Hearn(e) Wills Registered in Sussex County Delaware

Probate records are From: Microfilm RG4545.009, Rolls numbers 106, 107 and 108, obtained from Dover, Delaware, for the county of Sussex.

.................Start of Roll # 106....................

Alice E. Hearn, ___- 1916-1927

Laurel, Delaware, October 26, 1927

To G. Vannie Messick, Reg. Wills for Sussex County:

I, the undersigned, Isaac E. Hearn do hereby relinquish my right to act as Administrator of the Estate of my wife, Alice E. Hearn and request that the Peoples National Bank, of Laurel, Delaware be appointed Administrator on the said Estate.

Isaac E. Hearn


A.E. Culver

Relinquished Administration: Husband: Isaac E. Hearn

Alice died: Dec. 22, 1916

(Note!  Isaac E. Hearn married a Alice E. Adams, in 1886.)

Amanda W. Hearn,___- 1866-1870

Administrator: Joshua S. Cannon, appointed: Mar. 16, 1866

(Gravestone in cemetery #74, no picture.)

Amelia Hearn, ___- 1893-1894,

Renouncement of Administration: Emily E. Long, Martha T. Phillips, Marsha W. Culver, Thomas E. Hitch.

(Thomas E. Hitch has gravestone in cemetery # 74)

Administrator. Appointed: Daniel J. Fooks, Mar. 22, 1893

Amelia Hearn,__-1893-1894

Renouncement of Administration, of Estate of Amelia Hearn, decd filed March 23, 1893


Chas. C. Stockley, Esq. Register of Wills in and for Sussex County state of Delaware.

We the undersigned heirs at law of Amelia Hearn, deceased, hereby

Respectfully request you appoint Daniel J. Fooks, Administrator of the goods and chattels of deceased.

Laurel, March 20, 1893

Emily E. Long

Martha J. Phillips

(Marsha) W. (Collins)

Some persons who bought goods at the sale of the personal property of the deceased:

I. W. Sirman, C.W. Hastings, W.M. Hearn, J. White, Jas. Callaway, E.W. Twilley, L.S. Hearn, J.W. Wootten, C.A.Parker, W.H. Lloyd, Jim Cannon, J.J. Thompson, Thos. Records, F.M. Hearn, D.J. Fooks, J.H. Elliott, H.D. Hitchens, H.C. Ward, Curtis Davis, C. Culver, Hattie Hearn, M. Hearn, Emily long, Laura Hitch, Mrs Collier, Ella Collier.

Ann M.C. Hearn, ___- 1886-1893

See cemetery # 74, p-1290

Ref: Will book 2, no. 16, folio 164 &c

Will Presented: Dec. 22, 1890

Sister: Patty E. Hearn

Brother-in-law: Jessie L. Long

Nephew: Edward D. Hearn

Nieces: William Annie Pepper, Martha E. Hearn

Executor: Brother: John M.C. Hearn

Sister: Mary J. Long

Brother: William C. Hearn

Executor: William C. Hearn, appointed: Sept. 16, 1886

Grand Nephew: Charles L. Horsy

See below:

Will of Ann M.C. Hearn ___-1886-1893

Reference: RG4545.009, Roll # 106.

I, Ann M.C. Hearne, of Seaford Hundred, Sussex County, state of Delaware, knowing the uncertainty of life and certain of death, being of sound mind and memory, do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows, here by revoking any former Will by me made.

Item: I give to my sister, Patty E. Hearn, my parlor carpet and five hundred dollars in money to be paid to her by my Executor, I also leave my brother in law, Jessie L. Long, all that he owes me on note book account or otherwise.

I also give to each one of my nephews and nieces two quilts or bed spreads each, Edward D. Hearn, to have his choice.

I give to my niece, William Annie Pepper, my gold watch.

I give to Martha E. Hearn, one bedstead and furniture, also two hundred dollars in money to be paid to her by my Executor. It is my Will that my Executor shall pay to my brother, John M.C. Hearn, the sum of Twenty dollars a year during his life out of any money that belongs to me and to furnish a set of Tombs for his grave after his death.

I give to my sister, Mary J. (Jane) Long, one hundred dollars to be paid to her by my Executor.

I give to my brother, William C. Hearn, my silver teaspoons and butter knife, with the balance of my furniture.

I do hereby appoint my brother, William C. Hearn, my Executor of this my last Will and Testament, He is to furnish (lovely) for my grave. As witness my hand and seal the September 16, 1886.

Ann M.C. Hearn    seal


William B. Ellis

Joseph Ellis

After I had done this writing for Miss Hearn, She was quite sick and I went to see her and she requested me to add to this writing that her Executor would pay to her Grand Nephew, Charles L. Horsey  $100.00.

June 6, 1888

Joseph Ellis.


Benjamin Hearn of Jonathan, ____- 1857-1868

Ref: Will book M, folio 331 & 332

Will. Dated: Nov. 16, 1857

Sons: Hyram W. Hearn, Benjamin Thomas Hearn

Wife: Joanna Hearn

Executors: Hyram W. & Benj. Thos. Hearn

Renunciation of Executors, appointed: Joseph Ellis Executor.

See will below:

Benjamin Hearn (of Jonathan) 1857-1868

In the name of God, Amen, I Benjamin Hearn, (of Jonathan), of the county of Sussex and state of Delaware, being in a (delicate) health of body, but of sound and disposing mind and memory, Thanks be to God for the same, and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die. Do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills, by me at any time heretofore made and first and principally I commend my soul unto the hands of Almighty God, who gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian like manner, at the discretion of my Executors herein after mentioned, hoping for free pardon and remission for all my sins and enjoy ever lasting happiness at the right hand of God, and touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with in this life.

I give and dispose of the same in the following manner and form:

Item, the first: I give and bequeath unto my son, Hyram W. Hearn, all the lands contained within a deed of bargain and sale from (Temperance) (W.) Records, late Temperance Elliott and Mary Elliott to me the said Benjamin Hearn, bearing date the thirteenth day of September, Eighteenth-hundred and forty-five, adjoining lands of John Morris (of Jol.) and William Sirman and others, containing forty-two and a half acres of land, be the same more or less, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item, the second: I give and bequeath unto my son, Benjamin Thomas Hearn, all the lands whereof, I now reside, being the land devised to me by my father, Jonathan Hearn, to him his heirs and assigns forever. Also I give unto my said son, Benjamin Thomas Hearn, one bed and furniture, first choice, Also one corner cupboard in dwelling house, Also one folding leaf table "gum", to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item, the third: I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife, Joanna Hearn, two beds and furniture, second and third choice, one mare, named ("Pet") and one single carriage, Also one folding leaf table, Walnut, to her her heirs and assigns forever.

Item, the fourth: I give and bequeath all the remainder of my personal estate, after paying my just debts and buring and funeral expenses, to be equally divided between all my children,to them and their heirs and assigns forever, and further do hereby nominate and constitute and appoint my said sons Hyram W. Hearn and Benjamin Thomas Hearn, my sole executors of this my last will and testament.

In testamony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord, one-thousand-eight-hundred and fifty-seven.

Signed, sealed by the testator in the presence of us...

Jacob Hearn, Jacob Woottem, Burton Culver.


Benjamin Hearn –Will- 1869-1881

Ref: Will book “N”, folio 516

See will below:

Benjamin Hearn   will  ____1869-1881

(Note! A Benjamin Hearn married a Phebe Wooten , Jan. 27, 1842, Ref. Marriages prior to 1850. Dover, Del. Archives.)(A Benjamin Hearn married Phoebe Wootten, Jan. 27, 1825, see  Isaac Sullivan Memorandum.)

(See cemetery # 21, P-1393)

In the name of God, Amen! I Benjamin Hearn of Broad Creek Hundred, in the county of Sussex and state of Delaware, being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made, and as to my worldly Estate and all the property personal or mixed of which I shall die, seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease. I devise, bequeath and dispose thereof in the manner following:

Item 1st: I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Phebe Hearn one cow, one bed, bedstead and all furniture belonging thereto and bureau, one set of Chairs, one set of plates, one set of cups and saucers, one set of knives and folks, one tea set, one caster and candle sticks, one table, ( the first choice.) and an annunity of twenty dollars, to be paid to her annually by my following sons: Isaac T. Hearn, Joseph W. Hearn, Geo. Hearn, James E. Hearn, and John A. Hearn, in equal parts or their heirs, so long as she lives as widow and no longer, provided that she will accept of the said annunity in lien of the dower, but if she takes her house out of my estate, then the said annunity is not to be paid.

Item 2nd: I give and bequeath to my son, Isaac T. Hearn, a certain tract, piece or  parcel of land situated in the hundred aforementioned  bounded as follows: Commensing at a post standing on a division and between my land and land of John W. Parsons, said post is fourteen and four-tenths acres on said line of___the land deeded to me by my father, Thence running south eighty-nine and three-quarter degrees, East forty-five and four-tenths, east to the center of a road , thence North eight degrees, East forty-eight and four-tenths____to a cedar on a ditch. Thence & North twenty-five degrees, West forty-two rods to the center of a ditch, Thence along the center of said ditch and the course of said ditch, North twenty-two and a half degrees, East nine rods to Clement C. Hearn's land, Thence Westerly along land of Clement C. Hearn and thence along land of Spicer White, Wm. White, and John W. Parsons, home to the first place of commencing and its appurtenances to him, the said Isaac T. Hearn and his heirs and assigns forever, by his paying his equal part of the annunity above named.

Item 3rd: I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Joseph W. Hearn, a certain tract, piece or parcel of land situated in the Hundred aforesaid, bounded as follows: Commencing at a post, the same post named as commencing of land above devised to Isaac T. Hearn, Thence running South eighty-nine and three-quarter degrees, East sixty-four and a half rods to a public road, Thence Easterly along said road to Jacob R. James's land, Thence Southward to Mary R. James's land, Thence Westerly along said Mary R. James's land to (Jno) R. Macfadden's land, Thence along lands of said Macfadden and others, home to the first place of commencing, and its appurtenances to him, the said Joseph W. Hearn and his heirs and assigns forever, by paying his equal part of the annunity above and his equal part of the lagacies hereinafter named.

Item 4th: I give, devise and bequeath to my son, James E. Hearn, a certain tract, piece or parcel of land situated in the Hundred, aforesaid bounded as follows: Commencing on a division line between my land and Clement C. Hearn's land, in a ditch, Seven rods on said line from the corner at the (Greon) Branch ditch, Thence with a small ditch South, about one and three-quarters degrees, West to Jacob R. Jones's land, Thence along said Jones's land , Westerly and Southward to the land above devised by me to Joseph W. Hearn, Thence Westerly along said land to the land above devised by me to Isaac T. Hearn. Thence Northward along said land to Clement C. Hearn's land, home to the first place of commencing and its appurtenances, except the right of my (twenty) feet side along Jacob R. Jones's land and the same course continued to the road that I use in going from my house to Joseph W. Hearn's, Thence along said road to the public road, to him the said James E. Hearn, and his heirs and assigns forever by paying his equal part of the annunity above named and his equal part of the lagacies herein after named. I also give and bequeath to him the said James E. Hearn, one horse, one cow, one (sour) and pigs, one bed, bedstead, and all furniture belonging thereto, one Bureau, one set of chairs, one table, (the second choice.) and one chest.

Item 5th: I give and devise and bequeath to my son, John A. Hearn, all the land that I own on the East side of the land above devised by me to James E. Hearn, adjoining land of Benjamin M. Elliott, Joshua Workman, James (H.) West and Jacob R. Jones and I also give, devise and bequeath to him the said John A. Hearn the right of way of twenty feet wide along and across the land above devised by me to James E. Hearn, as described in item 4th and the appurtenances all to him the said John A. Hearn, and his heirs and assigns forever, by paying his equal part of the annunity above named and his equal part of the lagacies hereinafter named and I give and bequeath to him, the said John A. Hearn, one horse, one cow, one sour and pigs, one bed bedstead, and all furniture belonging thereto one set of chairs, one table, (the first choice.), and one chest.

Item 6th: I give and bequeath to my son, George W. Hearn, four-hundred and fifty dollars, in money to be paid to him or his heirs by my four sons: Isaac T. Hearn, Joseph W. Hearn, James E. Hearn, and John A. Hearn, within one year after my decease in equal parts.

Item 7th: I give and bequeath to my daughter, Charlotte N. Jones, ( now the wife of Isaac Jones.), three-hundred dollars, in money, to be paid to her or her heirs by my four sons: Isaac T. Hearn, Joseph W. Hearn, James E. Hearn and John A. Hearn within one year after my decease in equal parts.

Item 8th: I give and bequeath to my daughter, Mary E.( Breson), now the wife of George (Breson), three-hundred dollars in money to be paid to her or her heirs by my four sons, Isaac T. Hearn, Joseph W. Hearn, James E. Hearn and John A. Hearn within one year after my decease,  in equal parts.

My will and desire is that my Black Smith tools and Carpenter tools and large Grindstone shall never be sold, but shall remain in and about the shop where they now are and to be for the sole use of my five sons, above named, or their heirs in and about the old shop and no where else whenever they _____ for that purpose they and their heirs shall have a priviledge to and from said shop  and about the same and so on from generation to generation forever as long as the said tools last, and my will and mind is that all the (rest) and remainder of my property real, personal, or mixed of which I shall die, seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease shall be sold by my executor, hereinafter named, at the Mansion House and they shall give my wife and all my children or their heirs ten days notice, of the time and place of the sale, and no one except my wife and children or their heirs shall be allowed to bid for the said property and the highest bidder of them shall be the ____ the sale shall be for cash and the money arising from said sale together with all the money due to me ( After paying all my legal debts and funeral expenses), shall be equally divided among my five sons or their heirs.

And lastly I do nominate, constitute and appoint my two sons: George W. Hearn and John A. Hearn, to be the sole executors of this my last will and testament.

Whereas I, the said Benjamin Hearn have to this my last will and testament contained on six pages of this paper and to each page thereof subscribed my name and to the last page subscribed my name and affixed my seal this Twenty-seventh day of November in the year of one-thousand-eight-hundred and sixty-nine. (1869)

Benjamin Hearn        Seal

Signed, sealed and published by the Testator, the said Benjamin Hearn, as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.

William E. Cannon

John C. Cannon

(Will presented for probate June 1, 1877)

(See gravestone P-1393, cemetery # 21.)


Benjamin Hearn of Wm & Eliz.–Will –1802

See will below:

Recorded in Liber EB No. 23 folio 56. ( Georgetown, Delaware)

Will of Benjamin Hearn

(in for probate: 10/30/1802), son of wm & Elizabeth & grandson of Wm. Hearne, Merchant & Mary.

In the name of God, Amen. I, Benjamin Hearn, of Somerset county, and state of Maryland, in his perfect senses do make this my last will and testament revoking all former will or wills that may have been made....

In the first place I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sarah Hearn, all my lands and houses, where I now live, including the lands I bought, where Geo. Vincent, formily lived, during her natural life, for the use of her and my three daughters. Viz:  Sally Hearn, Elizabeth Hearn, & Hannah Hearn and after her death, I give and bequeath unto my son Spencer Hearn all my lands in Somerset county, except the lands hereafter to my three daughters, Viz:  Sally Hearn, Elizabeth Hearn, & Hannah Hearn, to him and his heirs and assigns forever....

I give and bequeath unto my three daughters Sally Hearn, Elizabeth Hearn, Hannah Hearn, all the lands I bought of Benjamin McLellin, also all the land I bought of James Fletcher, also twenty-five acres of land that I bought of John Johnson, to be equally divided between them, and their heirs and assigns forever, They are not to take possession of the said land from Spencer Hearn, until the decease of their mother, also I give and bequeath unto my three daughters; Sally Hearn, Elizabeth Hearn, & Hannah Hearn,  three feather beds & furniture, eight head of sheep, 3 horses, They are to have the choice of one apiece out of my flock, also three Negros. Viz: Phillis, Easter, & Levin, to be equally divided between them also three cows and three calves, all the looms, Stays, Geers, etc.,one bofat, also I give them one Negro man named Isaac, also I give them a bond due me from Wm. and John Morris, for one-hundred and twenty pounds principal and the interest due thereon, to be equally divided between them....

I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, one Negro- man named Joe, also one cart and yoke oxen, one cow and calf, all my harrows, plows, & chains, etc. also all my hogs, four sheep, one feather bed and furniture, also all the pot mettle frying pans, one horse, three pewter basons, two ditto dishes, all the earthern ware and glass ware, also all my crop that is on hand. I give and bequeath unto my son, Samuel Hearn, all my lands lying in Worchester & Sussex County, to him & his heirs, also all the personal estate, belonging to me lying in Sussex County to him and his heirs.... I give and bequeath unto my son Spencer Hearn one Negro- man named Hercules to him and his heirs. Also I give and bequeath unto Nathan Gordy, one Negro- boy named Jack, to him and his heirs....I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter, Polly Vicent, one Negro- woman, Pat, to her & her heirs .....The remaining part, of my estate, to be equally divided between my wife & seven children. Viz:  Samuel Hearn, Polly Vicent, Levina Gordy, Spencer Hearn, Sally Hearn, Elizabeth Hearn, & Hannah Hearn, to them & their heirs forever... It is my desire that the plantation where John Johnson now lives, that I bought of James Fletcher, should be rented and the rent paid in to my wife and three daughters . Viz:  Sally Hearn, Elizabeth Hearn, & Hannah Hearn, during the natural life of my wife Sarah Hearn...

Lastly I appoint my daughter Sally Hearn, whole and sole executrix of this my last will and testament . In testimony, whereof, I have here unto, set my hand, & seal this 11th October, Anno Dom'l, 1802.

Signed, sealed and acknowledged the within to his last will and testament.

Benjamin Hearn       seal


John Maddux

George Maddux

October the 30th day, 1802. Then came Sally Hearn and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that the within instrument of writing is the true and whole last will and testament of Benjamin Hearn, late of Somerset County, deceased that hath come to her hands or possession, and that she doth not know of any other....

Before Geo. Handy, Reg. wsc.

October the 30th day, 1802. Then came John Maddux and George Maddux, two of the subscribing witnesses to the within last will & testament of Benjamin Hearn, late of Somerset county, deceased and severally made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see, the testator within named, sign and seal this will, and that they heard him publish, pronounce, declare the same to be his last will, & testament, and that at the time of his so doing, he was, to the best of each of their apprehensions, of sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding, capable of executing a valid deed, and with that they did respectively subscribe their names as witnesses to this will in the presence  and at the request of the within named testator, and in the presence of each other and in the presence of the other subscribing witness. They further disposed that William Stone subscribed his name, as a witness to this will in the presence of the testator...

Before Geo. Handy, Reg. wsc

Recorded in Liber E B N0 23 folio 56

Benjamin Hearn seal


John Maddux

George Maddux

October the 30th day, 1802. Then came Sally Hearn and made oath on the Holy Evangels Of Almighty God, that the within instrument of writing is the true and whole last will and Testament of Benjamin Hearn, late of Somerset County, deceased that hath come to her Hands or possession, and that she doth not know of any other,

Before: Geo. Handy, Reg. wsc.

