Land Affairs within this Province, did set forth that he has due unto
him One hundred Acres of Land by Virtue of an Assignment of that quantity
from Major George Gale, of said County, part of a Warrant for Five
hundred and Eighty-six Acres Granted him the said Gale the fourteenth
day of May Last; and foreasmuch as the Petitioner has discovered
a quantity of One hundred Acres of Vacant Land lying and being in the County
aforesaid, near the head of Wiccocomoco, Whereon a Certain Hugh
Caldwell lately Lived, partly Cultivated, by means whereof the Petitioner
Conceived the same Could not be taken tip by a Common Warrant, he therefore
Prayed a Special Warrant to Effect and secure the same, and tat upon Return
of a Certificate of such Survey, he Complying with all Other Requisites
Usual in such Cases, might have Our Grant Issue unto him thereon, which
was Granted him, and Accordingly a Warrant, on the fourth day of
July, Seventeen hundred and forty, unto him, for that Purpose, did
Issue. IN PURSUANCE whereof it is Certified into Our Land-Office that there
was Surveyed and laid out for him the said Thomas Hearne the quantity
of One Hundred Acres of Land, rights for which were made Good at the time
of Granting said Warrant, and he has since paid and satisfied unto Edward
Lloyd, Esquire, Our Present Agent and Receiver-General, for Our use,
the sum of Seven Pounds Sterling, for some Improvements, Mention to be
made on said Land; According to Charles Lord Baron of Baltimore,
our Great Grand Father of Noble Memory, his Instructions to Chas. Carroll,
Esquire, his then Agent, bearing date at London, the Twelfth day
of September. Seventeen hundred and Twelve, and Registered in our
Secretary’s Office of our said Province; Together with a Paragraph
of our Dear Father’s Instructions, bearing date at London, the Fifteenth
Day of December, Seventeen hundred and Thirty-eight, and Registered
in Our Land-Office. WE DO Therefore Hereby Grant unto him the said Thomas
Hearne all that Tract or Parcel of Land Called Hearne’s Venture,
Situate, Lying, and being in Somerset County, back in the Woods
from the Wiccocomoco River anci near the Head of a Branch of the
aforesaid River Commonly Called Chaldwell's Branch, bounded as followeth:
Beginning at a Marked Red Oak standing in a Glade about half a Mile
to the Eastward of the aforesaid Branch and About an hundred Yards to the
Northward of a Brickkill, thence with a line drawn South seventy-two degrees
and a half West Forty perches, thence
Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.