son, Funston Lucado, born Mar. 24, 1899. John Bruce Hearn has been in various kinds of business during life, prospering in all of them. In 1900 he bought a good farm near Princeton, Mercer Co., W. Va., where he now resides.
Sarah Katherine, daughter of Levi Griffin and Aura White Hearn, born July 15, 1858,. married Wm. E. Martin Mar. 29, 1883. One son, Walter M., born Feb. 3, 1886, Mr. Martin died Sept. 19, 1886, and his widow married John R. Phipps Nov. 1, 1891. Children: Ora A., born Aug. 17, 1892; Mary, born Mar. 17, 1894; Everett G. B., born Feb. 3, 1896.
Martha Ann, daughter of Levi Griffin and Aura White Hearn, born Nov. 27, 1854, married Hiram Little Feb. 8, 1877. He is engaged in the grocery business near Mayberry, W. Va., and is a local Methodist preacher of no mean ability. Children: Thomas Levi, born Nov. 20, 1878; John Ralph, born Sept 24, 1880; Robert Sheffey, born May 6, 1883; Aura M. Ellen, born May 7, 1885; Margaret Jane, born Apr. 13, 1887; Belle Estelline, born July 30, 1889; Breckenridge Bruce, born Aug. 24, 1892. Esther Susan, daughter of Levi Griffin, and Aura White Hearn, born Mar, 8, 1859, married T. A. Martin Oct., 1883, and died Dec. 22, 1899. Children: Edgar Bee, born June 25, 1885; Effie M., born Feb. 14, 1887. Ada Gray, born Oct. 28, 1888. Lessie Bee, born June 20, 1892. Eva V., born Oct. 19, 1894. Iva Myrtle, born Mar, 22, 1897. Elbert Lee, born Nov. 26, 1899.
Henry Johnson, son of Levi Griffin and Aura White Hear, born Aug. 15, 1861. Married Nannie B. Gore Feby. 7, 1884. He is a Democrat, and both he and wife are Methodists, For several years of his life he was a successful merchant, but is now owner of a good farm, and is successful. Children: Henry Maud Jackson, born Oct. 4, 1898. Jennie Ruth, born June 25, 1901. Meredith Bee, born Dec. 17, 1903. Robert Ambrose, born Feby. 21, 1905.
For the data of John Hearn, son of Thomas and Nancy (Wilson) Hearne, 1720-1800, I am indebted to Levi Lawson Hearn, of Oakvale, West Virginia.
DREWRY HEARNE, son of Thomas and Nancy (Wilson) Hearne was born 1760; enlisted in the Colonial Army, 1776, and served to the end of the war, participating in the capture and surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. His eldest grandson served eleven months in the Confederate Army at the same place during the
Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.