Hearne History - Page 508

[Continued from page 507]

enough to stand the trip, she returned to Duquoin with her mother, who had been called. The climate was good for me, and when fall dame I was stronger than ever before.

My only recourse now was to return to Ill., which I did Dec. 1883. The next Apr. I bought a stock of groceries and started with fair chances for success; but, with my lack of business experience and the general business depression which followed, together with the fact that all the "dead beats" in the town defrauded me, I was financially stranded in 1885. Much discouraged. but in good physical condition, I arranged to learn paper hanging. On Monday morning my instructor began papering and painting a large society hail. Tuesday noon lie accepted a position as typesetter in a printing office; leaving me to finish the job, which I did right, but it took a long time. Since that time, by close application to business and a strict regard for first-class work, I have attained success in paper-hanging and can do anything in that line. One season was spent in St. Louis, the other years at Duquoin, until June, 1892, when I came to Ottumwa. Iowa, solely because my aid borne was too small a town to furnish me work the year round.

We have three daughters: Nell Fountain, aged fourteen: Hazel Bird, aged eight: and Edith Irby, aged five rears. 1894. Little of my spare time has been spent in sports; but usually in some manner calculated tG benefit rather than degrade me. For several years I was local correspondent for the Chicago Tribune, Times. Herald, and News-Record, which I found profitable financially and otherwise. I have never been intoxicated, bet a cent on any gambling device, nor played billiards or pool in a public hall. I have never joined a church, but have attended the Methodist Episcopal G'hurch since childhood. During 1894 I attended Sunday school fifty-one Sundays. I am thoroughly an American, I was representative to the National Council of Jr. O. U. A. M. for five years, am a member of the Grand Lodge of K. of H. of Ill. and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Knights of the Maccabees in Iowa, I have voted the Republican ticket at every opportunity since I have been old enough I love the converse of old people, the prattle of children, and the mother's lullaby; but heartily despise the man or woman who is so cross that the voice comes out edgewise. I enjoy a

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