home paid for, and ever after had a successful life financially and were a happy family. The children by this union were: Orren A., born July 22, 1836; Simpson Columbus, born Mar. 10, 1839; Letitia Frances, born June 20. 1842, and Jesse Cyrus, born --.
ORREN A. was early taught to work, and he has ever since led an active and laborious life, sometimes on the farm and at other times in the mercantile business. His boyhood days were spent, like those of a great many others in the country, working on the farm in the spring, summer and early fall, and attending the country school the remainder of the year. His mother died when he was about twelve years of age. when he worked away from home, mostly among his kindred, till lie reached manhood, when for two years he taught school in the country and saved a few hundred dollars and thought then to attend a law school at Lebanon, Tenn., as his first desire was to be a lawyer, and next a merchant: but when he found that his purse was too slim for the college, he looked out for a place in some store. Fortunately, he at once obtained a position in the only dry goods store at New Boston, Tenn., where he worked on a salary for two years and then took the Texas emigrant fever. but his father did not favor his going. and to induce him to abandon the idea offered to give him $1,000 and. with a neighbor, to put in $1,000 more each; they started a store at Pinson Station, Tenn., and they built tbe first house there on the M. & O. railroad; this was March, 1859. The business was a success.
In 1860 he married his first wife, Miss Frances E. Hunter. and the next year, 1861, when the war commenced. the store was closed out, and he and his father removed to Arkansas and settled on White river, on Surrounded Hill, where he bought an interest in the landing and one hundred acres of land in the woods. In the meantime, his wife’s health failed before leaving Tenn., but she soon regained it after coming here, and their borne was a happy one, but alas! in three months the wife was stricken down wit fever and died a happy Christian death. He buried her in Elmwood Cemetery at Memphis, and was taken down with fever himself ,but after a time recovered and enlisted in the Confederate army as a private, and as such fought through the war, and the last year was taken prisoner and sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, where he remained till the close of the war, at which time he wrote
Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.