The day after the battle, King William caused a list or roll to be prepared of those who had passed the seas with him from Normandy to England. This roll was suspended, the tradition has it, in the abbey, and was known as the 'Roll of the Battell Abbey.' and contained the "Sirnames of the Chiefe Noblemen and Gentlemen which came into England with William the Conqueror.
A venerable antiquarian thus reports this event.
"The daie after the battell verie earlie in the morning, Odo. Bishop of Baioux, soonge masse for those that were departed The Duke, after that, desirous to know the estate of his battell, and w hat people he had therein lost and were slaine, he caused to come unto him a clerke that had written their names when they were embarked at St Valeries, and commanded him to call them by their names, who called them all that had been at the battell, and had passed the seas with Duke William.'
The antiquarian says again -
''Many who came over out of Normandy were nobles in their native country, whereby we understand them Lords and owners of such manours, towns, and castles from w hence they took their denomination, or sirnames. THE BARONS HERON
Sir Bernard Burke's "Extinct Baronages and Peerages of England" says
"Jordan Hairun possessed a barony in Northumberland as his ancestors had done from the time of King Henry I, A D 1100 His grandson, William Heron, in the 32nd year of Henry III ., A. D. 1248, was made Governor of Bamborough Castle, County North umberland, and later Governor of Castle Pickering. in Yorkshire, and still later Governor of Scarborough Castle, He married Mary, daughter of Odonel de Ford. died in 1256, and was succeeded by his son William Heron. This feudal lord was one of the barons on the part of the king at the battle of Lewes, and was summoned by Edward I., A. D. 1272, with other northern barons, to meet him at Norham, with horse and arms, where he went to give judgment between the competitors for the crown of Scotland. He married Christina, daughter of Roger de Norton, and had issue -- Walter. who married Alice de Hastings, whose daughter Emeline married
Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.