he treats. "The first man by the name of Hearne in this section of the country was Thomas Hearne, who emigrated from Maryland about 1738, then eighteen years old; he died in this county I799 or 1800. (He is the same as shown on the family tree and mentioned in the History. -- W. T. H.) He married Nancy Wilson, and to them the following children were born: Stephen, Ebenezer, George, William (and Elizabeth, who died young).
"Stephen married, the first time, Mary Hurley, and their children were: Joshua, William, and Sally. Stephen Hearne married, the second time, Prudence Coggin, and their children were: Selvy, born 1792, and died 1863; Thomas, who moved to Tenn.; Priscilla, who married George Coggin; and Isham, who also moved to Tenn.
"Ebenezer Hearne married Dovey Walker, and their children were: Polly, married Green Harris about 1800; Stephen, married Leatha Harris, and removed west; Cyrus, died at about twenty-two years of age; George, married Milly Hearne, moved to Tenn.; Joel married Nancy Harris; Norah, married William Ingram; Nancy, married Clayton Steed; Elizabeth, married Roland Harris, and Dizy, died young.
"William Hearne first married Sallie Hancock, 1763. Children: Lucy, Thomas, Milly, and Priscilla; all moved to Tenn. William's second wife was Mrs. Priscilla Harris, and they had one child, Noah, who moved to Tenn. William's third wife was Mrs. Betsy Riley. Children: Sally, born Nov. 14, 1819, married Isham Coggin; Nancy born Sept. 1821; and David, born May 4, 1822.
"William Hearne, son of Stephen, born 1770; married Rutha Skein, 1788; children; Polly, born 1779; Patsy, born 1790; Matthew, born 1792; Stephen, Sally, Joshua; Jane, Tabitha, Dovey, Edmond, Eben and Rutha. Polly married Godfrey Luther, and moved to Texas. Patsy married James Caidwell. Stephen married Priscilla Morgan. Sally married Rev. Philip Snyder, a Primitive Baptist. Joshua went to Georgia, where he married and raised six children, and is still living at Crawfish Spring, Walker Co., Ga. Jane and Tabitha both died at about sixty-five or seventy years of age, unmarried. Dovey married a Lanier. Edmond married Polly Hurley. Rutha married Newton Russell, Oct. 16, 1843, and is still living near Eldorado, the mother of twelve children. She and her husband are members of the Primitive Baptist Church.
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