October the 30th day, 1802. Then came John Maddux and George Maddux, two of the subscribing witnesses to the within last will & testament of Benjamin Hearn, late of Somerset county , deceased and severally made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, that they did see, the testator within named, sign and seal this will, and that they heard him publish, pronounce, declare the same to be his last will, & testament, and that at the time of his so doing, he was, to the best of each of their apprehensions, of sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding, capable of executing a valid deed, and with that they did respectively subscribe their names as witnesses to this will in the presence, and at the request of the within named testator, and in the presence of each other and in the presence of the other subscribing witness. They further disposed that William Stone subscribed his name as a witness to this will in the presence of the testator...

Before, Geo. Handy, Reg. wsc

Recorded in Liber E B NO 23 folio 56

Examined Test Geo. Handy, Reg wsc.


Children: Annie J. Simpson, Mary A. (Dunker), Benjamin F. Hearn, Edward A. Hearn.

See will below:

Will of Benjamin Hearn ____- 1897-1899

Admitted to probate: Jan.13, 1898.

Recorded in Will Book R, no. 17, folio 421 (also on Microfilm RG 4545.009, roll #108.)

( Note! A Benjamin Hearn married Mary Elizabeth Allen in 1887, Ref. Marriages after 1850 Dover, Del. Archives.)

(buried in cemetery #84, P-1235)

Know all men by these presents that I, Benjamin Hearn of Seaford, county of Sussex and state of Delaware, being of good health and of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made, and as to my worldly estate and all the property, real, personal or mixed of which I shall die, seized, and possessed or which I shall be entitled to at the time of my decease I devise, bequeath and dispose of in the following manner, to wit:

First: My will is that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall by my executors hereafter named be paid out of my estate as soon after my decease as shall by them be found convenient.

Item: I give and bequeath to my wife, Mary E. Hearn, all my real estate, my household furniture and all personal property whatsoever and here so ever, of what nature, kind and quality forever the same may be to her own use and benefit absolutely during the period of her natural life and after the death of my said wife, the said property, both real and personal shall be divide in equal portions to my children: Annie J. Simpson, Mary A. Dunker, Benjamin (F) Hearn, and Edward A. Hearn and I do hereby constitute and appoint my said wife, Mary E. Hearn, sole executrix, of this my last Will and Testament.

In witness whereof I, Benjamin Hearn, the testator, have to this mu Will written on one sheet of paper, set my hand and seal this 26th day of December, A. D. One-thousand-eight-hundred and ninety-seven.

Signed, sealed and published by the above named Benjamin Hearn as and for the last Will and testament in the presence of us, who have hereunto subscribed our names at his request as witnesses hereto in the presence of the said testator and of each other .

Benjamin Hearn    seal

John P. Dulaney

Luther Hearn


Benjamin M. Hearn, ____- 1904-1905

(Of Nanticoke Hundred)

( A Benj. M. Hearn married a Mary Elizabeth Allen in 1857, also a Benj. M. Hearn married a Nancy M. Wholey in 1886, marriages prior to 1850.)

Warrant of Appraisement issued Nov. 4, 1904

Administrator: William H. Hearn, Appointed: Nov. 4, 1904

See listed buyers of goods and chattels of Benj. M. Hearn, dated 17 November, 1904, below:

James Elliott, Wilbert T. Taylor, W.G. Mesick, J.W. Low, Cron Tyndall, James H. Tyndall, L.W. Warrington, John Spicer, W.T. Fleetwood, Cyrus Taylor, G.R. Dooks, W.G. Mesick, G.W. Melson, Norman Pepper, Robt. Gibons, W.M. Hearn, Fred Joseph, Sarah E. Hearn, S.B. Hearn, Isaiah Maxwell, Clarrie E. Hearn, William Swain, W.B. Johnson.

W. Johnson, Appraiser, W. Johnson, bricks for grave, Sarah J. Maxwell, clerking, Jas. B. Hearn, acknowledged deed, paid Wm. B. Hearn for promissory note.

End …

Burton R. Hearn___- 1871-1875

(Note! A Burton R. Hearn married, Eleanor Ellis Jan. 23,1833. Ref. Marriages prior to 1850.)

Wife: Eleanor

Children: Sally Elizabeth, Martin W, William G, Marcellus, Martha, Elijah, Thomas, Rachael, Letitia, Josephine, Amanda, Mary Eleanor, & Otho B. Hearn.

Administrators: Eleanor & son: William G. Hearn, appointed: Mar. 24, 1871

See will below:

Burton R. Hearn's Last Will and Testament. 3/24/1874,

Ref: Recorded in Will Book "N" folio 309, Dover, Del. Hall of Records. Recorded in Will Book N, folio 309

I, Burton R. Hearn, of Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County, in the state of Delaware, do make publish and ordain, my last Will and Testament, as follows to wit:

First, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Eleanor, all my property of every description, to be held by her during her natural life or widowhood, and at her death or marriage, whichever first occurs, then to be equally divided among all my children, "to wit", Sally Elizabeth, Martin W., William G., Marcellus, Martha, Elijah, Thomas, Rachael, Letitia, Josephine, Amanda, Mary Eleanor, and Otho B., shall and share alike to them and each of them, their heirs and assigns forever.

Lastly, I hereby constitute and appoint my said wife Eleanor, and my son William G. Hearn, joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills, heretofore, by me made.

In witness, hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourteenth day of April A.D., 1871.




Signed, Sealed and Published in the presence of  James C. Law,  Isaac N. Henry.

State of Delaware, Sussex County SS.

Be it remembered, that on the twenty-fourth day of March, in the year of Our Lord, one-thousand-eight hundred and seventy-four, before me, Loxley R. Jacobs, Register, for the probate of wills and granting letters of Administration, in and for the County, aforesaid, appeared James C, Law, one of the subscribing witnesses to the within and foregoing instrument of writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Burton R. Hearn, late of the county, aforesaid, deceased, and being solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels, of Almighty God, ___deposed, saith, that he saw the said Burton R. Hearn, the testator, sign the said instrument of writing, and heard him publish and declare the same as and for his last will and testament . That at the doing thereof, he was of a sound and disposing mind and memory, and upward of twenty-one years of age, that this deponent attested and subscribed his name as a witness to the said instrument of writing at the instance, and in the presence of the said Burton R. Hearn, the testator.

James C. Law

Subscribed and sworn before L.R.Jacobs, Reg’r.

State of Delaware, Sussex County, SS. Be it remembered, that on the twenty fourth day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand-eight-hundred and seventy-four, before me Loxley R. Jacobs, Register for the probate of wills and granting letters of Administration, in and for the county, aforesaid, appeared Isaac N. Henry, one of the subscribing witnesses to the within and foregoing instrument of writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Burton R. Hearn, late of county, aforesaid, deceased, and being solemnly sworn, on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, ___deposeth and saith, that he saw the said Burton R. Hearn, the testator, sign the said instrument of writing and heard him publish, declare the same as and for his last will and testament, that at the doing thereof, he was of a sound and disposing mind and memory, and upwards of twenty-one years of age, that this deponent attested and subscribed his name as a witness to the said instrument of writing, at the instance and in the presence of the said Burton R. Hearn, the testator.

Subscribed and sworn before: L.R. Jacobs, Reg'r.

Isaac N. Henry.


Catherine E. Hearn ___- 1891-1896

Administrator: E. Frank Hearn recommended by Wm. T. Hearn, Appointed; Dec. 23,m 1891.

See below:

To the Register of Wills of Sussex County.

Dear Sir, This is to certify that I am an heir on the Estate of Catherine E. Hearn and will be perfectly satisfied on you giving E. Frank Hearn letters of Administration for the settlement of her Estate.


Dr Wm. T. Hearn

Some persons who bought personal property of Catherine E. Hearn, decd, at public sale are:

Dr. Joe Hitch, Wm. H. Chipman, Stephen Hearn, C.E. Davis, Wm. Henry, E.B. Riggin, Geo. C. Jacobs, S.G. Hearn, Martha Hearn, Wm. Callaway, Johnny White, Mrs. Studley, John Gordy, Jack Henry, Frank M. Hearn, Mrs. Geo. E. Smith, John Jenkins, E. Frank Hearn, Mrs. B. Collier, Marion Hearn, Geo. Gordy, Cap E. North, Ray Wiley, Dr Wm. T. Hearn, Geo. Dixon, H.M. Spicer, Mr. Ed Pusey, David Baker, Capt T.L. Cannon, Wm. T. Oliphant, Mrs. Harriet Cannon, Geo. Elliott, Mrs. Jerman.

Cartha Hearn

(cemetery # 52, P-1429)

Widow of: Reuben R. Hearn

Administrator: Benjamin B. Bowden.

Charles A. Hearn - Will – 1891-1896

  See will below:

Will Charles A. Hearn  ___-1891-1896

    Recorded in Will Book S, no. 18, folio 333.

In the name of God, Amen, I Charles A. Hearn, of the town of Laurel, county of Sussex and state of Delaware, being of sound and disposing mind and memory and calling to mind the frailty and uncertainty of human life and being desireous of settling of my worldly affairs and directing how my estate shall be disposed of after my decease while I have strength and capacity so to do, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making null and void all other last Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made.

My Worldly Estate and all Property Real, Personal or mixed of which I shall die seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease I devise, bequeath and dispose thereof in the manner following, "to Wit":

My Will is that all my just debts and funeral charges shall be paid out of my estate as soon after my decease as shall be found convenient.

Item: I give, and bequeath to my beloved Wife, Mary E. Hearn, all the property , which I may die seized and possessed, both Real and Personal, during the time of her natural life provide she pays all the just claims that may be against me and my estate and at her death It is my Will that it shall be equally divided between my three sons, Edward V. Hearn, William L. Hearn and H. (Harry) Hearn, to them, the said Edward V. Hearn, William L. Hearn and H. (Harry) Hearn and to their heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof I the said, Charles A. Hearn, have signed and sealed and published this instrument as and for my Will at Laurel, Sussex County and State of Delaware this fifteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and two.


The said, Charles A. Hearn, of the town of Laurel on this 15th day of August, A. D. 1902, signed and sealed this instrument and published and do declare the same as and for his last Will acting at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto written our names as subscribing witnesses.

C.A. Hastings

Edward F. Hearn

Note! Mary E. Hearn, Widow, made Enunciation as the Administrator, Recommended, E. Frank Hearn


Charles A. Hearn, ___- 1902-1904,

Admitted to Probate: Sept. 10, 1902

Recorded in Will Book S, No. 18, folio 333, (Also on Microfilm, RG4545.009,Roll No. 106.)

( buried in cemetery # 74, no picture)

Wife: Mary E. Hearn

(Note! A Chas. A. Hearn married a Mary E. Wainwright, in 1876.)

3 sons: Edward J. Hearn, William L. Hearn, H. Harry Hearn

Renounced Executor position: Mary E. Hearn

Administrator: Edward J. Hearn

See will below;

Last Will & Testament of Charles A. Hearn -1902

Ref: Will Book "S", no. 18, folio 333.also on microfilm RG4545.009, Roll No. 106

Admitted to probate: Sept. 10, 1902.

In the name of God, Amen, I, Charles A. Hearn of the town of Laurel, county of Sussex and state of Delaware, being of sound and disposing mind and memory and calling to mind the frailty and uncertainly of human life and being desirous of settling my worldly affairs and directing how my estate shall be disposed of after my decease while I have the strength and capacity as to do, do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making null any will, other last wills and testaments by me heretofore made.

My worldly Estate and all the property Real, Personal or mixed of which I shall die seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease, I devise, bequeath and dispose hereof in the manner following to wit.

My will is that all my just debts and funeral charges shall be paid out of my Estate as soon after my decease as shall be found convenient.

Item: I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary E. Hearn all the property of which I may die seized and possessed both Real and personal during the time of her natural life, provide she pay all the just claims that may be against me and my Estate and at her death it is my will that it shall be equally divided between my three sons, Edward V. Hearn, William L. Hearn, and Harry Hearn and to their heirs and assigns forever.

In testimony whereof I the said Charles A. Hearn have signed and sealed and published this instrument as and for my will at Laurel, Sussex County and state of Delaware this fifteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and two.

Charles A Hearn   seal

The said Charles A. Hearn at the town of Laurel on this 15th day of August A.D. 1902 signed and sealed this instrument and published and declared the same as and for his last will, and at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto written our names as subscribing witnesses.


Edward F. Hearn


Charles C. Hearn, ___- 1919

( buried in cemetery # 74,no picture)


Administrator: John W McGee appointed: Jan. 21, 1919

(Note! A Charlie C. Hearne, Sept. 21, 1888- Jan. 18, 1919 is buried in cemetery no. 74, close to Isaac Edgar Hearn, 1854-1936 and Alice Adams Hearn, 1855-1926.)

Some persons, who bought personal property, of Chas. C. Hearn, decd at sale are:

C.E. Lynch, Frank Hearn, Will C. Gordy, Eva Hastings, James Pusey, Dave Cordrey, John Baker, Cleveland Pusey, Robert Hearn, Alec Hearn, Reese Gordy, C.E. Foskey, Columbus Morris, R.F. Elliott, M.G. King, John Niblett, J.E. Morris, W.E. Phillips, Norman Elliott, Harry Ward, John Lecates, Mrs Sam Hearn, Harlan Hearn, Sidney Carmean, Tom White, Thomas Hearn, Sam Dorman, Frances Hearn, Chas. Fisher, Mr. Stitts.


Clarence A. Hearn, ___- 1946

(cemetery # 6, P-1505)

Executor: Widow: Elva May Hearn, Appointed: June 9, 1946


Will Clarence A. Hearn   ---1946

Reference: Microfilm: RG4545.009, roll # 106

Be it remembered that I, Clarence A. Hearn of the town of Ocean View in the county of Sussex and state of Delaware do make this my last Will and Testament in the manner following, that is to say.

First, I give, devise, bequeath, all my property whether Real or Personal, mixed or unmixed of whatever description and where ever the same may be found, to my wife, Elva May Hearn.

Second, I hereby appoint my wife, Elva May Hearn, sole Executrix of this Will, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made.

In witness, whereof I have here unto subscribed my name this 26 day of Sept. A.D., 1936.

Clarence A. Hearn        seal

We, whose names are hereunto subscribed do hereby certify that Clarence A. Hearn, the Testator, subscribed his name to this instrument in our presence and in the presence of each of us and declared at the same time in our presence and hearing that this instrument was his last Will and Testament and we at his request signed our names hereto in his presence as subscribing witnesses.

Witness …   Blanche Sturgis

Witness  …   Wilson W. Sturgis


Clement C. Hearn, 1891-1892

Will, dated April 29, 1890,

Admitted to probate: January 6, 1891,

Recorded in Will Book 2, Nos. 6, folio 165 &C, (Also on Microfilm RG4545.009, Roll No. 106.)

Sons: Frederick William Hearn, Cleophus Clement Hearn, Ernest Franklin Hearn, Thomas Edward Hearn, Charles Elmir Hearn

Brother: Thomas Hearn

Daughter: Ida Florence Lecates, wife of Jas. Lecates

Will presented to probate: June 6, 1891

Executors: Frederick & Ernest Hearn, appointed: Jan. 6, 1891.

Sons: Frederick Millen Hearn, Cleophus Clement Hearn, Ernest Franklin Hearn, Thomas Edward

See Will below:

Will of Clement C. Hearn - 1891-1892

Admitted to probate Jan. 6, 1891

Ref: Will Book 2, no.6, folio 165 &c also on microfilm RG4545.009, Roll # 106.

In the name, of God, Amen. I, Clement C. Hearn, of Gumboro Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware, being in a very infirm state of health and sensible of my liability to sudden death at the same time, being in my own apprehension of sound mind as judged best to make and accordingly do make this my last will and testament and as to my worldly estate as it hath pleased God to entrust me with I dispose of the same as follows:

It is my will that all my just debts and charges of my funeral be paid and discharged by my Executors herein after named and appointed out of my Estate as soon as conveniently, may be after my decease.

Item: I give and devise to my son, Frederick Milton Hearn all that tract, piece or parcel of land whereon he now resides, it being all that tract of land that I purchased of Wm. H. Phillips and also another small tract adjoining, which is a portion of my home farm, the same now being set in gum timber and contained in the following metes and bounds. Beginning at the "Old Mill Dum Bridge" and runs from thence down Green Branch Ditch to a small ditch between two sweet gums that stands on the ditch bank, then along the woods till it reaches the corner of the field where my son Frederick now lives, then, still with the woods, till it intersects the public road, than along with said road to a bridge, near the dwelling house of my son Frederick, then turns to the right and follows a ditch, the division line between these lands and Benj B. Hastings, then bending back with said Hastings , Joseph W. (Cordrey) and Jesse T. Wells, then bending with lands of Jas. Lecates and dower lands of Catherine Hearn to the place of beginning at said "Old Mill Dum Bridge", to him and his use and benefit in fee simple.

Item: I give and devise, to my son, Cleophus Clement Hearn all that tract, piece or parcel of land whereever he now resides, it being the land that I purchased of the heirs of Geo. W.C. Hearn and is bounded by the following lands; Lands owned by Harvey Brittingham, William S. White, Isaac H. Callaway, and Edward Sturgis and then by the west line containing about the quanity of one hundred and two acres, be it the same more or less, to him my said son, Cleophus Clement Hearn, his use and benefit in fee simple.

Item: I give and devise to my son, Ernest Franklin Hearn all that tract, piece or parcel of land where he now resides, it being the lands that I purchased at the sale of the lands of Thomas Hearn, decd, as sold by Thomas Ralph, Adm. of said Thomas Hearn for the payment of his debts under and by virtue of an order of the Orphans Court and also two other tracts, pieces or parcels of land, that adjoins each other and which also adjoins the tract above described, bounded by lands of William W. Elliott, Geo. H. Hearn’s (house), Joseph H.B. Cannon, Sallie Shiles, Geo. W. Callaway and Benjamin Swain, containing in the whole of the three tracts, pieces or parcels of land, about the quanity, of one hundred and thirty eight acres, be the amount what it may to him, my said son, Ernest Franklin Hearn, his use and benefit in fee simple.

Item: I give and devise to my son, Thos. Edward Hearn all of two other adjoining tracts, pieces or parcels of land where he now resides, one of said tracts I received and heired from my father in and by the last will of him, my said father, who willed the same to me and my brother, Thomas equally after which I purchased my brothers interest, the other tract, piece or parcel of land I purchased of  ("Calo Heiss"), supposed to contain one hundred and twenty five acres adjoining lands of James E. Hearn, Nathaniel Hall, F.T. Workman, Samuel H. Evans, Wm. B. Parsons heirs, bordering on lands herein before devised to my son, Fredrick and by my home farm to him my said son, Thomas Edward Hearn, his use and benefit in fee simple.

