The author of this book has a vivid appreciation of the difficulties of his task. Without special study of similar efforts, without knowledge of heraldry, without opportunity of extensive scholastic acquirements, with the best years of his manhood given to the arduous labors of a farmer, he has nevertheless attempted to unravel the tangled skein of a family history dating back to the times of the Conqueror. Perhaps, had he known at the beginning all the obstacles he was destined afterwards to meet. he would have been deterred from the undertaking; but he set himself to the task, and the difficulties which he encountered seemed to him, as they arose, so many added reasons why he should press the work to a successful issue.
That he has succeeded in producing a perfect history he is far from thinking; indeed, he is painfully aware of its imperfections, more aware, likely, than any one can be who has not tried to do a like work. Nevertheless he believes that this historv will be found as complete as family histories usually are; considering the age and extent of the family, as complete as the labors of a busy man could make it. During the past twenty years which he has devoted to its preparation, he has had many other and often important matters to occupy his attention, yet he has made this work the great purpose of his life throughout that time.
While the author is alone responsible for the book, he has not wrought alone. Many of the members of the family have aided him with sketches and other valuable assistance. His appreciation of this kindness he has attempted otherwise to show, but especially by publishing all that has thus been sent him, except when he had positive information that it was inaccurate.
There are several things which have induced the author to attempt and carry forward his undertaking. First, he has had the antiquarian's interest in clearing up the hidden history of the early
Copyright (c) 1999, 2007 Brian Cragun.