This bibliography contains both the short and the full reference for the sources used in the book.
-A -
[Anderson, Virginia Connections] Judy B. Anderson, Virginia Connections. A Genealogical History of the Thompson-Ward Family Originating in Southwest Virginia (Bountiful, Utah: Family History Publishers, 1992). Copy in possession of Brian Cragun. Public copy at LDS Family History Library, US/CAN 929.273 T37 lanj, Salt Lake City, Utah,.
- B -
[Belcher, Letter (date)] "Letter from Virginia Thompson Belcher to Brian Cragun", of the date specified. Virginia Thompson Belcher of Beckley, WV. Original in possession of Brian Cragun. Date is from letter postmark.
[Bland History] Bland County Centennial Corporation, History of Bland County (Virginia) (Radford, Virginia: Commonwealth Press, 1961). Copy in possession of Brian Cragun. Public copy at LDS Family History Library, US/CAN 975.5765 H2b, fiche 6048187, Salt Lake City, Utah.
[Bland Marriage Register] "Bland County Virginia Marriage Register." LDS Family History Center, LDS microfilm 060630.
[Bland Wills] "Bland County Virginia Wills, 1861-1901" LDS Family History Library, LDS microfilm 030626.
[Bogle, Devor] Parke C. Bogle, "Robinett - Dunn - Devor Connection", 1994. Copy in possession of Brian Cragun.
[Bogle, Letter (date)] "Letter from Parke Bogle to Brian Cragun", of the date specified. Parke Bogle of Pulaski, VA. Original in possession of Brian Cragun.
[Bradley Census 1850] "1850 U.S. Census, Bradley County, Tennessee." LDS Family History Library, LDS microfilm 024562.
- C -
[Cragun, Family records] Family records of Carolyn Cragun of North Logan, UT.
[Cragun, PAF] Carolyn Cragun, Personal Ancestral File printout, 1994. Carolyn Cragun of North Logan, UT.
- D -
[Davis, Giles Census 1860] Charley Davis, Giles County Virginia 1860 Census Annotated , (1991). Copy at LDS Family History Library, US/CAN 975.5782 X2d 1860, Salt Lake City, Utah,. I highly recommend this book if you are doing research in Giles in this era. Davis's annotations are rich with information.
[DAR Record 590408] "Application for Membership to the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, National Number 590408", Application by Bertha Thompson Albertson, Elizabethton, TN, accepted 10 Oct 1974. Photocopy in possession of Brian Cragun.
[Douthat, Wythe Settlers] James L. Douthat, Early Wythe Settlers, Wythe County Virginia, 1810-1850 Census (Signal Mountain, TN: Mountain Press, 1984). LDS Family History Library, US/CAN 975.577 K2d, fiche 6103868, Salt Lake City.
[Douthat, Wythe Census 1860] James L. Douthat, 1860 Wythe County, VA. Census (Signal Mountain, TN: Mountain Press, 1986)., LDS Family History Library, US/CAN 975.5773 X2d, Salt Lake City.
- F -
[Farr, Ancestral File] Lisa Farr, "Ancestral File Submission", 1990. LDS Family History Library, Ancestral File data base. Lisa has been very helpful and shared her sources with me. Most of the Bruce information comes for Research Commissioned by her family through the Universal Genealogy Center of Salt Lake City, Utah; Research Report 3485 - DEEN. Sources of the commissioned research include Revolutionary war records which record William Bruce as a sergeant in the Virginia Forces
- H -
[Harris, 1976 notes] "Doris Harris 1976 notes," 1976, photocopy in possession of Brian Cragun, Rochester, Minnesota. Transcript and explanation in Appendix A of this publication.
[Harris, Letter (date)] "Letter from Jean Harris to Brian Cragun", of the date specified. Jean Harris of Bountiful, UT. Original in possession of Brian Cragun.
[Hearne, History of Hearne] William T. Hearne, Brief History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family (Independence, Missouri: Examiner Printing Company, 1907). LDS Family History Library, LDS microfilm 0553999. Microfilmed from original in Library of Congress. This is an excellent source of information about Hearnes.