Item: I give and devise to my son, Charles Elmir Hearn all of the home mansion where I now reside except that portion bordering on Green Branch that I have herein before devised to my son, Frederick, bounded as follows;, to wit; First by dower lands of Catherine Hearn, Jas. Lecates, Isaac T. Hearn, Green White, James E. Hearn, and others containing about one hundred and ninety five acres more or less to him my said son, Charles Elmir Hearn his use and benefit forever, upon condition that he the said Chgarles Elmir pay to Frederick, my son within the period or time of six month after my decease the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) without interest and upon condition also that he also pay to Thomas Edward Hearn the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) without interest within the period of twelve months after my decease.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Ida Florence Lecates, wife of James Lecates the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars ($550.00) to be paid to her my said daughter by my Executors hereafter named within twelve months after my decease and to be paid out of any proceeds of my personal property or out of moneys due me.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Irena Maria Hearn one choice bed and bed complete, one side board, one sofa, one set of flag bottomed chairs, and one flag bottomed rocking chair.

Item: My will is that my said wife shall make her home with my son Charles, at the home mansion farm, if she so wishes and so desires and I also will, order, and direct that my five sons, Frederick, Cleophus, Ernest, Thomas, and Charles each pay unto my said wife yearly so long as she lives or during widowhood the sum of six dollars $6.00, making in the aggregate the yearly sum of thirty dollars $30.00, which sum (yearly) and this foregoing bequeath are given for and in lieu of dower in my real estate.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son, Charles his choice, in any of my horses that I may own at the time of my decease, also one bed and covering, belonging, therewith or thereto to him and his use forever.

Item: I will, order and direct that my Executors sell all the rest and residue of my personal property ( not herein before willed) at public sale and the proceeds arising from such sale, after the legacy to my said daughter is paid shall be divided equally between my five sons aforesaid share and share alike.

Item: Whereas I am paying a yearly interest to Julia A. Hearn, widow of Geo. W.C. Hearn as her one third interest of a certain farm that I Purchased wherein she was entitled to dower , Therefore I do order and direct that my five sons pay said annual interest in equal proportions as long as said Julia A. Hearn shall live or so long as she will be entitled thereto and at her death I will, order, and direct that my said five sons shall pay the debt upon which said interest now Accumulates equally between them to the party or parties to whom it belongs.

Item: I will and bequeath to St Johns Greenville Episcopal Church the sum of twenty five dollars ($25.00) to be paid by my Executors to the Vestry of said church, either to Greenville Truitt or Wm. A. Cannon for the benefit of said Church.

Lastly I do nominate and appoint Frederick Milton Hearn and Ernest Franklin Hearn to be the Executors of this my last will and testament .

In witness whereof I Clement C. Hearn, the testator, aforesaid have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal this the twenty ninth , (29th)day of April A.D. 1890

Clement C. Hearn    seal

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Clement C. Hearn as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us, who, at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto

Jesse T. Wells

John H. Elliott


Daniel Hearn, ___- 1890-1891

(See cemeteries visited #74.)

Will. Dated: Dec. 28, 1886

Wife: Amelia

Niece: Sallie Horsey

Niece: Mary E. Collier

Nephew: Daniel J. Fooks

Executor: Daniel J. Fooks, appointed: Jan. 2, 1890

( Note ! A Daniel Hearn, Sept. 13, 1813- Dec. 27, 1889 and wife, Amelia, May 8, 1816- Mar. 16,

1893 are buried in cemetery no. 74, next to their daughter, Mary, wife of Dr. Kendal Fooks, d. May 21, 1859, aged 41 years, 9 months.)

See will below:

Will of Daniel Hearn __-1890-1891

Reference Will Book 2, no. 16 , folio 37 etc, also on microfilm

RG4545.009, Roll # 106

In the name of God, Amen! I, Daniel Hearn, of the town of Laurel, county of Sussex and state of Maryland, being of sound disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament and as to my worldly Estate and all the property, Real, personal or mixed of which I shall die seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled, at the time of my death, I devise and dispose of in the manner following "To Wit": First, My will is that all my just debts together with my funeral and burial expenses be paid by my Executor hereinafter named out of my personal Estate as soon after my decease as shall be found convenient.

Item, first. I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Amelia all my household goods and personal property at home to be held and disposed of as she may choose or pleases. I also give unto her the house and lot where I now reside situated in the town of Laurel, aforesaid, together with the adjoining house and lot called the "Penitentiary", to be held by her during the period of her natural life. I also give her the sum of four hundred dollars annually, during the period of her natural life, to be paid her in cash by my said Executor, as she wants it.

Item, Second, I give and bequeath unto Emma E.H. Sirman, daughter of Isaac W. Sirman, of Laurel, aforesaid the house and lot situated in Laurel and now occupied by John S. Bacon, reserving a space about four feet wide along the side of said lot, for a path, for the use of my wife during her life and at her death to belong with said lot to her the said Emma E.H. Sirman, her heirs and assigns forever. I also give unto her the said Emma E.H. Sirman, the sum of two hundred dollars in cash, to be paid to her, by my Executor, when she arrives at the age of twenty- one years, or at the time of her marriage, if she marries before she arrives at that age.

Item, third, I give and bequeath unto the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Laurel, aforesaid that house and lot therein now and heretofore used as a parsonage for the minister, of said church, to them and their successors in office forever, for the use and benefit of the Methodist Episcopal Church and members thereof in said town of Laurel.

Item, fourth, I give and bequeath unto John (R.) N. Long, son of Emily E.H. Long, the sum of one thousand dollars in cash to be paid by my Executor within one year from the time of my decease.

Item, fifth, I give and bequeath unto Sallie Edwards, daughter of Rev. John Edwards, decd, the sum of one thousand dollars in cash, to be paid by my Executor within one year from the time of my decease.

Item, sixth, I give and bequeath unto Maria Jane Morgan, widow of James Morgan, decd, the sum of two hundred dollars in cash, to be paid by my Executor, within one year from the time of my decease.

Item, seventh, I give and bequeath unto my niece, Sallie Horsey the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2500.00) in cash, to be paid by my Executor, out of my personal Estate, I also give and devise unto her the house and lot called the "Penitentiary" situated in the town of Laurel, aforesaid, at the death of my wife, Amelia Hearn, to her and her heirs and assigns forever.

Item, eighth, I give and bequeath unto my niece, Mary E. Collier, of Wicomico County, in the state of Maryland, the sum of five thousand dollars in cash, to be paid by my Executor, to her and her heirs and assigns forever.

Item, ninth, I give and bequeath unto my nephew, Daniel J. Fooks, all the residue of my personal Real, personal or mixed, consisting of all the land I own in the state of Maryland and all the personal on the places belonging to me, My stone house, Granary and wharf and all the contents, wharf at the Rail Road, all my bank stock, consisting of fifty two shares in the bank of Seaford, three shares each, in the banks of Georgetown and New Castle and any and all the residue thereof and for him to take good care of my wife (his Aunt, during the period of her natural life)to him, his heirs and assigns forever. And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my said Nephew, Daniel J. Fooks, sole Executor of this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I the said Daniel Hearn, have to this my last will and testament, contained on one sheet of paper and to every page thereof, subscribed my name and affixed my seal this twenty eighth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty six. 1886.

The interlineation in the first and seventh items done before signing

Daniel Hearn   seal

Signed, Sealed, published and declared by Daniel Hearn, the testator, as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses there to.

Thos. C. Horsey

W.T. Records

Wm. B. Records


Ebenezer Hearn, 1785-1786

Orphans Court. Presented for probate: April 20, 1785.

Administrators: Priscilla & Louder Hearn

Reference: A75, P146

EBENEZER HEARNE, died Apr. 1785, leaving no will, but here is the official administration bond, dated Apr. 15, 1785: SUSSEX COUNTY, ss.

Know all men by these presents that we, Priscilla Hearne of said County and Louder Hearne of the County afsd. yeoman and Thomas West of the same County, yeoman are held and firmly bound unto his Excellency the President of the Delaware State, in the sum of Five Hundred Pounds of lawful money of said state, to be paid to the said President or his successor the President for the time king, to which payment well and truly to be made and done, we bind ourselves and heirs, Excrs. and Admrs. firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals & dated the Fifteenth day of April, Anno Dominie one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five.

The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounded Priscilla & Louder Hearne, Administrators of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits which were of Ebenezer Hearne, late of the County afsd. yeoman, decd. do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of the goods, chattels and credits which were of the said decd. at the time of his death which have or shall come to the hands or possession of them, the said Priscilla & Louder Hearne to the hands or possession of any other person or persons for them and the same so made shall exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Registers Office for the County afsd. on or before the fifteenth day of July next ensuing and the same goods, chattels and credits on which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of them the said Priscilla & Louder Hearne to the hands or possession of any other person or persons for them do well and truly administer according to Law.

And further shall make or cause to be made a true and just account of their said administration on or before the fifteenth day of April next ensuing and all the rest and residue of said goods, chattels and credits of the said decd. which shall be found remaining on the said Administration account the same being just, examined and allowed by the Orphans Court for the County afsd. shall deliver and pay to such persons respectively as the said Orphans Court by their decree or sentence shall limit and appoint.


Sealed and delivered in

From official records in Georgetown, Delaware, the following is obtained: RECEIPT FROM JOSEPH HEARNE TO PRISCILLA HEARNE AND LOWDER HEARNE, OCTOBER 22ND., 1786.

L  s  d
One negro wench called Dinah 50: 0: 0

One mare 15: 0: 0

One bed and furniture No. 15: 0: 0

L  s  d

Cashpaid 15:13: 0

and 173 pounds of bacon, total 22: 2: 9

One cow and calf and three head of sheep 3:12: 6

One pair of saddle bags and 1/2 bushel potatoes0:12: 6

Letherber Barker’s note1:17: 6

Received of Priscilla Hearne and Lowder Hearne the full of all accounts Received by me.


Item.--I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Hearne one bed and furniture and one third part of my sheep and cattle and three of my Slatt-back’d flagg bottom’d chairs and one third part of my putre and earthenware,

End …

Edward E. Hearn, 1901-1902

(buried in cemetery # 84, P-1240)

Administrators: Walter M. Hearn & Lavenia E. Hearn.

Edward Frank Hearn, 1907-1914

(See cemeteries visited # 81, P-1447)

Administrator: Sussex Trust, Title & Safe Deposite Co.

(Note! A. E. Frank Hearn, Dec. 19, 1846-June 3, 1907 is buried in cemetery no. 81.)

Elijah Hearn, ___- 1884

Will. Ref: P, no. 18, folio 16, Executor: Mera Hearn

Court Appointed, William J. Moore, Administrator.

Wife: Mariah (called Mera) E. Hearn

(Note! A Elijah Hearn married a Maria F. Thompson, in 1872, marriages aft. 1850.)

Daughter: Sarah C. Thomison

Sons: Thomas H. Hearn, William J. Hearn.

Daughters: Annie B. Welch, Lavinia E. Morris

Executor: Son: Thomas H. Hearn, and son-in-law, Caldwell J. Morris

Bethel, Delaware, April 21st, 1884

I, Mera E. Hearn, widow of Elijah Hearn, deceased, convey to Wm. T. Moore the right to administer, on the Estate, of my husband, (deceased) in lien of me.

Mera E. Hearn   seal


        Wife: Mariah (called Mera) E. Hearn

   (Note! A Elijah Hearn married a Maria F. Thompson, in 1872.) 

   Daughter: Sarah C. Thomison

   Sons: Thomas H. Hearn, William J. Hearn.

   Daughters: Annie B. Welch, Lavinia E. Morris

   Executor: Son: Thomas H. Hearn, and son-in-law, Caldwell J. Morris

   See will below:

Elijah Hearn Will __-1884

Will record "R", no. 18, folio 16, also on microfilm: RG4545.009, Roll #  106.

The Last Will of Elijah Hearn of Bethel, Sussex County, Delaware.

I, Elijah Hearn, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of  sound mind and memory, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following: I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Mera Hearn, my entire Estate, consisting of one house and lot, situated in the village of Bethel, Sussex County, Del.Also my Personal Property and all of the cash & judgment notes that are in (Missre) J.B. Qullen & co. hands. I will and bequeath to her my said wife, Mera E. Hearn. I hereby appoint my beloved wife, Mera E. Hearn, sole Executor, of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the fourth day of April, Eighteen hundred & eighty four.


Elijah    +    Hearn


Signed, sealed and published and declared by the above Elijah Hearn to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.

John H. Connelley

John A. English

Jacob H. Owens

The Widow's name is Mariah E. Hearn. She was called Mera. See below:

Bethel, Delaware, April 21st, 1884

I, Mera E. Hearn, widow of Elijah Hearn, deceased convey to William T. Moore, the right to Administer on the Estate of my husband, (deceased) in lien of me.

Mera E. Hearn   seal


Elijah Hearn of Wm. & Eliz.-1789

Will of Elijah Hearn, son of  William Hearn & Elizabeth, and he, the son of Wm., the Merchant & Mary.

In the name of God, Amen, I Elijah Hearn of Somerset County and of Stepney Parish, do make and constitute this to be my last will & testament, in manner and form following: Item: Give and bequeath to my son William Hearn, a part of a tract  called stains, containing one-hundred-seventy-five acres & one-hundred & fifty acres of the said tract called stains, bought of Elijah Hearn and also eighty and a quarter acres, of the same tract bought of Elisha Hearn, likewise thirty-seven acres an addition to stains & fairfield, also a tract of land called Support likewise twenty acres of land bought of Thomas Hearn being part of tract of land called Sand Hill, also I give & bequeath to my son William Hearn, a Negro woman called Leah & one Negro boy called Will,  all to William & heirs...

Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter , Joanna Townsend, one-hundred & eighteen acres of land being part of a tract of land called Stains bought of James Hearn, also I give to my daughter one Negro woman called Jemima & one Negro boy, called Sevin and one Negro girl called Mille...

Item: I leave the remaining part of my estate equally divided between my son William & my daughter Joanna, after fifty pounds to the poor of the neighborhood to be disposed of by my Executors.  Lastly leave & appoint my son William Hearn, to be my executor of this my last will  & testament, In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand & affixed my seal, this twenty-third day of November, Anno Do, 1789


Elijah   X    Hearn

mark               seal

Witness: Benjamin Hearn, Jonathan Hearn, Turnell Johnson...

 December the 19th day 1789, Then came William Hearn & made oath upon the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the within instrument of writing is the true & whole last will & testament of Elijah Hearn, late of Somerset County deceased, that hath come to his hands or possession & that hr doth not know of any other.

Before Esmr Bayly , Reg of wills....


December the 19th day, 1789, then came Benjamin Hearn, Jonathan Hearn, & Turnell Johnson the subscribing witnesses to the within last will and testament of Elijah Hearn, late of Somerset County, deceased & severally made oath upon the Holy Evangels of Almighty God , that they did see the testator  within named sign & seal this will that they heard him publish, pronounce, and declare the same to be his last will & testament and at the time of his so doing he was to the best of each of their apprehensions , of sound and disposing mind , memory & understanding & that they did respectively subscribe their names as witnesses to the same in the presence & at the request of the testator & in the presence of each other.

Before Esmr Bayly Reg W,S,C....

Recorded in Lib EM No. 17, fol.91&92.  Exam'd Jus Esmr Bayly, Reg.

Elijah Hearn, 1895-1902

(Note! Elijah Hearn, Feb. 27, 1820 - Jan. 17, 1896 and wife, Sallie, April 28, 1819-June 26, 1880 are buried in Cemetery no. 80 along with several children.)

Will of Elijah Hearn    1895-1902.

I, Elijah Hearn of Laurel, Sussex County, Delaware, being in feeble health, but in my own apprehension of sound disposing mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made and as to my worldly estate and all the property, real, and personal of which I shall die, seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of my death, I devise, bequeath and dispose of in the manner following, to wit:

First: My will and desire is that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid as is herein after provided and as soon after my decease as shall be found convenient.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Sarah C. Thomison, all my interest in the Laurel Union Store Co., to her and her use and benefit forever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son, Thos. H. Hearn, all my Blacksmith tools also all stock and other goods used with and belonging to said shop, to him and his use and benefit forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son, William J. Hearn, a note I hold against him together with all the interest due thereon upon condition, however that he pay to my daughter, Annie C. Welch, the sum of four-hundred ($400.00) dollars in annual installments of one-hundred dollars each with all the accumulated legal interest on that the whole unpaid sum each year.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Lavinia E. Morris all the real residue of my personal estate of every nature and kind whatsoever upon condition however that she the said, Lavinia E. Morris pay all my debts and funeral expenses as directed previously in this my said will.

Item: I do hereby constitute and appoint my son, Thos. H. Hearn, and son-in-law, Caldwell J. Morris, to be joint executors of this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I, Elijah Hearn, the testator, have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty-seventh day of December, A D, 1895.

Elijah Hearn      Seal

Signed, Sealed and published and declared by Elijah Hearn, the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us and at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.

George W. Hearn

John H. Elliott

End .

Elijah M. Hearn, ___- 1924

(An Elijah M. Hearn married a Maria Thompson in 1872 Marriages aft. 1850.)

Died: Feb. 5, 1924

Children: Ernest W. Hearn, oldest child. , Pearl Brumhley, Dorothy M. Hearn, a minor,

(19 yrs. old  8/4/1924.)

Ernest renounced his power of Executor on Jan. 10, 1804. Peoples National Bank of Laurel, Del. appointed an administrator.

Elijah Hearn, ___- 1884

Elizabeth Hearn, ___- 1804-1805

Will. Dated: Jan. 10, 1804

Sons: Samuel Hearne, Thomas Hearne, named Administrator in will.

See will below:

Emily F. Hearn, ___- 1906

(See cemetery # 33, P-1262)

Administrators: Gardiners & William Ellis, Dated: March 17, 1906.

Ernest F. Hearn ___- 1899-1905


(See cemeteries visited # 6.)

(Note! A Ernest F. Hearn married a Lavenia A. Lecates, in 1886 See marriages aft. 1850, P-1504)

Administrator: Lavenia A. Hearn, issued: Nov. 11, 1899.

George Hearn, ___-1846-1849

(Note! A George Hearn married a Matty Cathiel, Jan. 7, 1818, Isaac Sullivan Memorandum.)

Administrators: Joseph J. Hearn, and George M.C. Hearn, dated Jan. 2, 1846.

Some persons who owed money to the Estate of Geo. Hearn, Dec’d were as follows:

Burton R. Hearn, Wm. E. Hearn, Geo. W. Hearn, Louder N. Hearn, Joseph Hearn, Benj. Hearn, Doc’t A.M. Trehearn, Burton Elliott, Martin M. Ellis, Benj. Fooks, Cyrus Fooks, Thos. Gordy, Stephen H. Gordy, Thos. Hasting, Nathaniel Hearn, Wm. Gordy, Peter Culver, Ebenezer Callaway, And Geo. M. Wootten.

