Hearne History - Page 92

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schools in the country, then the city schools in Keosauqua, always ranking first in his classes, graduating in 1890, when he entered the Iowa Wesleyan University, at Mount Pleasant; here also he ranked first, graduating in 1894. He then entered the work of the Yoang Men’s Christian Association, and was made general secretary in Oskaloosa, Iowa.

April, 1898, he went to the Spanish war with the 51st Iowa Volunteer Infantry, as did his brother, Charles A. Charles was a private and Edward W. a second lieutenant when mustered in, and when mustered out Charles A. was a corporal and Edward W, a first lieutenant. They were in sixteen engagements and served nineteen months. Jan. 1, 1900, Edward W. began as army and navy secretary for the Philippine Islands of the International Committee of the Young Men’s Christian Association, with general headquarters in New York, and personal headquarters in Manila, and remained in this work more than two years. It was a unique experience, and took him entirely around the world, sailing from New York, through Suez Canal, and returning via China, Japan and the Pacific Ocean. In the summer of 1900 was the Boxer uprising in China, and he spent several weeks with the allied armies in North China. Miss Helen Gould was the main supporter of this army and navy work, and he had numerous letters from her, and was her guest on various occasions in New York. After traveling from end to end of the Philippine archipelago he had a long spell of Dengue fever, and was then ordered back to America. Feb. 19, 1902, he married Miss Mary Luella Myers Photo of Mary (Myers) Hearne on page 94 in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, a daughter of Rev. T. J. Myers, D.D., a prominent M. E. minister and educator. Mar. 1, 1902, he took up work as state secretary of New Jersey for the Y. M. C. A., and located at Montclair, that state, a suburban town of New York and Newark. He continued here till May 1, 1906, when he was called to Washington City, D. C., to become general secretary in that city and he entered at once on the work. He has a son, Thomas Myers Hearne Photo of Thomas Myers Hearne on page 94 , born May 16, 1904.

Charles Alfred Hearne Photo of Charles Alfred Hearne on page 94 was educated same as his brother, Edward, graduating at Iowa Wesleyan University, and took his course in medicine in the University of Denver, Colorado, then spent a year in the County and City Hospital in clerical work, and then went to practice in Panna, Idaho. He took the examination in civil service, and was ordered to Panama as surgeon in the hospital corps, and at

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