- K -
[Kegley, Zion Church] Mary B. Kegley, Zion Church, Wythe County, Virginia: Annotated Baptismal Records 1791-1835 (Wytheville, VA: Kegley Books, 1991). LDS Family History Library, US/CAN 957.5 A1 no. 247, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- L -
[LDS IGI] "International Genealogical Index." Aug 1993. Computerized database of LDS ordinance work. LDS Family History Library.
[Long, GEDCOM] Personal Ancestral File GEDCOM output, 1994, Linda Long of Pembroke, VA. Copy in possession of Brian Cragun. PAF is a computerized genealogical database, GEDCOM is an independent format for input and output of such data. Much of Linda Long's information comes from Mary Margaret Beach of Warrenton, MO.
[Long, Letter (date)] "Letter from Linda Long to Brian Cragun", of the date specified. Linda Long of Pembroke, VA. Original in possession of Brian Cragun.
- P -
[Pendleton, History of Tazewell] William C. Pendleton, History of Tazewell County and Southwest Virginia 1748-1920 (Richmond: W. C. Hill Printing Company, 1920). LDS Family History Library, US/CAN 975.5 H2p, LDS microfilm 1000636, Salt Lake City.
- S -
[Schreiner-Yantis, Archives of Tazewell] Netti Schreiner-Yantis, Archives of the Pioneers of Tazewell County, Virginia (Springfield, VA: 1973). LDS Family History Center, US/CAN 975.576 N2s, Salt Lake City, UT.
[Smith, Russell Thompson] "Family Group Record of Russell Sanders Thompson and Bettie Stinson", 1994, Mary Kay Smith, White Gate, Virginia. Photocopy in poss. of Brian Cragun.
[Smith, Andrew J. Thompson] "Family Group Record of Andrew J. Thompson and Minnie Nora May Morehead", 1994, Mary Kay Smith, White Gate, Virginia. Photocopy in poss. of Brian Cragun.
[Smith, Lacy Thompson] "Family Group Record of Lacy Thompson and Pansy Leslie", 1994, Mary Kay Smith, White Gate, Virginia. Photocopy in poss. of Brian Cragun.
[Smith, Lawrence Stingley] "Family Group Record of Lawrence Stingley and Grace Thompson", 1994, Mary Kay Smith, White Gate, Virginia. Photocopy in poss. of Brian Cragun.
[Smith, Jack Thompson] "Family Group Record of Jack Thompson", 1994, Mary Kay Smith, White Gate, Virginia. Photocopy in poss. of Brian Cragun.
[Smith, Larry Woodyard] "Family Group Record of Larry Dalford Woodyard and Leona Honaker", 1994, Mary Kay Smith, White Gate, Virginia. Photocopy in poss. of Brian Cragun.
[Smith, Letter (date)] "Letter from Mary Kay Smith to Brian Cragun", of the date specified. Mary Kay Smith of White Gate, Virginia. Original in possession of Brian Cragun.
[Snyder, Database] Computerized database printout, 1994, James Snyder of Huntersville, NC. Printout in possession of Brian Cragun
[Snyder, Martin L. Thompson] "Family Group Record of Martin L. Thompson", 1991, James Snyder, Huntersville, NC. Copy in poss. of Brian Cragun.
[Snyder, John Vest] "Family Group Record of John Covington Vest", 1991, James Snyder, Huntersville, NC. Copy in poss. of Brian Cragun.
[Snyder, Luther Vest] "Family Group Record of Luther Powell Vest", 1991, James Snyder, Huntersville, NC. Copy in poss. of Brian Cragun.
[Somers, Annals of Southwest Virginia] Lewis Preston Somers, Annals of Southwest Virginia 1769-1800 (Abington, VA: 1929). U.S. Archives, Alaska. This information was researched by Myrl Thompson, and relayed to me. Alaska holds a treasure chest of government archives, and Myrl has personally viewed and verified those pertaining to the Thompsons.
[Spencer's Regiment, Continental Troops] "Records of Spencer's Regiment, Continental Troops. (Revolutionary War.)", Book Mark R&P 415537, 426786, Photocopy in possession of Brian Cragun.