George Hearn  __- 1846-1849

Reference: RG4545.009, roll #106.

Administrator: Joe J. Hearn & Geo. W. C. Hearn

Some persons who owed his estate moneys:

George W. Hearn, William L. Hearn, Burton R. Hearn, Louder N. Hearn, Joseph Hearn, Doct A.N. Trehearn, Benjamin Hearn, Wilson Knowls, Daniel Hasting, Joshua Hasting, Benjamin Fooks, Burton Elliott, Joseph Ellis, Henry Ellis, Cyrus D. Fooks, Thos. Gordy, Stephen H. Gordy, Thos. Hasting, Nathaniel Hearn, Henry Culver, Peter Culver, Ebenezer Callaway, Elisha Callaway, William Gordy, John Morris, John T. Moore, George A. Moore, Thomas W. Records, James M. Wootten.

..........................End of Roll # 106...........................

..........................Start of Roll # 107...........................


George B. Hearn, ___- 1851-1852


Brothers: Benjamin Hearn, Thomas Hearn, Clement C. Hearn

Sisters: Sally C., Wife of: Elijah Holloway, Eliza W, Wife of Nathaniel Jones

Executor: brother: Thomas Hearn, Dated: June 10, 1851

See below .

George B. Hearn's Will  ___-1851-1852

Will Book "K", folio 525 also RG4545.009, roll #107.

In the name of God, Amen, I, George B. Hearn of Little Creek Hundred and Sussex County and state of Delaware, being weak in body, but of sound and disposing mind and memory, calling to mind the frailty and uncertainty of human life and being desirous of settling my worldly affairs and directing how the estate, which it has pleased God to bless me, shall be disposed of after my decease, while I have strength and capacity, so to do, make and publish this my last will and testament and hereby revoking and making null and void all other Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made, and first I commend my immortal being to him, who gave it and my body to the earth, to be buried in a good decent Christian manner, by my Executor hereinafter named, and as to my worldly estate and all the property, real, personal, or mixed of which I shall die seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease, I devise, bequeath and dispose thereof in the manner following, to wit:

Imprimis: My will is that all my just debts and funeral charges, shall by my Executor, hereinafter named be paid out of my estate as soon after my decease, as shall by him be found convenient.

Item: I give, devise and bequeath unto my brother, Benjamin Hearn, the sum of one hundred dollars in cash, to be paid to him in one year after my decease, by my Executor hereinafter named, to his sole use, his heirs, Executors and Administrators and assign, forever.

Item: Give, devise and bequeath unto my brother, Thomas Hearn, all that (missuage), or tract, piece or parcel of land where Minos Tyre now reside, it being all the land that I (have) of said tract on the east side of the (Miray) gut ditch, that enters into the Cannon Mill Pond and also one bedstead and furniture, no. 2, to him, his heirs, Executors, Administrators and assigns, forever.

I, give, devise, and bequeath unto my brother, Clement C. Hearn, all that (massuage), tract, piece, or parcel of land that lies on the West side of the (Miray) gut ditch, that empties into Cannon Mill Pond, it being the land where John Oullen now resides, all of the above land situate and being in Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County and state of Delaware and also all of my black smith tools that is in the shop at the (keill), Clement C. Hearn, to him, his heirs, Executors and Administrators and assigns, forever.

Item: I give, devise and bequeath the sum of twenty five dollars in cash to my sister, Sally C., now the wife of Elijah Holloway, to her by my Executor in one year after my decease, to her sole use, her heirs, Executors, Administrators and assigns, forever.

Item: I give, devise and bequeath unto my sister, Eliza W. (Nowlt), wife of Nathaniel Jones, the sum of seventy five dollars in cash, to be paid by my Executor in one year after my decease, to her sole use, her Executors, Administrators and assign, forever.

Item: All the rest of my estate real, personal or mixed of which I shall die seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease to be sold at public auction by my Executor, hereinafter named. I give, devise and bequeath unto my two brothers, Thomas Hearn and Clement C. Hearn, to be equally divided, to them their heirs, Executors, Administrators and assigns forever, and lastly I do nominate and appoint my brother Thomas Hearn to be the Executor of this my last Will and Testament, In testimony whereof I the said George B. Hearn, have to this my last Will and Testament have here subscribed my name and affixed my seal this thirty first day of March in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty One.

George B. Hearn    seal

Signed, sealed, published and disclosed by the said George B. Hearn, as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto.

George W. Hearn

Joshua J. Cannon

Joseph (K) B Cannon

Some persons who bought goods at sale of Geo. B. Hearn dec’d’s goods:

Clement Hearn, Thomas Hearn, Wm. B. Jones, George W. Hearn of S, Bento H. Gordy, Joseph J. Hearn, Joshua Cannon, Stephen Gordy, Wm. T. Elliott, Burton Elliott, John Phillips, Julia Cannon, Sally Hearn,

    End …

George H. Hearn, ___- 1877-1895

(will book 17, pg. 133, Archives at Georgetown, Del.


Executor: Wife: Amanda M. Hearn

(Note! A geo. H. Hearn married an Amanda M. Cannon, in 1859, marriages aft. 1850.)

Children: Geo Anna Hearn, Amanda Virginia Hearn, daughter: Amelia Harriet

Hearn, daughter: Mary Emma Hearn, Son: William Joshua Hearn, son: Alpheus

Henry Hearn, who renounced Administrator of Will.

Administrator: Henry Bacon (See 1870 Census, # 433a.)

See will below:

Wills recorded, located at Georgetown, Delaware., Vol. 13, pgs.  539-542.

{Also RG 4545.009, Roll No. 107}

George H. Hearn, last Will and Testament. __-1877

In the name of God, Amen, I, George Hearn of Sussex County, being in ill and feeble health, but of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made.

And as to my worldly estate and all the property, personal and mixed of which I shall die seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease, I devise, bequeath and dispose, thereof, in the manner following, to wit:

First- My will is that all my just debts and funeral, expenses shall by my Executrix herein named, be paid out of my estate, personal estate, as soon after my decease, as shall by her be found convenient.

Item- It is my will and desire that all my personal property be sold at public sale, and the proceeds, arising there from, after paying my just debts, and funeral expenses as above provided, to be used by my beloved wife, Amanda M. Hearn, until my beloved children become of age, when she is to, pay over to them, as each one arrives at twenty-one years of age, in the manner as will hereinafter be set forth.

Item 2- I, also, give unto my beloved wife all the income arising from all my property, during the minority of my children, except what is known as the "Benson Farm", and the two lots at what is known as "Hearn's Mill", which I give unto her for and during her natural life and also my interest in said "Hearn's Grisp Mill", and the land held by Harriet H. Cannon, as dower interest, in the real estate of Joshua S. Cannon, deceased which at the death of said Harriet H. Cannon, I give unto my beloved wife, for and during her natural life and at her death to go to my beloved children, George Ann Hearn, and Amanda Virginia Hearn, in equal parts or moiety to them and their heirs and assigns forever.

Item 3- I give unto my beloved daughter, Mary Emma Hearn, my house and lots situate in the town of Salisbury, Maryland, on Chestnut Street, adjoining land of Doctor Collier and Luinton White, when she arrives at the age of twenty-one years of age; Also I bequeath unto her, four judgment notes I hold , two of them against Edward F. Cannon, of one-hundred and forty dollars each, with interest, subject to twenty-five dollar credit, and two others of one-hundred dollars against each Edward R. Hearn and interest to her, and sole use and benefit forever.

Item4th- I give and bequeath unto my beloved son, William Joshua Hearn, when he shall arrive at  twenty-one years of age, all that portion of my home farm, being on the north side of Green Branch, running from Thomas Hearn's land to the head of Green Branch ditch, and lying on the north side of a ditch running from Green Branch head , aforesaid, to the county road leading from Tucker Hill to Low's crossroads at a point about one-hundred yards north of Tucker Hill,, adjoining lands of Thomas Hearn, and William E. Cannon, be the quanity what it may , by the said William Joshua paying to my daughter Amelia Harriet Hearn, four-hundred dollars, within two years after she arrives at the age of twenty-one, no interest until she arrives at maturity, and then to draw interest until paid, to them their heirs and assigns forever.

Item 5th- I give, devise and bequeath unto my beloved son, Alpheus Henry Hearn, when he arrives at the age of twenty-one years of age, all the remainder of the land, belonging to my home farm not given to William Joshua Hearn, aforesaid, adjoining lands of Edward R. Hearn, William C. Hearn, Hiram B. Brittingham, and Thomas Hearn, be the quanity what it may, by the said Alpheus Henry, paying unto my daughter, Amelia Harriet Hearn, nine-hundred dollars within three years, after she arrives at twenty-one in installments of three-hundred dollars each, without interest until she arrives at maturity, and then to draw interest until paid, to them, their heirs and assigns forever.

Item 6th-I give and devise unto George Anna Hearn, in addition to the above, one-hundred dollars in money, to be paid her by my beloved wife, when she arrives at twenty-one years of age, out of my personal proceeds, to her and her heirs and assigns forever.

Item 7th- I give and devise unto Amanda Virginia Hearn, one-hundred dollars in addition to what I have already given her, when she arrives at twenty-one years of age, to be paid her by my wife, out of my personal proceeds, to her and her sole use forever.

Item 8th- I give and devise unto Amelia Harriet Hearn, in addition to what I have already given her, when she arrives at full age, two-hundred dollars in money, to be paid her by my wife, out of my personal proceeds, to her and her sole, use, benefit and behoof forever. All the remainder and residue of my personal estate, if any, I want divided in equal parts between my children as the last one arrives at maturity to be paid over to them by my beloved wife, to them their sole use, benefit, and behoof forever.

Item 9th- and lastly I do nominate and appoint my beloved wife, Amanda M. Hearn, to be the Executrix of this my last will and testament.

In testimony whereof I, the said George H. Hearn, have to this my last will and testament, contained on four pages of paper, subscribed my name and affixed my seal this twenty-second day of June, in the year of our Lord, one-thousand-eight-hundred and seventy-seven. (1877).

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said George H. Hearn, as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us who at his request, and in his presence and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. The interlining on the third line, in the fourth item, and also that on the seventh line, of the eighth item, was done before signing.

Clement C. Hearn, Thomas W. Ralph

State of Delaware, Sussex County S.S.

Be it remembered that on the twenty-first in the year of our Lord, one-thousand-eight-hundred and seventy-seven, before me William H. Wheattey, Register for the probate of will and granting letters of Administration, in and for the county, aforesaid, appeared Clement C. Hearn, one of the subscribing witnesses to the within and foregoing instrument of writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of George H. Hearn, late of the county, aforesaid, deceased, and being solemnly sworn, on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, deposeth and saith, that he saw the said George H. Hearn, the testator, sign the said instrument of writing and heard him pronounce, publish and declare, the same as for his last will and testament , that at the doing thereof was of a sound and disposing mind and memory, and upwards of twenty-one years of age, that this deponent attested and subscribed his name as witness to the said instrument of writing, at the instance and in the presence of the said, George H. Hearn, the testator.

Subscribed and sworn before William H. Wheattey, Register.

; Clement C. Hearn

Same as above except with the name of Thomas H. Ralph

Be it remembered that on the 21st day of August A D , 1877the last will and testament of George H. Hearn, deceased, (of which the foregoing is a true copy ) was proven by the two subscribing witnesses of whose affidavits the above and foregoing are true copies thereof and the same was allowed by the register. The Executrix, named in said deceased will having resigned, that on the twenty-seventh day of August, last, letters of Administration. Cum testaments, annex, with the will annexed were granted unto Amanda M. Hearn, and William R. Ellis, who were sworn and gave bond with Clement C. Hearn, and William E. Cannon, as surities, in the penal sum of three hundred dollars.

Recorded August 25, 1877

William H. Wheattey, Reg'r.


George M.C. Hearn, ___- 1871-1878

(See cemeteries visited # 74.)

Administrator: William C. Hearn & John M.C. Hearn, Dated: Jan. 24, 1871

Juliann (H) Hearn renounced her right to administer the Estate of her deceased husband,

Dated Jan. 23, 1871

Martha S Hearn, Ann M.C. Hearn, Patty E. Hearn, William C. Hearn received inheritance.

Following are some who bought goods at the sale of the deceased estate:

W.C. Hearn, Stephen Hearn, David Pepper, Thos. Short,  S. A. Philips,  Jno. M.C. Hearn, Isaac

Hearn, Joseph Windsor, Widow, Thos. J. Parker, J. Burton, Joseph Morris, A.C. Pepper, W.T.

            Hearn of J, Wingate Short, Thos. W. Short, Ali Short, Jacob S. Elliott.

Harriett Hearn, ___- 1835-1839

Widow of:  Thomas Hearn of L.

  (Note! A Thos. Hearn married a Harriet Hobbs, in C1835.)

Father: William Hobbs

Son: William L. Hearn, named executor & Administrator.

Will Dated: Oct. 17, 1835

See below …

Harriett Hearn -Will __-1835-1839

Reference: Microfilm RG4545.009, roll # 107

Last Will and Testament of Harriett Hearn

I, Harriett Hearn, of Thomas Hearn (of L), dec'd, of the town of Laurel, Sussex County & state of Delaware, being in feeble health but of sound mind & memory, do make, constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills, if any.

Item: I give and bequeath to my father, William Hobbs, all my landed Estate during his natural life and no longer.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son, William L. Hearn, all my Estate, Real, personal and mixed to him and his heirs forever. The personal Estate, absolutely, to receive and use the same during his minority as fully as though he were twenty one years old, the real Estate, at the death of my said father, William Hobbs, but should my said son, William L. Hearn, die during his minority & without a child then I give my Real Estate to Henry K. Hobbs, to him and his heirs forever, upon condition that he will furnish to George Hobbs a decent maintenance during his lifetime, out of the proceeds of said real Estate.

Item: I constitute and appoint my son, William L. Hearn, Executor of this my last Will and Testament  & constitute & appoint him Administer, Do bonus, now on the Estate of Thomas Hearn (of L, dec'd) of which, I am the administrator, but if in consequence of his minority he cannot administer upon both or either, I, then appoint Henry Bacon, Executor and Administrator as aforesaid and desire that he pay over to my said William L. Hearn, my personal Estate, during his minority & hereby make valid any receipt or receipts that my son Wm. L. Hearn, may execute to the said Henry Bacon, for a part or the whole of my personal Estate.

In witness, whereof, I have hereunto, set my hand & seal the 17th day of October A D 1835.

Harriett Hearn   seal

Signed, sealed, published and declared to be the last Will and Testament of the Testator in the presence of us.

Mary Ann Griffith

R.H. Griffith


Harriet H. Hearn, ___-1876

(see cemetery # 6, P-1501 ?)

Son: Alsave N. Hearn

Son: George H. Hearn

Son: Philip C. Hearn

Son: Edward R. Hearn

Daughter: Sarah E. White, wife of Thomas M.I. White

Daughter: Lavinia E. Parker, wife of John B. Parker

Will. Dated: Aug. 15, 1876

See below …

Harriet H. Hearn - Will __-1876 

Reference: Microfilm RG4545.009, roll # 107

In the name of God, Amen, I, Harriet H. Hearn, of Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County and state of Delaware, being in good health and of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and publish, this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made. And as to my worldly Estate and all the property, real, personal, or mixed, of which I shall die seized and possessed, or to which I shall be entitled, at the time of my decease, I devise, bequeath and dispose thereof, in the manner following, to wit:

First: My Will is that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid out of my Estate as soon after my decease as shall be found convenient.

I give, devise and bequeath unto W.T. Dorson, one dime and no more of my Estate.

I give, and bequeath unto my son, Isaac N. Hearn, one dime and no more of my Estate.

I give and bequeath unto my son, George H. Hearn, one dime and no more of my Estate.

I give and bequeath unto my son, Philip C. Hearn, one dime and no more of my Estate.

I give and bequeath unto my son, Edward R. Hearn, one dime and no more of my Estate.

I give, devise and bequeath unto my two beloved daughters, Sarah E. White, wife of Thomas N.I. White, and Lavinia E. Parker, wife of John B. Parker, all the remainder and residue of my Estate, both personal or mixed or of any nature and description, whatsoever, to be divided between them, in equal parts, so that each may share and share alike, to them and their heirs sole use, benefit and behoof, forever.

  In testimony whereof I, the said Harriet H. Hearn, have to this my last Will and Testament contained on two pages of paper and to every page thereof subscribed my name and to this the last page thereof I have subscribed my name and affixed my seal this fifteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy six (1876)

Harriet H. Hearn    seal

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said, Harriet H. Hearn, as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us , who at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses, thereto.

Nully C. Wootten

James H. Tyre


Henry C. Hearn, ___- 1871-1877

Renouncement of Administration by Joseph Bacon Estate

Of Henry C. Hearn Jan. 26,1871

Administrator: Daniel Hearn, dated Jan. 31, 1871

Isaac N. Henry - Oct. 30, 1894

See will below:

Will of Isaac N. Henry

(Ref: will book, no.17, pg's. 132- 133, Archives at Georgetown, Del., County Seat.)

Last will and testament of, Isaac N. Henry.

I, Isaac N. Henry, of Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County and state of Delaware, make this my last will.

Item 1st: I give and devise unto, my son, Isaac J. Henry, all of my lands where I now reside, except that portion thereof lying west and south of a line starting at a certain marked post on the division line between my lands and the lands, of the heirs of William A.R. Phillips, running north five degrees east, eighty three and seven tenths perches to a marked post, thence north eighty two degrees, west thirty two and three quarter perches to a corner on the division line, between my lands and Charles B. Ebzeys lands, to him his heirs and assigns forever. He, the said, Isaac J. Henry, to pay to my son William S. Henry, the sum of one hundred dollars, the said amount to be a charge against the above described piece of land,

Item 2nd:  It is my will and desire that all of my real estate except that portion named in item 1st, which I devised to my son, Isaac J. Henry, shall be sold by my executor hereafter named at public sale and the proceeds thereof to be equally divided between my, son, William J. Henry, my two daughters, Sallie A. Ellis and Eugenia E. Lowe each to share alike.

Item 3rd: I give and bequeath unto my son, Isaac J. Henry, my one sorrel mare, named Maud, one carriage, one feather bed, bedstead, and furniture. It is my will that, he my son, Isaac J. Henry, shall take good care of my wife, Sallie E. Henry, during her natural life and give her comfortable support and at her death a decent burial, this I make a charge upon the lands I devised to my son, the said Isaac J. Henry, in item 1st.

Item 4th: I give and bequeath unto my wife, Sallie E. Henry, all my household and kitchen furniture, except those things I bequeathed to my son Isaac J . Henry, It is my will and desire that all personal property belonging to me at my death not herein bequeathed shall be sold at public sale, after my death, and after paying all just debts and funeral expenses the remaining proceeds there from to be equally divided between all of my children herein after named as follows: Gustavis A. Henry, William S. Henry, John K. Henry, Isaac J. Henry, Sallie A. Ellis, and Eugenia E. Lowe.

