Hearne History - Page 411

[Continued from page 410]
Would you beckon her spirit, so spotless and bright,
To once more inhabit this planet of night?
Is it death? No, ‘tis life she has entered upon;
‘Tis only the frail human tenement has gone;
‘Tis but the succession of sorrow and pain,
A break in the links of life’s wonderful chain.
Tis only a step o’er the river of Time,
To the sea of Eternity, surging sublime;
‘Tis only a veil o 'er our sin-darkened eyes,
That keeps out the splendor of heavenly skies.
So say, It is well." She has gone to her rest,
To that mansion prepared for the pure and the blest;
She has bowed her young head, passed under the rod,
And entered the beautiful City of God.


The two extracts next following are taken from the Independence (Mo.) Baptist Church paper, Our Church, Nov., 1893;


This dear Christian girl passed away in Sept. She was not a member of our church here, but she was so deeply interested in the welfare of our church and was so thoroughly identified with the Sunday-school and young people’s work that we felt that she was virtually one of us. She was never strong, and her death was preceded by long sickness and great suffering, all of which was borne uncomplainingly and heroically. She was genuinely Christian in her character and uncompromisingly Baptistic in her belief. Without sentiment and without falsehood, I can say that her Christian character was beautiful. She was observant. thoughtful, conscientious, consistent, earnest. and active. Her head was not turned nor her life touched by worldly pleasures. Oh, that her example, in living above sinful pleasures, might be emulated by all Christian young people! When she went, it was a prepared life going to a prepared home.

May all of her young Christian friends and companions learn two lessons as they treasure her memory:

First. That young people are not exempt from death.

Second. How blessed it is to live a sweet Christian life and die a triumphant Christian death. R. K. M.

[Continued on page 412]


Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.