[Stowers, Interview 26 Feb 1994] "Interview with Ruby Stowers of Rocky Gap, Virginia", 26 Feb 1994, conducted by Brian Cragun. Original notes in possession of Brian Cragun. Ruby based some of her information on a family bible in her possession.
- T -
[Tazewell Census 1850] "1850 U.S. Census, Tazewell County, Virginia." LDS Family History Library, LDS microfilm 444969.
[Tazewell Census 1860] "1860 U.S. Census, Tazewell County, Virginia." LDS Family History Library, LDS microfilm 805381.
[Tazewell Marriage Register] "Tazewell County Virginia Register of Marriages" LDS Family History Library, LDS microfilm 0034214.
[Thompson, Conversation (date)] "Conversation between Myrl Thompson and Brian Cragun", on the date specified. Myrl Thompson of Wasilla, AK. Notes in possession of Brian Cragun
[Thompson, Desc. of William Thompson] Beth Thompson, "Descendants of William Thompson", April 1994. These are Beth Thompson's hand written notes of her husband's ancestry. Original in possession of Brian Cragun. Beth Thompson of Rochester, MN.
[Thompson, Francis "Frank" Thompson] Myrl Thompson, "The Family of Francis "Frank" Thompson 1774-1995", not yet published. Myrl Thompson, P.O. Box 877189, Wasilla, AK 99687. Photocopy of hand annotated chart, and early drafts in possession of Brian Cragun.
[Thompson, Letter (date)] "Letter from Myrl Thompson to Brian Cragun", of the date specified. Myrl Thompson of Wasilla, AK. Original in possession of Brian Cragun.
[Thompson, Levi Thompson] Myrl Thompson, "Levi Thompson Family Group Sheet". Jan 1994. Myrl Thompson of Wasilla, AK. Original in possession of Brian Cragun.
[Thompson, Time Line] Myrl Thompson, "Andrew Thompson Time Line (to 1800)", Feb 1994. Myrl Thompson of Wasilla, AK. Original in possession of Brian Cragun.
[Thompson, Visit 1994] Discussion with Myrl Thompson of Wasilla, AK, May 1, 1994.
[Thompson, Myrl] Correspondence with Myrl Thompson of Wasilla, AK.
- V -
[Vest, Letter (date)] "Letter from James Jackson Vest to Brian Cragun", of the date specified. J.J. "Jack" Vest of Dublin, VA. Original in possession of Brian Cragun.
[Vogt & Kethley, Wythe Marriages] John Vogt & T. William Kethley Jr., Wythe County Marriages 1790-1850 (Athens, GA: Iberian Press, 1985); LDS Family History Library, US/CAN 975.5773 V2v. Photocopies in possession of Brian Cragun.
- W -
[World Book] World Book Encyclopedia, 1973, Field Enterprises Educational Corporation.
[Wythe Census 1850] "1850 U.S. Census, Wythe County, Virginia" LDS Family History Library, LDS Microfilm 444967
[Wythe Death Register] "Wythe County Virginia Deaths 1853-1871" LDS Family History Library, LDS microfilm 034256.
[Wythe Deed Book #20] "Wythe County Index of Deeds Book #20." LDS Family History Library, LDS microfilm 0034239.
[Wythe Deed Book #21] "Wythe County Index of Deeds Book #21." LDS Family History Library, LDS microfilm 0034240.
[Wythe Marriage Registry] "Wythe County Virginia Marriage Registry." LDS Family History Library, LDS microfilm 034254. This record is damaged and fragmented and many parts are very difficult to read. A transcript of the records is also provided on the same microfilm. Where cited information is taken from the transcript portion, it is noted.
[Wythe Will Book #6] "Wythe County Virginia Will Book #6." LDS Family History Library, LDS microfilm 034224
[Wythe Will Book #9] "Wythe County Virginia Will Book #9." LDS Family History Library, LDS microfilm 0034227.
© Copyright Brian J. Cragun, 1994, 1997. All rights reserved.