Item 5th: I do hereby appoint and constitute John F Henry as executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have signed and sealed and published and declare this instrument as my will on April 28th, 1893.

Isaac N. Henry    seal

The said, Isaac N. Henry, on April 28th, 1893. Signed and sealed this instrument and published and declared the same, as for his last will and we at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto written our names as subscribing witnesses.

Alonzo W. Phillips

Thomas H. Dunn

State of Delaware, Sussex County

Be it remembered that on the 30th day of October, in the year of our lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety four before me, Charles C. Slockley, register for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration in and for the county aforesaid, appeared Alonzo W. Phillips, one of the subscribing witnesses to the within and foregoing instrument of writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Isaac N. Henry, late of the county aforesaid, deceased, and being solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, deposeth and saith, that he saw the said Isaac N. Henry, the testator sign the said instrument of writing, and heard him publish, pronounce, and declare the same as and for his last will and testament, that at the doing thereof he was of a sound and disposing mind and memory, and upwards of twenty one years of age that this deponent attested and subscribed his name and as witness to the said instrument of writing at the instance and in the presence of Isaac N. Henry, testator.

Thomas H Dunn

Subscribed and Sworn before Chas. C. Slockley, Registor.


Isaac Hearn of William, ___- 1871-1877

Will, Dated: Nov. 2, 1871.

Nephews: Samuel W. Thompson, William Lowe & his

Brothers: Andrew J. Lowe, and Samuel (I.) Lowe.

Sister: Frances Ellensworth.

Niece: Miranda Windsor, Eleanor Elliott.

Nephews: Isaac N. Hearn, Samuel (J) Hearn, Selby M. Lowe,

Benjamin B. Hearn and William Hearn.

Nephew: William Gordy, (Left lands he bought of Jonathan

Hearn of William.)

Will probated: July 14, 1874.

Executors: Samuel W. Hearn, and Selby M. Lowe.

(note! Isaac Hearn, d. May 5, 1874, aged 57 years, 1 mo, 8 days is buried in cemetery no. 56, P- 1320 & P-1321)

See below …

Will of Isaac Hearn (of William) 1871-1877,

Submitted for probate July 14, 1874, recorded in Will Book "N", folio 333 also, (Rg4545.009, Roll # 107, Georgetown, Sussex County Delaware)

The Last Will and Testament of Isaac Hearn of Wm, of Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County and state of Delaware.

I, Isaac Hearn, considering the uncertainly of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following

It is my will and desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon as possible after my decease.

Item: I give and bequeath to my nephew, Samuel W. Thompson all the land I purchased of John C. Cannon, situated in Broad Creek Hundred, Sussex County to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my nephew, William Lowe all the land I purchased of Miles Messick and George P. Hitch, situated in Broad Creek Hundred, Sussex County, to him, his heirs and assigns forever, provided he pays to his brothers, Andrew J. Lowe and Samuel I. Lowe, one-hundred dollars each within two years after my decease.

lared in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses thereunt Item: I give and bequeath to my sister, Frances Ellensworth, all the land I purchased of Levin Callaway, Jonathan Hearn and Luecen M. Bradley, to her, her heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my niece, Miranda Windsor and my nephews Isaac N. Hearn, and Samuel I. Hearn, daughters and sons of my brother, Jonathan Hearn, all the land I purchased of William H. Anderson, situated in Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County, to be equally divided between them, to them, their heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my nephews, Benjamin B. Hearn and William Hearn and my niece, Eleanor Elliott, all the lands purchased of Josiah Hearn and William Gordy of A, known as “Girdys Delight”, also all the land purchased by Samuel Hearn of Wm., of George Harris, excepting thirty-four acres sold Benjamin B. Dennis, situated in Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County, to be equally divided between them, to them, their heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my nephew, William Gordy, all the lands bought of Jonathan Hearn of William and William Gordy of A, situated in Little Creek Hundred, aforesaid, adjoining lands of Nathaniel C.J. Wootten, Daniel Hastings and William Gordy and lands before, devised to Benjamin B. Hearn, William Hearn and Eleanor Elliott, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my nephews, Selby M. Lowe and Samuel W. Thompson all my personal estate, after the payment of all just debts and funeral expenses and lastly I hereby constitute and appoint Samuel W. Thompson and Selby M. Lowe, executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all others by me at any time heretofore made.

In witness, whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the second day of November, in the year of our Lord, One-thousand-eight-hundred and seventy-one.


Isaac  X      Hearn


Signed, Sealed, published and declared.

* ( I.) L.Long       * (Thos) C. Horsey    John S. Bacon


An Isaac Hearn, died May 5, 1874, aged 57 years, 1 mo, 8 days is buried next to Samuel L. Hearn, born

Dec. 30, 1807, died Mar. 24, 1850 at cemetery site No. 56, along with a Martha J., wife of Joseph W. Elliott.

* Best estimate of writing


Isaac Hearn of S, Orphans Court, ___-1882-1883

Recorded in Book G, No. 7, folio 228.

Administrator: Luther S. Hearn

Appointed: Feb. 27, 1882

Heirs of the deceased: Sperry Hearn and William M. Hearn

Jonathan A. Hearn was paid in full of a note for $100.00.

Stephen G. Hearn and John G. Smith were Appraisers.

(See 1850 census. Isaac Hearn of S, age 35, Eleanor, age 35, Children: Jonathan A, age 15, Luther S, age 13, Matilda I, age 11, William M, age 9, Sarah E, age 7, Frances A, age 4.)

[ Note ! A Isaac Hearn, d. Nov. 1, 1880, aged 70 years is buried at cemetery no. 7.( St Stephens Church, Delmar, Del.)]

See below:

Isaac Hearn of S., 1882-1883

Husband of Eleanor Hearn of Thomas.

Ref: Recorded in Book G, No. 7, folio 228; RG4545.009, Roll# 107.

No Will. Luther S. Hearn, son appointed as Administrator.

Stephen G. Hearn and John G. Smith appraised goods of the deceased.

The appraised articles, of the deceased, were taken by, Sperry and William M. Hearn, heirs of the deceased.

The Administrator paid Jonathan A. Hearn in full of a note of $100.

Appraisement of, the goods and Chattels of, Isaac Hearn, of S.

No. 1
1 timber cart and chain$25.00
1 scalding cask .25
1 lot of iron .22
2 grind stones .50
2 grubbing hoes @ 70c1.40
2 weeding hoes and rake .75
1 bush axe .40
1 cart and harness11.50
1 wagon12.00
2 harrows and teeth6.50
2 plows2.25
1 corn cover and clives37 1/2
1 bundle of bound corn25
1 lot of short corn5.00
Residue in loft15
2 milk cows28.00
4 head of sheep10.00
1 skip jack12
1 corn gum .15
1 cow bell .18
1 quilting frame .07
2 muzzles .10
2 hoes and pail .10
5 axes 1.75
1 loom .75
1 pair cotten cords .26
No. 2
1 cross cut saw 2.50
15 bushels wheat @ 1.25 18.75
2 sets of plow harness 2.00
1 saddle .50
1 dye pot .25
1 maul and wedge .75
2 pitch folks and shovel 1.15
2 collars .75
1 lot tools 4.00
1 barrel of vinegar 8.00
2 empty barrels .50
1 lot baskets 1.00
1 lot sacks .50
7 bushels of potatoes @ 60c 4.20
5 bushels of turnips @ 20c 1.00
350 bushels of corn @ 55c 45.50
14 stacks of fodder @ 3.50 45.50
11 shoats 40.80
2 brood sours @ 6.00 12.00
1 mare 100.00
1 mare 75.00
1 bridle .15
1 milk cheat 1.00
2 spinning wheels 2.00
1 bench and tools .50
No. 3
18 empty barrels90
1 lot poultry 20.00
1 lot lard 13.20
3 lard cans 1.55
1 lot pickles 1.25
2 tubs and bucket 1.60
1 preserving kettle 1.00
1 salter and cask .371/2
1 lot soap .90
1 lot soap grease 1.00
1 lot pork 87.72
1 bed and bedstead and coverings No.1 25.00
1 bed and bedstead and coverings No.2 20.00
1 bed and bedstead and coverings No.3 20.00
1 bed and bedstead and coverings No.4 20.00
1 lot bed clothing 10.00
1 lot sheets and slips 1.95
1 lot towels .35
4 chests @ 50c 2.00
2 tables and covers1.50
1 looking glass .25
1 lot of rofl and feathers 3.50
1 lot carpet bags .05
1 cupboard and contents 6.15
4 guns 2.00
No. 4
1 colander .15
1 clock 3.00
1 razor and strap .50
1 1/2 doz. cane bottom chairs 3.0
1 table and books 2.00
1 looking glass andirons and blinds .60
1 carpet 2.50
11/2 doz. flag bottomed chairs 5.00
2 tables 1.00
1 hammer .02
1 tin ware 1.00
1 lot of dishes 1.00
1 shovel, tongs, and andirons 1.00
1 pr.of Satirons .25
1 lot dishes 1.00
1 pan .15
1pot and lid .50
1 oven .35
1 kettle and pot hanger .60
2 pots and hooks 1.50
2 staks of straw .50
Residue in kitchen .05
1 half-bushel measure .50
cash on hand14.00
No. 1107.95
No. 2515.10
No. 3242.24
No. 440.17
$ 995.42

The above named articles taken at the appraisement by Sperry Hearn and Wm. M. Hearn heirs of the deceased.


Isaac N. Hearn, ___- 1902-1906

Wife: Mary H. Hearn

(Note! A Isaac N. Hearn married a Addie F. Dashield,in 1888.)

Will, dated: Sept. 8, 1902

4 children: Isaac Thomas Hearn, George Ernest Hearn,

Cordelia J. White, Mary E. Short.

Grandson: Isaac John Hearn

Grandchildren: Isaac Leland Parker, Helen Parker, wife of Wm.

Parker. Children of deceased daughter: Olivia E. Parker.

Executors by will: Sons: Isaac T., Geo. E., & Wm. F. Johnson

Probate Date: March 16, 1905

( Note ! A Isaac N. Hearn, Sept. 15, 1833- Mar. 13, 1905 and several children are buried in cemetery no. 9. see for additional info. On family.)

See below …

Isaac N. Hearn-Will __-1902-1906

Reference: Record Book "T", no. 19, folio 260 (also RG4545.009, Roll# 107)

I, Isaac N. Hearn of Snow Hill, Worchester County, Maryland, being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, do make this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all other Wills and Testaments heretofore made by me.

First, I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary H. Hearn, all that house and lot of ground, in the town of Snow Hill, Worchester County, Maryland, where I now reside, extending from Bay Street,(or Rail Road Avenue), by and with Martin Street to Purnell Street, but not to include the tenant house and the lot set apart, for the same, in the rear of my residence and on Purnell Street, to have and to hold, for and during her natural life, and at her death ,I give and devise the same to my daughter, Mary E. Short, wife of Robert Short, in fee simple. I also give and bequeath to my said wife the sum of four hundred dollars, absolutely.

Second, I give, and devise to my son, Isaac Thomas Hearn, for and during his natural life all those tracts or parcels of land situate in Pittsville Election Districk, Wicomico County, state of Maryland, about three miles from the Village of Pittsville and near the Delaware line, containing about six hundred acres and known as the "John Timmons Land", conveyed to me by several deeds, comprising one body or tract of land through and divided into several farms, but not including herewith a tract of land bought by me of George White, which is excepted from this item. I also give and devise, to my said son, Isaac Thomas Hearn, during his natural life in like manner a tract of land containing about eighteen acres known as the "Foskey Land", about one mile from "John Timmons Land", and near the Delaware line on the Maryland side thereof, and at his death, I give, devise all of the above named lands so devised to my said son, Isaac Thomas Hearn, for life, to his children or heirs, of his body, then living, in fee simple, to take Per stirpes.

Third, I give and devise to my son, George Ernest Hearn, in fee simple, all the following Real Estate situate in Worchester County, Maryland, near the town of Snow Hill, first all that farm known as the "Dale Farm", which I bought of William Dale and containing three hundred acres more or less, also all that tract on the south side thereof, which I bought of Edward Hutt and containing two hundred and twenty acres, more or less.

Fourth, I give and devise to my daughter, Cordelia J. White, wife of Eli N. White, in fee simple, all that land I bought of William C. Hearn, situate in Little Creek Hundred, in Sussex County, Delaware, North of, and adjoining the village of Whitesville, at the junction of two roads and consisting three hundred acres, more or less and known as the "Hearn Land". I also give and devise to my said daughter, Cordelia J. White, a parcel of land bought by me, of Robert Short, sheriff, contiguous to the aforesaid tract, containing about eighteen acres, also a vacant lot of ground, situate in Whitesville, Sussex County, Delaware, upon which I formerly resided, all of said parcels of Real, I give and devise to the said Cordelia J. White, to her and her heirs and assigns, absolutely.

Fifth, In addition to the property heretofore given to my daughter, Mary E. Short, in the first item of my Will, at the death of my wife, I further give and devise to my said daughter, Mary E. Short, in fee simple, all the following parcels of Real Estate situate in Snow Hill, Maryland, first, the house and lot adjoining my residence, known as the "Dixon Property", which I purchased of Dr. John S. Aydelotte, second, the tenant house and lot, set apart for the same, in the rear of my residence on Purnell Street, third, the lot of ground, known as the "Sturgis lot", situate on said Purnell Street, provided that my said daughter, Mary E. Short, shall pay to my executors hereinafter named, for the benefit of my estate, the sum of one thousand dollars in cash, which sum is made a charge upon the estate herein devise to my said daughter, Mary E. Short.

Sixth, I give and devise to my grandson, Isaac John Hearn, in fee simple, that tract and parcel of land, which I bought of George White, containing about one hundred acres and lying on the County Road leading from Line M.E. Church to Pittsville in Wicomico County, Maryland.

Seventh, I give and bequeath to my grandchildren, Isaac Leland Parker and Helen Parker, (wife of William Parker), the children of my deceased daughter, Olivia E. Parker, each the sum of five dollars, they being further provide for in a certain policy of insurance upon my life.

Eighth, All the rest and residue of my property, Real Personal and mixed and wheresoever situated and being, I hereby authorize, empower, and direct my Executors hereinafter named to collect , sell and dispose of and convey the same if it be Real Estate either at public or private sale, including any and all that I may have at my death, and after the payment of all my debts and the legacies hereby and herein before given and the payment of all charges and costs of Administration and sale, and funeral charges, I give and bequeath to my four children, Isaac T. Hearn, George E. Hearn, Cordelia J. White and Mary E. Short, share and share alike.

I hereby, constitute and appoint my sons, Isaac T. Hearn and George Hearn and William Johnson, Executors of this my last Will and Testament.

Isaac N. Hearn     seal

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Testator, Isaac N. Hearn as and for his last Will and Testament in our presence, who, at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereto set our names as witnesses the eighth day of September, 1902.

William A. MCallen

Robert J. MCallen

Eben Hearne

Worchester County, S. S.

On 16th day of March, 1905, came William F. Johnson and made oath in due form of law that he doth not know of any law or codicil of Isaac N. Hearn, late of Worchester County, deceased, other than the above instrument of writing, and that he received the same from the Testator on the day of its execution and obtained custody thereof until offered for probate.

Edwd. P. Davis

Register, of Wills, for Worchester County.


Isaac T. Hearn, ___- 1896-1903

Renouncement, of Administration. By Elizabeth (J.) Hearn, [b. 1839, d.

1913 (cemetary, No. 7, P-1374)]

(Note! A Isaac T. Hearn married a Amanda J. Wallis , in 1864, Also A Isaac T. Hearn

married a Jennie Rodney, in 1888.)

Dated: July 9, 1896

Administrator: William A. Hearn, dated: Jan. 9, 1896

(See 1870 census. # 435a. Isaac T, age 35, Eliza, age 32, Children: Benjamin, age 12,

Levin T, age 10, Eleanor, age 8, and William, age 5)

(Note! A Isaac T. Hearn b. 1835, d. 1896 is buried in cemetery no. 7.)

Some people who bought goods at the sale, of the Estate, of Isaac T. Hearn: Fred Hearn, B.M. Jones, B.B. Lowe, Clarence Hearn, S.G. Ward, Wm. H. Phillips, Ebenezer Hearn, T.E. Hearn, Isaac S. Jones, John L. Gordy, C.E. Hearn, J.W. Hearn, G.W. Hasting, J. D. Gordy, J.M. Short, Frank Hearn, M.H. Brittingham, Jas. H. Lecates, W.J. Elliott, W.A. Hearn, Alexander Hearn, Jacob Gordy, B. B. Gordy, Widow, C.C. Hearn, L.T. Hearn, and Chas. Gordy.

Isaac Hearn of Jonathan (following from Hearne History, pg. 47)

Wife: Eleanor Hastings, b April 30, 1776

Children: Mary, Wynder, Jonathan, Joshua, Rhoda, Hannah, Martin L, Lavinia, Hester, Nancy, Eleanor, and Elijah.


J. Ira Hearn, ___- 1917

(cemetery # 7, P-1521)

Administrator: Lillie (T.) Hearn (Renounced)

Administrator: Geo. M. Wootten

(Note ! A J. Ira Hearn, Feb. 2, 1888-Nov. 28, 1917 is buried in cemetery no. 7.)

Jacob C. Hearn –probate __-1919

Hearn’s who bought goods at Jacob C. Hearn, deceased’s sale:

David L. Hearn, Geo. M. Wootten, William Hearn of N.

Jacob Hearn, ___-1864-1868

Will. Dated: April 25, 1864

4 daughters: Julia Ann Hearn, (Tearlet) T. Hearn, Eliz. Levenea

Wootten, Wife of, Geo. M. Wootten, Lovey (J) Brown, wife of,

Wm. Brown and (Charlet) T. Hearn.

Sons: Isaac S. Hearn, Wm. S. Hearn, Jacob Hearn.

Note ! Auctioneer at this sale was Kendal B. Hearn, who was paid $2.00 for auctioning off Jacob’s goods plus interest of 5 cents.

See will below:

Will of Jacob Hearn  -1864-1868

Ref: Will Book K U, folio 291 & 292. also on microfilm: RG4545.009, roll # 10

In the name of God, Amen, I, Jacob Hearn of Sussex County, state of Delaware, being weak in body, but of a sound mind , memory and sense, Thanks be to Almighty God for the same, Taking into consideration the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, I hereby make and ordain this my last will and testament of all my worldly consense. First I commit my sole to the hands of Almighty God, who first gave it, and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian like manner.

Item 1- I give and bequeath to my daughter, Julia Ann Hearn, all my Real Estate with all the rights and privileges thereunto belonging to her , her heirs and assigns forever.

Item 2- I give and bequeath to my son, Isaac S. Hearn, the sum of ten dollars and no more of my Estate.

