One mare .................................................... 15: 0: 0 One bed and furniture No. ................................ 15: 0: 0 L s d Cashpaid .......................................... 15:13: 0 and 173 pounds of bacon, total ............................. 22: 2: 9 One cow and calf and three head of sheep..................... 3:12: 6 One pair of saddle bags and 1/2 bushel potatoes ............. 0:12: 6 Letherber Barker’s note ..................................... 1:17: 6
Received of Priscilla Hearne and Lowder Hearne the full of all accounts Received by me.
Priscilla Hearne died Apr. 10 1796; official copy of her will:
In the name of God Amen. I Priscilla Hearne of Sussex County, in the State of Delaware being at this time in a very low estate of health of body. but of a sound and disposing mind and memory and understanding and knowing that it is appointed for all flesh to die and after death to come to judgment, I do therefore make and ordain this mv last will and testament, and first & principally of all, I do give and recommend my soul into the care & protection of the Almighty God who first gave it to me and my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in such decent Christian manner as my Exrs. hereinafter mentioned shall think convenient or necessary & after my funeral charges and all my lawful debts is paid the residue of my estate wherewith it bath pleased God to bless me with, I do give, dismiss and dispose of in the following manner.
Item. --I give and bequeath to my son Louther Hearne my walnut table and the two cloths that belong to it & my silver and sault seller and black mare & one bed and furniture: and mv will is that he shall have one third part of my sheep and cattle.
Item. --I give and bequeath unto my son Ebenezer Hearne one negro man named Jacob and one negro woman named Juda. two beds and furniture and my two sows and pigs and my plantation cart and timber cart and my yoke of oxen and mv white horse and -large looking glass, to his heirs and assigns forever and my biggest pot and my next biggest Do. & dutch kittle.
Item.--I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Hearne one bed and furniture and one third part of my sheep and cattle and three of my Slatt-back’d flagg bottom’d chairs and one third part of my putre and earthenware,
Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.