Rev. Stephen Hearn (1748-1841 or 1844, was an eminently useful and successful minister in the M. E. Church. He lived many years after the death of his wife, with his daughter, Mrs. Priscilla Coggin. The day he died he said to his son: "George, don't go far off today." Said George: "Why, father, are you sick?" "No," said he, "but I think I will die today." He read the Bible as usual, and lay down and fell asleep, from which he awoke in eternity, for he died that day.
His son, Thomas Hearn, born Mar. 25, 1786, united with the Methodist Church at nineteen years of age, and was soon licensed to preach, when he joined the North Carolina Annual Conference, of which body he remained a member until his health failed. He then studied medicine, and became eminent in that profession. but remained a local preacher as long as he lived. 1826 he removed to and settled in Elbert Co., Ga., where he remained until his death. He practiced medicine till 1846, when he withdrew from active professional life, and gave his attention to the management of his large plantation and preaching the gospel. He was a man of superior intellect, devoted piety and excellent social qualities, and was a minister of the gospel fiftytwo years, and died Jan. 25, 1857. He went that morning to church and preached as usual, retired at night feeling a little unwell, and was found dead in bed.
Isham Hearne, son of Stephen and Prudence (Steed) Hearne. born in Montgomery Co., North Carolina, Aug. 21, 1789, died Oct. 3, 1875. Married Amy Gilliam Harris, in early life. She was born Feb. 19, 1793. Children:
Sophrona R., born June 13, 1812; Susan B., born Jan. 10, 1814: Elizabeth T., born Nov. 16, 1815; Priscilla J., born Feb. 18, 1818; Mary H., born Dec. 1, 1819; Whitman T., born Feb. 23, 1821; Nancy W., born Dec. 23, 1824. All born in N. Carolina.
William N., born July 16, 1826, in Tenn. Isham Gilliam, born Jan. 3, 1829, killed at Shiloh 1862: Jane A. E., born Mar. 23. 1831; Martha G. and Margaret D., twins, born May 1, 1836.
Memphis (Tenn.), Western Methodist, Nov. 20, 1875: DEATH OF AN AGED PILGRIM.
The Rev. Isham Hearne embraced religion September 17. 1809,
and joined the Methodist church. Soon after he was appointed
class-leader, in which capacity he served faithfully and usefully
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