Item 3- I give and bequeath to my son, William S. Hearn, my young horse, called "Elate" and no more of my Estate.

Item 4- I give and bequeath to my son, Jacob (E.) Hearn, one shilling and no more of my Estate.

Item 5- I give and bequeath to my daughter, Charlet T. Hearn, the first choice of my beds and furniture.

Item 6- The residue of my personal property not (loising) mentioned as yet it is my will and wish for it to be sold at public sale and the money equally divided between my four daughters Viz: Julia Ann Hearn, Elizabeth Levenia Wootten, the wife of George M. Wootten, Loriey (S. ) Brown,the wife of William Brown, and Charlet T. Hearn, after paying my debts and funeral charges.

Item 7- I do hereby constitute and appoint George M. Wootten, my hole and sole Executor of all my Estate. As witness my hand and seal this the twenty fifth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty four.

Jacob Hearn    seal

Signed in presence of:

Jos. D. Smith

Asa G Turpin

Some persons who bought items from the sale of the personal property of Jacob Hearn:

Wm. T. Hearn, Isaac Hasting, Benj. Elliott, Marshall Smith, Thomas Ellis, John W. Melson, Cyrus Parker, Jas. R. Lecates, Benj. M. Smith, John Morris, Joshua Hasting, Joseph Hitchens, William Brown, Geo. Morris, Thomas Hearn, Wm. Sirman, Emeline Parker, Isaac West, Sally A. Hearn, Elisha T. English, Wm. Atkins, Joseph Hearn, and Thomas Turpin.

Note! Kendal B. Hearn was auctioneer and was paid $2.00 plus .05cents interest for auctioneering


Jacob C. Hearn, ___- 1854-1867

Administrator: Geo. M. Wootten

Orphans Court-Some persons who bought goods at sale of Estate: David L. Hearn, Geo. M.

Wootten, William Hearn of N, John L. Elliott, E.S.D. Parker, Isaac Williams, Widow,

J.H. Chipman, David L. Hearn, Geo. M. Wootten, William Hearn of N, and Widow.

James E. Hearne, ___- 1915

Administrator: Ira F. Hearn

(Note! A Jas. E. Hearn married a Martilla Oliphant, in 1871, marriages aft. 1850.)

Appraisement order issued: December 1, 1915

( Note ! A James E. Hearn, Jan. 1840-Nov. 1915 and Martilla b. June 18, 1852 are buried

in cemetery no. 9, P-1384)


James W. Hearn, ___- 1919

(Cemetery # 6, P-1494)

Will Dated: Aug. 7, 1919

Wife: Fannie M. Hearn

(Note! A Jas. W. Hearn married a Fannie M. Beach, in 1887, marriages aft. 1850.)

Appraisement order issued: Oct. 6, 1919

Daughter: Mary M. Hearn

See below:

James W. Hearn- Will __-1919

Reference: RG4545.009, Roll # 107

I, James W. Hearn, make this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following:

Item 1, I give and devise to my daughter, May M. Hearn, the lot on the West side of and adjoining the property whereon I now reside in Delmar, Sussex County, Delaware, said lot fronting on Grove Street, sixty (60) feet and extending Northward, with regular dimensions, 150 feet, to Mitchel Nelson's lot, in fee simple.

Item 2, I give, devise and bequeath all my other property, Real, and personal, of every description, to my wife, Fannie M. Hearn, in fee simple.

In testimony, whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, This the seventh day of August in the year 1919.

Signed, Sealed, published and declared by James W. Hearn, as and for his last Will and Testament, who at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, have set our hands as Witnesses, hereto.

Robert F. Elliott

Arthur W. Ellis

( Note ! James W. Hearn, July 26, 1861-Sept. 6, 1919 and wife Fannie W. Hearn, Oct. 6, 1866-

Oct. 30, 1937 are buried at cemetery no. 6.)


Jane S. Hearn, ___- 1900-1904

(Cemetery # 13, P-1398 & P-1402)

Administrators: Mary E. & James P. Dale. (See 1870 census, # 475b. Jane S., age 43,

Children: Joseph, age 13, Luther T, age [11 or 71])


John Tindall-

Will- April 4, 1786

The Following is the will of John Tindall, husband of Elizabeth Short Tindall. The source is LDS film of the original will, read at San Diego LDS Library. Will dated 9 May 1786, Sussex County, Delaware, Liber D, Bk 4, Folio 111. (Note the number of variations used in spelling Tindle/vary throughout the will.)

In the name of God, Amen, this forth day of April Seventeen Hundred and Eighty Six I John Tindal of Sussex County and Delaware State being very sick and weak in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory, thanks be to God. Calling to mind the Mortality of my body, and that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make as touching this Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with this life I give bequeath, devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

I give and devise to my Son Samuel Tindall the land whereon I now live, being sixty acres, Pattened known by the name of ”LUCK AT NEWRIGHTS”; to my said Son a tract of land called “INDUSTRY” One Hundred Acres . also forty five acres called “LIBERTY”. Twenty- three Acres and a half called “SHORTS VICTORY” only with this reserve my Wife Betty Tindal to have full privileges and benefit of one third of all the said lands during her widowhood, this reserve only: The said lands to go to my said son Samuel and his heirs and assigns forever.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Sary Jones One yearling Colt.

I give and bequeath to my said Son Samuel His Mare he now rides, bridle and saddle.

I give and devise to my Son John Tindol One hundred Sixteen acres of Land, “NEWRIGHTS”, lying between John Darby and John Pepers back of the Hay Savannah, to him and his heirs and assigns forever .

I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife the whole of my moveable estate that is not yet mentioned. to my said Wife Betty Tindal, during her widowhood, And Lastly I make Ordain Constitute and appoint my beloved Wife.(sic) I give and bequeath to my Son Jesse Tindal One Negro boy called Jim, to be his after my said wife's decease I give and bequeath to my Son Isaac Tindal One Negro girl called Sall , to be his after my said wife's decease.

I give and bequeath the remainder of my moveable estate to four of my children, namely Nancy, and Lovey , and Hannah and Purnoll Tindal to be equally divided between them after my wifes' decease.

And Lastly I make Ordain, Constitute and appoint my beloved Wife Betty Tindal, aforenamed, and my son Samuel Tindall (sic) my whole and sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other former Wills and [bequoaten] by me in any wise heretofore Willed or bequeathed (sic) but ratifying holding [airrering? as in reading aloud?] and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament.

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my Seal this day and year afore written.

Signed, sealed Published pronounced and declared by John Tindall, the Testator, as his last Will and Testament in Presents of us...

John Thoroughgood, Phillip Short signed, with his seal, John Tindall Sussex County

MEMERANDUM This day 9th of May , 1786 before me Phillip Kollock Register appointed for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration for the County aforesaid, appeared John Thoroughgood, and Phillip Short, two of the witnesses to the within Will and being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, did depose and say that in their sight and presence and hearing , The Testator , John Tindal did sign seal and publish and declare the said to be his Last Will and Testament and that at the doing thereof he was at to the best of their knowledge of a sound and perfect mind memory and judgment and that they and each of them subscribed the same as witnesses in presence of the Testator and at his request.

Phillip Kollock, Reg.s Nuncupative Will Of Elizabeth Short Tindall, widow of John.

Recorded in Kent County, Delaware on 21 October of 1797 Archives Volume A50 page 156~ Reg of Wills Liber N Folio 184

Be It Remembered that on the 21st day of October .....Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven, John Tindall did exhibit an instrument of writing, purported to be the Nuncupative will of Elizabeth Tindall, widow of John deceased before me the subscriber, Register for the Probate of wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for the County of Kent aforesaid, whereupon fourteen days notice be given that the said Noncupative will would again be exhibited for Probate on this to wit, the seventh day of November, 1797, and now at this day to wit, the seventh of November aforesaid Hannah Tindall and Jesse Tindall personally appeared before me register aforesaid, and upon their solemn oaths declare and say that in or about monday the sixteenth day of October 1797  in the dwelling house of the aforesaid Elizabeth Tindall during her last illness, she, Elizabeth Tindall aforesaid did declare and say to them Hannah Tindall and Jesse Tindall respectively , that it was her will and desire that son Pernell should have her Negro girl Jenny, and that her son Isaac Pernell should have have the first child of Jenny aforesaid as also that this deponent Hannah should have her Negro Rachel and further that the rest of her property should be equally divided amongst five children living with her and that her will and desire was that her son John should be the Executor of her will ~ These Deponents Hannah and Jesse Tindall further say that at the time of the aforementioned Elizabeth Tindall's uttering the above mentioned Testamentary words , she was of perfectly sound disposing mind , memory and understanding : as also that she Elizabeth aforesaid did utter, pronounce and the above mentioned words , with a view of their being regarded and noted as for her verbal will~ And further these Deponents sayeth - Sworn to this seventh day of November, seventeen hundred and 97 before `John Laws Register.

Signed ...Hannah Tindall and Jesse Tindall

Be it Remembered that on the eighth day of October Anno Domini One thousand seven hundred and ninety seven , Letters Testamentary in due form---of law granted unto John Tindall , Executor, the Nuncupative will named on the estate of Elizabeth Tindall deceased , who being sworn gave Bond with Richard Jefferson, his surety in the sum of five hundred pounds lawful money of the State of Delaware Bond filed may appear.


John Hearn, ___- 1808

Will unreadable.

See probate below:

John Hearn - 1808

Balance & Distribution- Isaac Hearn, Esq.

Worcester County, Maryland.

Betsey Hearn (Admin) of the last Will and Testament of John Hearn, late of Worcester County, Delaware.

Distribution as follows: The widow of deceased, one third of the above (invoice which is (2.3hg) 55p.

To his son John Hearn one Negro girl called ("Pate") appraised to be equal. To his son Isaac Hearn, one Negro boy equal 666.6p.and his son, Peter G. Hearn, one Negro boy ("Desson") 33.33 , The balance which is 56 85, 10p to be equally divided amongst all my children afmd to them --right--John, Isaac, Peter, Sarah, Leah, Hannah, Betsey W. (Parker) and Rachel Beach to each the sum of $731.33 3/4.

In witness Jonathan (Hopkinely), Reg. Worcester County, Maryland.

Your (account) paid on the account ___ ____of August 1770__

Account of ____dollars as of ___183(0) 15 11p equal to Benjamin Hearn, Peter Gordy.

Note! This will is very badly faded and difficult to read. The above has been reproduced to the best of my ability. however the words in parenthesis are estimates.


John A. Hearn, ___- 1885-1890

Administrator: Isaac T. Hearn, appointed: Nov. 25, 1884

(Note! A John A. Hearn married a Alida B. Alricks, in 1877, marriages aft. 1850.)

(Note! A John A. Hearn, Aug. 27, 1844-Nov. 10,1884, son of Benj. & Phebe Wootten Hearn,

is buried in cemetery no. 21, P-1395)


John M.C. Hearne, ___- 1909

(see cemetery # 74, P-1288)

Administrator: Edward D. Hearn, appointed: Jan. 18, 1909

Probate filed Jan. 23, 1909

Paid Martha E. Hearn in part payment of probated note receipt $576.16

Some persons who bought goods at sale of the deceased personal property:

M. Jones, C. Callaway, R. Pepper, C. Brittingham, W.J. Lecates, Willie Pepper, G.E. King, Henry

Moore, Mrs K. Gordy, G. Bacon, Mr. Hill, Martha Hearn, I. Henry, Horseman.

(Note! A Jno. M. C. Hearne, Mar. 27, 1834-Jan. 1, 1909 and his brother, William C. Hearne,

Dec. 24, 1830- Dec. 7, 1901 and sister, Annie M.C. Hearne, Nov. 5, 1818-Nov. 26, 1890 are

Buried in cemetery no. 74.)


John H. Hearn, ___- 1929

( see cemetery # 5, no picture ?)

Administrator: Marion H. Hearn

Sarah J. Hearn gets $100.00 for her interest in said account.

Dated: Oct. 13, 1929

(note ! A John H. Hearn, b 1859, d 1928 & wife, Alice L, b. 1862, d. 1991 are

buried at cemetery no. 5.)(Note! A John H. Hearn, Jr, 1923-1929 buried in cemetery no. 74,

child of, John Howard Hearn, d. May 11, 1889 and wife Grace M, d. Aug 9, 1888.)


John W. Hearn, ___- 1920-1921

(cemetery # 7, P-1520)

Wife: Sarah E. Hearn, renounces right of Administrator.

Administrator: Clara B. Hearn

Appraisal order issued: Aug. 3, 1920

(Note! John W. Hearn. b, Feb.9, 1888, d. June 20, 1913 and his wife, Sarah J. Hearn, b.

April 22, 1859, d. Dec. 14, 1942, are buried at cemetery site no. 5.)


Jonathan Hearn, ___- 1794-1795,

Will book #4, pgs. 409-411, (Archives at

Georgetown, Del.)

(Will.) Children: Isaac, Elijah, William, Samuel, Sarah, Ebenezer,

George Hearn

See below …

Jonathan Hearn - Will

In the name of God, Amen, I, Jonathan Hearn of Sussex County, of Delaware, calling to mind the mortality of this life and sure certainty of death, while now it pleaseth, God to bless me with disposing mind and memory , I desire to praise him as a spared instance of his amazing mercy, potentially bewailing my many miscarriages and multiplied offences against his infinite goodness, Do humbly beseech his farthest confession to grant his most unworthy creature repentances, unto life eternal, and living faith in the dear redeemer of mankind; now resolving through the aids of his grace and blessed spirit to reform my life and set my house in order before I die; and that the moray of God may be magnified upon the chief of sinners, That henceforth I may live to his praise, And now I do earnestly recommand my sole into the house of the almighty God who gave it, and my body to the earth from which I received it, Knowing that my name by nature is sinful, dust and ashes, yet in hope of a glorious resurrection unto everlasting life, And astounding such worldly estates as God has been pleased to bless me with, I give will, bequeath and dispose of in the following manner and form.

Imprimis I give and demise unto my eldest son, Jonathan Hearn. All that Plantation whereon he now lives, and which I purchased of a certain Moses Gordy, Known by the name of Forest Grove, with the resurvey thereunto belonging together with all the appurtenances in any wise appertaining thereunto him and his heirs, Forever.

I give and demise my plantation whereon I now dwell, and which I Purchased, of a certain Moses Carmein and John Hasting called Betty Major and Glasgow, containing sixty acres, more or less, unto my live sons Isaac Hearn and Elijah Hearn, together with all the resurvey, by me made round about the said tract of land, Beginning at Glasgow bounder and terminated by a large ditch, all which sands and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, I give and demise unto my said sons Isaac and Elijah to be equally and equitably divided between them, so that one shall not inherit more then the other, of said sands and tenements, but that each may enjoy an equal and uninterrupted possession of said sands and premises to them and their heirs, forever.

I give and demise my plantation, a body of sand, which I purchased of a certain James and Clement Callaway, together with the resurvey thereunto belonging and adjoining the last mentioned resurvey, where it terminates at the ditch, now called the brothers point of division; all which sands and easements I give unto my next two sons William Hearn and Samuel Hearn, to be equally and equitably divided between them, so that each one may inherit and enjoy a just proportional part of said sands, with the appurtenances, thereunto, belonging or in any way appertaining unto the said William and Samuel Hearn, and to their heirs, forever.

I give and bequeath to afm 'd sons Isaac Hearn and Elijah Hearn, one copper still and its worm, comprising sixty-four gallons to be equally divided between them as afm'd.

I give and bequeath unto my two sons William and Samuel Hearn, one copper still and its worm, comprising fifty-three gallons to be equally divided between them as afm.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Hearn and next two sons Ebenezer Hearn and George Hearn, one hundred and fifty pounds, in gold and silver, currency of the Delaware state to be equally divided among them three upon my decease.

I give and bequeath all the residue and remainder of my estate, personal consisting of, stock of various kinds, household stuff and what ever else there may be, to be equally divided among my seven children now with me to wit, Isaac, Elijah, William, Samuel, Sarah, Ebenezer, and George, as already mentioned, I say after my just debts and Funeral charges being fully paid and satisfied, whatsoever remains I give and bequeath unto my said children as now mentioned to be fairly and equally divided amongst them as afm'd

Lastly I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my afm' d sons, Isaac Hearn and Elijah Hearn, my sole executors of this my last will and testament, hereby utterly revoking, disannulling and disallowing all other wills, testaments, demises, legacies or bequeaths by me at any time heretofore done either in writing or by word of mouth, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this eighteenth of January in the year of our lord, Christ One-thousand-seven-hundred and ninety- four.

Signed, sealed, and published, pronounced and declared by the testator as his last will and demise, in presence of us, whose names are hereunto subscribed, who in presence of each other do bear joint testimony as witnesses as to what we have declared by the testator .

Joshua Hasting William Hasting Nehemiah Hasting.

Sussex Co. Memorandum: the 18th day of March 1794, Before me Phillips Kollack, Register, appointed for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration for the county afm'd appeared Joshua Hasting and William Hasting, two of the witnesses to the foregoing will being duly sworn on the holy evangels of almighty God, did severally depose and say that in their sight, presence and hearing, the testator Jonathan Hearn did sign, seal, publish, and declare the same to be his last will and testament, and that at the doing thereof he was of sound and perfect memory and judgment, and that they and each of them together with Nehemiah Hasting subscribed the same as witnesses in presence of the testator at his request.

Phillips Kollock, Reg.


Jonathan Hearn, of J, Orphans Court,___- 1820-1830,

Will Book no. 7, pg. 372, Archives at Georgetown, Del.

Will, dated: Nov. 13, 1820

Wife: Lavinah

Sons: Benjamin Hearn, Jacob Hearn, * Jehu, and Wingate.

Daughter: Nancy

Daughter-in-law: Samuels Widow…

* Hearne History says John but the probate files of Jonathan clearly states Jehu.

See below:

Heirs, Distribution, of Estate.

Jehu Morris and Nelly, his wife –100.43

Jehu Hearn -100.43

Jacob Hearn -100.43

Wingate Hearn -100,43

George Saunders and Nancy, his wife - 100.43

( Amania) Davis and Eliz, his wife -100.43

Levinah Hearn, Widow -301.29


Jonathan Hearn of I, probate-___-1858-1866

(not J as the records state), -

Hearne History, (See pg. 47.), states he died Dec 10, 1856.

Died Abt. Feb 27,1856

Wife: Polly Ellis (not Folly Ellis as the H.H. states)

1st Administrator: Samuel D. Vaughan, who later moved to another

State. 2: Elijah Hearn.

Some people who bought goods at sale of the deceased’s personal property:

Levin Hearn, Geo. W. Hearn, Elijah Hearn, J.W. Callaway, William Hearn, Jonathan A. Hearn, Mary H. Hearn, Widow, Asbury Hastings, Asbury W. Parker, Isaac T. Polk, James H. Chipman, Sam’l Bacon, Jas. Lowe, Jonathan Hearn, of W, John Hearn, Martin L. Hearn, Kendal B. Hearn, Isaac Williams, Edmund Hitchens, William J. Windsor, Cyrus Ward, Jonathan Hearn of S, Josiah Collins, Job Sirman, S.D. Vaughan, Jas. W. Messiah, Henry Hudson, Philip Short, of I. (list of sales signed Feb. 19, 1857.)

