Thomas. Sarah Frances married J. G. Archer May 4, 1896. In 1904 Mr. Archer was licensed to preach the Gospel, by the Methodist Church and is now an evangelist, and Mrs. Archer is a teacher in public and private schools. No children. John Thomas married Miss Nolie Wilson, Dec. 18, 1892. Children: Elsie, born Jan. 20, 1894; Vivian, born Oct. 11, 1896; Florence, born Sept. 21, 1899; Frances, born Sept. 9, 1903. all live in Avinger. Mrs. Archer writes me Jan. 1, 1907 and says: "My grandfather Asa Hearne was living at Vicksburg, Miss., at the outbreak of the Civil War, and in 1861, wrote his son, David Thomas, stating he had four children by his last wife; was eighty years old, had not a decayed tooth nor a gray hair; this is the last known of him. It is supposed he was killed during the war and that his wife took the children and went to some of her people. It is known that he possessed considerable property, but whether it was destroyed by the ravages of the terrible Civil War, or went to the second wife and children is not known." Franklin Hearne, son of Asa and Easter, went to Texas 1855; enlisted in a Louisiana Co., Southern Army, and was killed at battle
Thanks to Candy Hearn for transcribing this page.
Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.