See below:

Ref Microfilm RG4545.009, Roll # 107

Dated Feb. 19, 1856

I, Polly Hearn, widow, of Jonathan Hearn of I. do resign all my right to the claim and domain of and to the Administration of the goods & chattels of said Jonathan Hearn of I. and hereby authorize the Register of the Probate of Wills, in and for the county and state aforesaid, to grant letters of Administration on the Estate of said dec’d to Samuel Vaughan as witness my hand.


Polly + Hearn



Martin L. Hearn (brother of Jonathan of I)

Levin Hearn


Jonathan Hearn of I (Isaac) __- 1858-1866

Change of Administrator, Request

To the Register of the probate of Wills and granting letters of Administration in, and of, or Sussex County. Your Petitioners would respectively represent Samuel D. Vaugh obtained letters of Administration upon the Estate of Jonathan Hearn, decd the 2nd day of Jan'y, 1857 and that the said Samuel D. Vaugh has now moved to a different state (say) the state (mipoun) and will not attend to the duties, as Adm't, any longer, Therefore your petitioners do request you to appoint Elijah Hearn or some other person Administrator DBN on the Estate of said decd.

March 27, 1858 her

Polly   +   Hearn


Asbury H. Parker

George W. Hearn


Jonathan A. Hearn – Will, ___-1884-1885

(See cemeteries visited #71, P-1312)

Will submitted to probate: Oct. 20, 1884

Executor: Wm. B. Records

(Note! A Jonathan A. Hearn married a Frankey Sirman, Mar. 9, 1835, Ref: marriages prior to 1850.)

(See 1870 census, #1. Jonathan A. Hearn, age 58, Frances S, age 57, Patrick H, age 34, Alfred W, age 28, Mary E. L, age 21, Martha A, age 19, Jobe S, age 17, Elijah R, age 15.)

(Note! A Jonathan A Hearn, Feb. 26, 1812 - Oct. 1, 1884, is buried in cemetery no. 81, along with two sons.)

Will of Jonathan A. Hearn:

Public Archives, Hall of Records, Dover, Del.

I, Jonathan A. Hearn of the town of Laurel, county of Sussex and state of Delaware, do make, publish, and declare my last will and testament in the manner and form following "To Wit"..

First and principally I recommend my soul to Almighty God who gave it, and my body to the earth from which it was taken, to be buried in a decent Christian like manner.

Item First: My will and desire is, that my tract of land situated near Delmar, in the county of Sussex and state aforesaid containing eighty acres, more or less be divided into three lots or parcels, and sold by my executor hereafter to be named, to the highest bidder or bidders, therefore (reserving one quarter of an acre for a burial ground, where my father and mother are buried, for the purpose of burying relatives and friends of the family) and out of the proceeds thereof to pay all just debts outstanding against me at this date, and the balance of the said proceeds, together with a judgment note I hold against Nehemiah B. Lecates, and my mule and cart, to be equally divided between four of my children ( Viz: Alfred W., Stephen G., Mary E., and Martha A. to them and each of them, their heirs and assigns forever.

Second: I desire and direct my said executor to sell one third of an acre on the east side of my lot at the depot in Laurel, adjoining the lot of James B. Phillips, to the highest bidder therefore, and with the proceeds thereof pay such debts as may be contracted by me from this date, burial expenses, and erect tombs to the graves of myself, my wife, my son Patrick, such as Theodore Mitchell has placed at the grave of his wife in the M.E. Cemetery in Laurel, and the residue of said proceeds to be equally divided between my two sons Job S. and Elijah R. Hearn, to them and their heirs forever.

Third: I give and bequeath unto my two sons Job S. and Elijah R. Hearn, all my carpenters tools to be equally divided between them.

Fourth: I give and bequeath unto my wife Frances S. Hearn, all the residue of my lot at the depot in Laurel, together with the houses thereon, also all the household furniture to be held by her for and during the period of her natural life (in lien of dower in the lands devised to be sold) and at the death of her my said wife, for the lot and houses to be equally divided between my two sons Job S. Hearn and Elijah R. Hearn, to them during their natural lives and at their death to their children respectively, their heirs, and assigns forever, and the household goods to be equally divided between my two sons Job S. and Elijah R. and my daughter Mary E. , to them and their heirs forever, and I hereby authorize and empower my executor to convey the lands authorized to be sold to the purchasers thereof by good and sufficient deeds for the same.

It is also my desire that each portion of my said property bear its own expense in the settlement of my estate.

Lastly, I hereby constitute and appoint William B. Records of the town of Laurel, aforesaid sole executor of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills heretofore my me made.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty four.

Jonathan A. Hearn    seal

Signed, sealed, and published by Jonathan A. Hearn, the testator, as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses, thereto:

W. S. Callaway

James H. Williams


Joseph Hearn of B, ___- 1846


Joseph Hearn of L, ___- 1848-1851

Administrators: Geo. W. Hearn and Thomas N. Hearn, dated: Sept. 19, 1848


Joseph Hearn - Will ___- 1887

Will, presented for probate: March 24, 1887

(Note! A Joseph Hearn married a Levinia Wootten, Sept. 28, 1837, marriages prior to 1850.)

See below

Joseph Hearn -Will __-1887

I, Joseph Hearn of Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County, and state of Delaware, being of sound mind, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following:

Item 1, I give and bequeath to my wife, Lavinia all my household furniture and also all of the land I now possess, to her, for and during her natural life and after her decease my Will is as follows:

Item 2, I give and bequeath to my son, William Nutter, all the tract of land that I bought of, William Smith to him and his heirs.

Item 3, I give and bequeath to my son, Thomas W. Hearn, all the remainder of my land and for him to pay to each of my daughters, Margaret Ann and Mary Lavinia, one hundred dollars in two years after my death, to them and their heirs. and at his death, for each of his first three children; Girtrude W, Amanda Jane and Hannah Dodd, to have the same land, to them and their heirs.

Item 4, I give and bequeath to my two daughters, Margaret Ann and Mary Lavinia, after the death of my wife, all my personal property to be equally divided and further that William Nutter and Thomas W. Hearn shall pay all burial charges of me and my wife at their expenses and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint William N. Hearn and John H. Ellis, to be my whole and sole Executors of this my last Will and testament, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 26th day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty five.

Joseph Hearn

Signed in the presence of us

John Ward

Levinia A. Ward

Thomas B. Ward

Recorded in Will Book "p", no. 15, folio 298.

Admitted to probate 24th March, 1887

Wife: Lavinia

Sons: William Nutter Hearn, Thomas W. Hearn

Daughters: Margaret Ann, Mary Lavinia

Give to: Thomas Hearn’s 1st three children: Girtrude W, Amanda June, and Hannah Dodd


Joseph Hearn, ___- 1903

Administrator: Jonathan T. Records

Appraisal order issued: Oct. 22, 1903

Joseph Hearn, ___- 1927

Wife: Amelia L. Hearn, renounced Administration of will Sept. 1, 1927.


Joseph B. Hearn, ___- 1885-1886

(Note! A Joseph Hearn married a Sarah Lowe, April 17, 1823, Isaac Sullivan Memorandum.)

Administrator: Sarah E. Hearn

Appraisal Order issued: Oct. 27, 1885

( Note ! A Joseph B. Hearn, Nov. 9, 1847- Oct. 18, 1885 is buried in cemetery no. 30. beside his son, Nathaniel J. Hearn, May 1879- July 11, 1879.)


Joseph J. Hearn, ___- 1856-1868

Administrator: George W.C. Hearn, appointed: Jan. 4, 1856


Joseph W. Hearn, ___-1918

(See cemetery # 9, P-1383)

Administrator: Joseph B.F. & Arthur A. Hearn

Probate date: Feb. 22, 1918. (See 1870 census, # 435a,Joseph W, farmer, age 30, Eliz, age 24.

Children: Mary, age 8, Joseph B, age 6, Dela, age 4 and Ann M, age 1


Joshua J. Hearn, ___-1918-1919

Administrator: Arthur S. Hearn, appointed Dec. 19, 1917

(Note ! A Joshua J. Hearn, Aug. 1, 1855-Dec. 6, 1917 and wife, Sarah E. Hearn, Jan. 25, 1857-April 30, 1947 are buried in cemetery no. 7, P-1522)


Joshua Thomas Hearn, ___- 1919-1920

(buried in cemetery # 85, P-1339)

Will, dated: June 3, 1919

Wife: Annie I. Hearn

Daughters: none given

Sons: none given

See will below:

Will of Joshua Thomas Hearn - 1919-1920

Ref: Will Book "X", #23, page 262, also on microfilm RG4545.009, Roll # 107

Admitted to probate: March 4, 1920.

I, Joshua Thomas Hearn make this my last will and testament in manner and form following:

1- I give, devise and bequeath all my property of every description to my wife, Annie I. Hearn to have and to hold during her natural life, after my debts and funeral expenses are paid, and after her death, and her debts and funeral expenses are paid I will that my daughters shall have the personal property and my sons the real estate and that if the real estate is worth more per son than the personal is per daughter. I direct that my sons shall pay my daughters enough money so that my children shall all share and share alike in money values.

Witness my hand and seal this twenty- third day of June in the year nineteen hundred and nineteen.

Joshua Thomas Hearn     Seal

Sealed, Signed, Published and declared by Joshua Thomas Hearn as and for his last will and testament who at his request ,in his presence and in presence of each other have set our hands as witnesses hereto.

Roland F. Elliott

James W. Hearn

Note! James W. Hearn, now being deceased William W. Anderson was a witness to the signature of James W. Hearn on March 4, 1920.


Josiah Hearn, ___- 1835-1838

(Note! A Josiah Hearn married a Sarah Lowe April 17, 1823, Isaac Sullivan memorandum.)

Orphans Court, Ref: Distribution: A75P166.

Wife: Sarah Hearn also appointed Administrator.

Children (7): Benjamin B, William W, Mary Ellen, Sally Ann, Lyscia, Eliz. Jane, Josiah Samuel Hearn.

See below:

Josiah Hearn - Probate, ___-1835-1838

Reference: Microfilm RG4545.009, Roll #107, Dover, Delaware.

Orphans Court - (No Will)

Administrator & Appraiser, Wife, Sarah Hearn, bond issued 3, November 1835.

Reference: Distribution Account of Josiah Hearn, A75 p. 166

Survivors: wife, Sarah & seven Children, Viz: Benjamin B. Hearn, William W. Hearn, Mary Eleanor Hearn, Sally Ann Hearn, Lycia Hearn, Elizabeth Jane Hearn, and Josiah Samuel Hearn

Isaac Sullivan Memorandum states, that Josiah Hearn married Sarah Lowe, April 17, 1823, and they had a son on May 16,1824.


Juliann H. Hearn, ___- 1903-1904

Administrator: Edward D. Hearne

Probate date: Sept. 26, 1903


Kendal B. Hearn of E, ___- 1860-1865

(Note! A Kendal B. Hearn married a Rachel Beach, Jan. 16, 1844, “Isaac Sullivan Memorandum”, also marriages prior to 1850.)

Will, dated June 17, 1860

Administrator: wife: Rachael K. Hearn

Niece: Julia A. Waller, wife of Hamilton Waller.

See will below:

Will of Kendal B. Hearn (of E) 1860-1865

Ref: RG4545.009, roll # 107, Probate files Sussex County, Del. (recorded in folio 68)

Rachel K. Hearn, wife, Administrator

presented to probate: April 30, 1861, will filed May 28, 1861, Somerset Co, Md.

This my last will and testament made this seventeenth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty.

Being of sound and well disposing mind, I do hereby constitute this my last will, making all former wills null and void.

First: I hereby bequeath and give unto my wife Rachel K. Hearn, my three Negroes called and known by the names of Mary & Handy and Mary's child, Lavinia, to be hers during her natural life, and at my wifes death, it is my will that they the aforesaid Mary & Handy and Mary's child be freed from the bonds of slavery.

Second: I do hereby give and bequeath unto my wife, Rachel K. Hearn, all of my personal property, let it consist of what it may to be hers to dispose of as she may see proper.

Third: I hereby give and bequeath unto my niece, Julia A. Waller, the present wife of Hamilton Waller, the farm containing eighty-eight acres of land, more or less, called and known by the name of “The School House Farm”, to be hers, at my death, to dispose of as she may see proper.

Fourth: I hereby give and bequeath unto my wife, Rachel K. Hearn, the remainder of my real estate, let it be located wherever it may, and it is my will that she come in possession of it at my demise and to belong to her and that she may dispose of it at her own will.

In witness whereof I have unto set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of June, eighteen-hundred and sixty.


Kendal   X      Hearn           (seal)



Winder Hasting

Elihu Hasting

Elijah M Hasting

State of Maryland, Somerset County Sct: I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy from the original now on file and of record in the office of the register of wills in and for the county and state aforesaid.

In testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 1st day of May Anno Domini, 1861

S. C. Long, Regr, S. Co.


Kendal B. Hearn of Thos. ___- 1874-1875

(Note! A Kendal B. Hearn married, Elizabeth Hearn, May 18, 1836, marriages prior to 1850.)

(On file) of Thomas Hearn. Children: Samuel B., William S., James Thomas, John Houston, Mary Elizabeth, Sally Ann Hearn

See will below:

Kendal B. Hearn's Last Will and Testament, was filed and admitted to probate June 10, 1874 is recorded on microfilm # RG4545.009, roll #107, in the probate records at Georgetown, Delaware.

It is also recorded in Will book "N", 325.

I, Kindal B. Hearn, of Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County, in the State of Delaware, do make, ordain, publish, and declare this my last Will and Testament to be in the following manner and form to wit:

First, I recommend my spirit to Almighty God, who gave it and my body to the earth, from which it was taken, to be buried in a decent Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors.

Secondly, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Elizabeth, one equal third of all my real estate, ( to be held by her during her natural life) and nothing more.

Thirdly, I give and bequeath to my son William S. Hearn, all that tract of land that I bought of John N.E. Callaway, containing one hundred acres, more or less, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Fourthly, I give and bequeath unto my son, James T. Hearn, all my home farm, containing one hundred acres, more or less, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Fifth, I give and bequeath unto my three youngest children, named Samuel B. Hearn, John H. Hearn, and Mary E. Hearn, each one the sum of fourteen hundred dollars, to be paid with my personal property, and if there is not enough of personal property, to pay said ( each one that amount, then my will is that my two sons William S. Hearn and James T. Hearn,) Samuel B. Hearn, John H. Hearn, and Mary E. Hearn, each one that amount, then my will is that my two sons, William S. Hearn and James T. Hearn, pay said Samuel B. Hearn, John H. Hearn, and Mary E. Hearn the balance or deficiency, of that amount, and if either one neglects or refuses to pay or make up the deficiency of that amount to Samuel B. Hearn, John H. Hearn and Mary E. Hearn, then for them to have that amount out of said land one half to be taken out of William S. Hearn's part and the other half to be taken out of James T. Hearn's part

Sixthly, My will and desire is that my daughter Sally Ann's children have no part of my estate either directly or indirectly over one dollar.

Seventhly, It is my will and desire that if either of my said children , to which I have devised anything be dissatisfied with what I have given them, then the part devised to such be equally divided between the others.

Lastly, I do hereby constitute, and appoint my two sons, William S. Hearn and James T. Hearn, joint Executors, of this my last will and testament, revoking all others .

In witness, whereof, I have, hereto, set my hand and seal this 9th day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy four.

Signed, sealed and Published and declared by the testor, to be his last will and testament in presence of:

George W. Elliott, Jonathan T. Records

Kindal B. Hearn (seal)

State of Delaware- Sussex County, Be it remembered that on the fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy four, before me L.R .Jacobs, Register for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration in and for the county, aforesaid, appeared George Elliott, one of the subscribing witnesses to the within _ instrument of writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Kendal B. Hearn, late of the county, aforesaid, deceased, and being sworn on the Holy Evangels, of Almighty God, _ , that he saw the said Kendal B. Hearn, the Testator, of the said instrument of writing, and heard him publish, pronounce and declare, the same as and for his last will and testament, and at the during of he was of a sound and disposing mind and memory, and upwards of twenty one years of age, that this__attested and subscribed his name as a witness, to the said instrument of writing, at the instance and in the presence of the said Kendal B. Hearn, Testator.

Signed and sworn before: L.R. Jacobs, Reg'r.

George W. Elliott


Lavenia C. Hearn, ___- 1850-1866

(1936? see # 84)

Will, dated July 20, 1850, filed Nov. 14, 1850

Brothers: Joseph (J.) Hearn, George M.C. Hearn, Levin C. Hearn,

Sisters: Patty Emily Hearn, Rebecca P. Hearn,  (Hin) M. Hearn, Mary Jane, wife of Isaac L. Long, Harriet H. Hearn,

Executor: George M.C. Hearn

Mentioned in will: My sister and William C. Hearn,

&willinfo; John M.C. Hearn, My brothers---Rebecca P. Hearn, Now wife of David M. Pepper.

See will below

Lavinia C. Hearn -Will -__-1850-1866

Reference: A75 P. 168, Also on Microfilm RG4545.009, Roll # 107,  filed Nov. 14, 1850

     In the name, of God, amen. The last Will and Testament of Levinia C. Hearn, of Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County and state of Delaware. I, Levinia C. Hearn, being sick in body but of sound and disposing mind  and memory, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say:

     First, I will that all my just debts as shall by me owing at my death, together with my funeral expenses and charges (touching) the proving or otherwise concerning this my last Will shall in the first place be paid out of my Estate.

Item, I give and bequeath to my brother, Joseph (J) Hearn, our candle stand and carpet, our large waiter, our blue quilt, our pair of candle-snuffers.

Item, I give and bequeath to Geo. W.C. Hearn, my brother, our bead and stead, our countapain, our blanket, our quilt and all my earthenware.

Item, I give and bequeath to Levin C. Hearn, my brother, our bead quilt.

Item, I give and bequeath to Patty Emily Hearn, my sister, and Rebecca P. Hearn, my sister, one hundred dollars in cash to each of them, to be paid to them when they shall arrive at the age of twenty one, by my  Executor and if either of the said Patty Emily or Rebecca P. shall die before they shall arrive at the age of twenty one then the other heir shall, and, or divide to the surviving ones.

Item, I give and bequeath all the residue of Estate to (--) H. Hearn, Mary Jane Long, now the wife of Isaac L. Long, Harriet H. Hearn, my sister and William C. Hearn and John M.C. Hearn, my brothers, to be equally divided in cash in one year from the time of my decease and I do make and appoint George W.C. Hearn my sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twentyth day of July, in the year of one thousand eight hundred and fifty.

Leavenia C. Hearn   seal

Signed, Sealed and delivered by the above, Levinia C. Hearn, to be her last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at her request and in her presence have subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto.

George W. Hearn

Thomas N. Hearn

James A. Parsons


Leah Hearn, ___- 1870-1873 (cemetery #71, P-1455)

Renouncement of Administration of will by Jonathan Hearn on estate of Leah Hearn, deceased, by his wife.

(Note! A Leah Lank married a Jonathan Hearn on Oct. 1, 1836.)

Administrator: William S. Moore

Filed Nov. 16, 1850

(Note! A Son of Jonathan & Leah Hearn, Viz: Charles A, Apr. 10, 1849-Aug. 19, 1902 &

wife, Mary E. Hearn, July 31, 1859-Mar. 31, 1919 are buried at cemetery no. 74.)

See below:

Leah Hearn ___-1870

Reference: Microfilm RG4545.009, Roll #107, Dover, Delaware.

Renouncing, of Jonathan Hearn of S. on the Estate of Leah Hearn.

I, Jonathan Hearn of S do humbly authorize and direct William S. Moore, of (S) to whom I have relinquished my right of Administration on the Estate of my wife, Leah Hearn, dec'd, to pay over all moneys that may, by him be collected on the settlement of said Estate, to my children and their heirs for the distributive balances shall be as good as (haliliss) in law as if executed by me, and I do hereby waine and release all my right, said distributive balance in favor of my said children.

Witness my hand and seal this fifth day of March A.D 1870.

Jonathan Hearn of S. seal


Levi C. Hearn,___- 1852-1854

Administrator: Isaac L. Long

People who owed money to the Estate: John Hearn of I, #149.98, Geo. W.C. Hearn $800.00, Joseph (J) Hearn, $47.25, Isaac L. Long, #375.00

End …


Levin Hearn,___- 1909-1916


Daughter: Lula B. Ellis, wife of George Ellis

Son: Levin S. Hearn

Levin Hearn -Will;__-1909-1916

Reference: Will Book V #21, page 449 (cemetery # 74, P-1283 & P-1293)

Know all men by these presents that I, Levin Hearn, of the town of Laurel, Little Creek Hundred and state of Delaware being in notable good health and in my own apprehension, of sound disposing mind and memory, do hereby make and declare this as my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made.

First; My Will is and I do hereby order and direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid.

Second; I give and devise unto my daughter, Lula B. Ellis, the wife of George Ellis, my house and lot in the town of Laurel and known as my "Home Place", free and discharged from all debts and demands to her, my said daughter and to and for her use and benefit forever.

Third; I Will, order and direct that my Executor, hereinafter named sell all the rest and residue of my Real Estate and any other personal effects either at public or private sale for cash or credit, as him may submit, for the interest of my Estate and for the proceeds therefrom I direct he shall pay all my just debts and funeral expenses and the residue, if any, I direct shall be equally divided between all my children and I also order and direct that when my Real Estate is sold that my Executor make the deed or deeds conveying the same as Executor of this Will to the purchaser or purchasers' of said lands which I hereby declare to be as valid to all intents and purposes, as shown I had sold and conveyed the same in my lifetime. and lastly I do hereby appoint my son, Levin S. Hearn, to be the sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament.

In witness, whereof: I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the 17th day of September A D 1909.

Levin Hearn   seal

Signed, sealed, published and declared by Levin Hearn, the Testator, as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.

Thomas H. Riggin, Jr.

James E. Ellis

Settlement of the Estate of the deceased;

William F. Hearn $355.47book Acct, probate & receipt
Frank M. Hearn 25.25Auctioneer, book acct
Napoleon E. Hearn 65.25probate & receipt
Elijah John Hearn 84.57book acct & probate
Levin S. Hearn 24.24probate & taxes pd by him


Lillian C. Hearn (no date)

(cemetery # 85, P-1342)

To: Mamie, Clarence, Dorothy, Oran, Dot. (From same household, lived together; Whether children or not unknown.)


Louder Hearn, ___- 1809-1811

Administrator:  Lavinia  & George Hearn, heirs & widow, Pricilla Vaughan, Nancy Fooks, George Hearn, Sally Fooks, Joseph Hearn, Thomas Hearn, Ebenezer Hearn, Betsey Fooks, William N. Hearn, Polly Hearn

See probate below:

Louder (Lowder) Hearn  __-1809-1811

Administrators: Levinia & George Hearn

BroadCreek Hundred.

Orphans Court. Reference: Microfilm RG4545.009, Roll #107, Dover, Delaware

Named in the Distributive Account of Louder (Lowder) Hearn

Survivors: 10 heirs and the Widow, Levinia: 
Children: Share:
Pricilla Vaughan 90.50
Nanny Fooks 90.50
George Hearn 90.50
Sally Fooks90.50
Joseph Hearn 90.50
Thomas Hearn 90.50
Ebenezer Hearn 90.50
Betsey Fooks90.50
William N. Hearn& 90.50
Polly Hearn 90.50
Widow's Dower 492.92


Louder N. Hearn ___-1864-1876

(Cemetery # 13, P-1400)

(Note! A Lowder N. Hearn married a Jane S. Gray, Mar. 14, 1843,marriages prior to 1850, Also A Louder Hearn married a __-Gray in 1859, daughter of Ebenezer.)

( Note ! A Louder N. Hearn, d. Mar. 31, 1863, aged 47 years, 15 days and wife, Jane S. Hearn, Jan. 25, 1827- July 2, 1901 are buried in cemetery no. 13. Also with them is buried Nancy F. Hearn, June 12, 1811 - July 11, 1885 and several other family members.)

Administrators: Doc’t John Martin & Jane S. Hearn

Sons: Louder T. Hearn, Joseph B. Hearn, Anna C. Hearn. Joseph B. Hearn<


Louder N. Hearn ___- 1891-1894

Administrator: William N. Hearn, appointed: March 6, 1891

(Louder was a co-partner with William M. Hearn, ½ of inventory his. Jno. B. Hearn, minor, heir at law.

Luther S. Hearn – Orphans Court –1891-1894

(See cemeteries visited # 7, P-1543)

            Administrator: William M. Hearn

            Heir at Law: John Byard Hearn.

Marcellus W. Hearn, ___-1916

Will, dated Feb. 15, 1916

Wife: Assenath R. Hearn

Son: George H. Hearn

Executor: Geo. H. Hearn

See will below:

Will of Marcellus W. Hearn, son of Burton R. Hearn, grandson of Thomas Hearn

(Page’s no. 70-72, from the Hall of Records entitled wills, @ Georgetown Del, Also on microfilm RG4545.009, roll # 107.)

Will written 26 Oct, 1915, Presented for probate 23 Feb, 1916 ( buried in cemetery # 84, P-1229)

Last will and testament:

I, Marcellus W. Hearn of Seaford Hundred, county of Sussex and state of Delaware, being of sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding, for the purpose and with the intent of disposing of my estate, real, personal, and mixed, of which I may be seized and possessed at the time of my death, do therefore make, publish, and declare this as and for my last will and testament, hereby revoking any and all wills heretofore made, in the manner following, that is to say:

First:  I desire and direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid by my executor, herein named, as soon after my death, as shall be found convenient.

Second:  I give, devise, and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Assenath R. Hearn, the house and lots where I now reside numbered on the plot to be filed with this will, as no. 1 (one) and 1A for and during the term of her life, and no longer; also I give unto her my said wife, all of my household and kitchen furniture and the sum of one-thousand ($1000.) dollars in money, together with all of the chickens, one cow, one horse, carriage, and Harness, absolutely. It is my will and desire that my said wife should have the necessary food and bread stuff from the mill, free of any charge to her, for her own consumption, and in the keep and maintenance of a horse, cow and chickens, as long as she shall live. It is expressly understood that acceptance of the provisions in this item mentioned shall be in lieu of dower.

Third: I give, devise, and bequeath unto my son George H. Hearn, the house and lot where he now lives, numbered on the said plot as number 3-C; also a half interest in my mill in Seaford Hundred, together with the machinery, property, mill pond, water, water rights, mill wagons, and truck, absolutely and in fee.

Forth:  I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Amanda Jane Ricards, the sum of six thousand, ($6000.), dollars in money absolutely.

Fifth:  I give, devise, and bequeath unto my daughter, Mary Corrine Rawlins, from and after the death of her mother, the house and lots numbered on said plot as numbered 1 and 1-A, and all the buildings thereon, for and during the term of her life, I also give and devise unto her the said Mary Corinne Rawlins, the other interest in my mill, in Seaford Hundred, together with the machinery, property mill pond, water, water rights, mill wagons, and truck, for and during the time of her life. At her death the property in this item mentioned, I give and devise unto the children of my daughter Mary Corinne Rawlins, living at the time of my death absolutely in equal shares.

Sixth: I give, devise, and bequeath unto my daughter, Theodosia Wilson Smith, the house and lots numbered on the said plot as number 2 and number 2-B, for and during the term of her life, and no longer. I also give and bequeath unto her the said Theodosia Wilson Smith, the sum of three thousand ($3000.) dollars, in money absolutely.

Seventh: I give, devise and bequeath unto my grandson, Jacob H. Moore, the sum of two-thousand, ($2000.) dollars, and direct that it shall be deposited in the first National Bank of Seaford, Seaford, Delaware in the interest or savings department by my executor herein after named, to remain there until my said grandson shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years, and there to be paid over to him. Also I give and devise unto my said grandson, six acres of land more or less   I own on the north side of my millpond. adjoining lands of Andrew J. Dolby, and all the buildings thereon, absolutely and in fee . I also give and devise unto my said grandson, the one-half interest, I now own, in a gristmill with the appurtenances hereunto belonging, located at Gales town, Maryland, absolutely in fee. Should my grandson not be twenty-one years of age at the time of my death I give and bequeath the rents, issues, and profits arising from my interest in said mill property to my son George H. Hearn, until my said grandson shall reach the age of twenty-one years.

Eight: All the rest and residue of my estate, of whatsoever nature or kind, I direct shall be equally divided between and amongst my son, George H, Hearn, my daughter, Mary Corrine Rawlins and my grandson, Jacob H. Moore, to them, their heirs and assigns forever.

Lastly: I do nominate and appoint my said son, George H. Hearn, to be executor of this my last will and testament, and direct that his compensation or allowance for so doing, shall be the sum of three-hundred-dollars and no more.

In witness, whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty six day of October, A.D.1915.

Marcellus W. Hearn    seal

Signed, sealed, published, and declared by Marcellus W. Hearn, as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.

W. Elwood Wright

Minos O. Short

State of Delaware, Sussex Co.

Be it remembered that on the 15th day of February, in the year of our lord, one-thousand-nine-hundred and sixteen, came before me, Oliver D. Robinson, Register for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration in and for the county aforesaid, appeared W. Edward Wright, and Minos O. Short, the subscribing witnesses to the within and foregoing instrument of writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Marcellus W. Hearn, late of the county aforesaid, deceased; and being solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, deposit and  saith that they saw the said, Marcellus W. Hearn, the testator, sign the said instrument of writing, and heard him publish, pronounce, and declare the same as and for his last will and testament; that  at the doing thereof, he was of sound  and disposing mind and memory, and upwards of twenty-one years of age, that these deponents attested and subscribed their names as witnesses to the said instrument of writing at the instance and in the presence of the said Marcellus W. Hearn, testator.

Subscribed and sworn before Oliver D. Robinson, Register.

W. Elwood Right.

Minos O. Short.


Be it remembered that on the 15th day of February, A.D., 1916, the aforesaid last will and testament of Marcellus W. Hearn, deceased; of which the above and foregoing is a true copy, was proven by the subscribing witness, of whose affidavit the above and foregoing is a true copy and the same was allowed by the register, and gave bond with Andrew J. Dolby and Thomas J. Ricards, as surely in the penal sum of twenty thousand dollars.

Oliver D. Robinson, Register.


Margaret Hearn ___- 1862

Died: Jan. 1, 1856

Son: David Hearn

Daughter: Jane Hearn, wife of James (Airy) Daniel Hearn

See below …

State of Delaware, Sussex County,


An affidavit Dated, 1862:

John Moore makes solemn oath and (say) that Margaret Hearn, to whom last ___  ____ was issued, died on or about the first day of Jan., 1856 and that she left to survive her, Jane Hearn, now the wife of James (N---yd) Daniel Hearn, who are his heirs and only heirs at law and that they are both adults.

John Moore


Margaret P. Hearn, ___- 1916

Left no goods or Chattels.

Statement by: Luther Hearn, dated Jan. 8, 1916.


Martin L. Hearn, ___- 1874-1881

(Note! A Martin L. Hearn married a Sarah Ellis, July 10, 1833, marriages prior to 1850.)

Administrator: Sarah Hearn

Son: Franklin Hearn, died in St Louis, Mo.

(Note! A Martin L. Hearn, Mar. 14, 1808- Oct. 24, 1872 and his wife, Sarah Ellis, July 10, 1814- Aug. 17, 1903 are buried in cemetery no. 33 Laurel, Del, along with several children.)


Martin L. Hearn probate, ___- 1901

(cemetery # 33, P-1265)

Administrator: John H. Elliott

Recorded in Book F, folio 243

Filed June 22, 1901

By amount in the hands of this accountant as agent of deceased, in his lifetime $195.55

Apr. 16, 1897 To paid for letters etc. 2.50

To allowed accountant for expenses and trouble in settling this acct 19.50

To paid for stating, adjusting, recording and filing this acct. $5.00

Total 27.00

To unappropriated balance $168.55


$ 195.55


Mary Virginia Hearn -Will- July 18, 1921

See will below:

(This will is not listed on the Sussex County, Del microfilm.)

Mary Virginia Hearn Will __-1921 (wife of Sam'l B. Hearn)

Will Book no. 38, pg. 157, Bowling Green Court House, Caroline County, Va.

I, Mary V. Hearn, do write this my last Will.

I wish my debts, (if any), paid. If I die before my pledge to the Baptist campaign is paid , for the amount due be paid. If I die before there is a good enclosure put around the cemetery at "Hickory Grove Farm", for 2500 dollars be allowed to put one there. The remainder I have in bonds, notes, War savings stamps, money, etc. be equally divided between my ten children; Imogene B. Carter, Mary E. Bruce, W.S. Hearn, C.K. Hearn, Fannie B. Rollins, Sallie P. Norman, Ella C. Blackley, Marion W. Marshall, J.T. Hearn, and Susie Christie, or their heirs. I wish my two eldest sons, W.S. & C.K. Hearn to act as Administrators.

Mary V. Hearn, This the 16th day of April, 1921.

I want J.T. Hearn to have my bed bolster if he wants them.

Virginia: In the clerks office of the Circuit Court of Caroline County, the 18th day of July, 1921.,

A writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Mary V. Hearn, deceased, was this day produced to me in my office for probate and there being no subscribing witnesses thereto, C.A. Holloway and Hatcher A. Garrett were sworn and severally deposed that they were well acquainted with the hand writing of the said Mary V. Hearn, and that they verily believe the said writing and signature, of the said Mary V. Hearn, thereto subscribed to be wholly written by the hand of the said Mary V. Hearn, and they further depose that at the time said writing bears date, the said Mary V. Hearn, was of sound mind and memory. Thereupon said writing is established and admitted to probate as and for the true last Will and testament of the said Mary V. Hearn, deceased, and is ordered to be recorded, and on the motion of W.S. Hearn and C.K. Hearn, the Executors named as said Will, who made oath thereto and together with the Fidelity and deposit Company, of Maryland, there surely, by T.C. Valentine, their Attorney, in fact, entered into, signed, sealed, and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of six thousand dollars, conditioned, according to law, the said Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland being authorized by law to execute bonds as surely, in this state, certificate is granted the said W.S. Hearn and C.K. Hearn for obtaining a probate, of said Will in due form.

Teste - E.R. Coghill, Clerk

Truly Recorded

Teste - E.R. Coghill, Clerk


Michael W. Hearn -Will, __- 1890-1900

(Note! A Michael W. Hearn married Ann E. Pusey, in 1856 also Michael W. Hearn married a Sarah J. Neal, in 1859.)

Died: April 29, 1890

Will, Dated: Feb. 20, 1890

Sons: Luther M. Hearn, Samuel Tieghman Hearn

Executor: Son: Luther M. Hearn

(Note! A Michael W. Hearn, Mar. 28, 1827- April 19, 1890 and wife, Sarah J. Hearn,

Aug. 13, 1837- Jan. 19, 1910 are buried in cemetery # 55, P-1317, (Christ Church on Rt. #


This is Herman Hearn’s grandfather.)

See will below:

Last Will and Testament of Michael W. Hearn

Recorded in Will Book 2, no. 16, folio 84 etc.

In the name of God, Amen, I Michael W. Hearn, of Broad Creek Hundred, in Sussex County and state of Delaware, Being mindful of my mortality yet through weak in body, of sound and disposing mind and memory, thanks be unto Almighty God for the same. Do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following: I (resigned) my soul into the hands of Almighty God, hoping and believing in a remission of my sins by the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ and my following possessions I devise as follows: I give and bequeath unto my son, Luther M. Hearn, one gray colt and the remainder of my personal property I will that only such shall be sold as is not necessary for the use of the farm and that the farm shall be continued on and tilled in the manner it has been while I was living and that all my just debts shall be paid out of my personal Estate and the rents of the farm and that all the family who remain on the farm shall be fed and clothed from the profits of the farm, until my son, Samuel Tieghman arrives at the age of twenty one years. I also will that my mother shall have a home on the farm with my wife and children living this time and I also desire that a large plough shall be purchased by my executor for the use of the farm and after all my just debts and funeral expenses have been paid and the family on the farm have been properly provided for out of the profits of the farm that the remainder of said profits shall be returned to the farm in the way of improvement of the same, until my youngest son, Samuel Tieghman arrives at the age of twenty one years and when he has arrived to the age of twenty one years as above named I will that all the personal property on the farm belonging to my Estate shall be sold and that the farm also be sold by my executor hereinafter named and I will that my wife shall have two hundred dollars out of the proceeds, of the sales of property, personal and real together and that the remainder of my Estate both real and personal shall be divided between all my children and I do hereby constitute and appoint Luther M. Hearn, (my son) my sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament.

In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this the twentieth day of February in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and ninety (A.D. 1890)


Michael W. Hearn


The above instrument consisting of two pages was now here subscribed by Michael W. Hearn, the Testator, in the presence of each of us and was at the same time declared by him to be his last Will and Testament and at his request sign our names as attesting witnesses hereto.

William H. Rodney, residing in Broad Creek Hundred, Sussex County.

Benjamin H. Elliott, residing in Broad Creek Hundred, Sussex County

Some persons who bought goods at the sale of the deceased: J.A. Turpin, H.B. Brittingham, Shepard Tindal, W.T. Gordy, William T. Hearn, Frank M. Hearn, R.R. Hearn, Jas. Dorman, J.W. Elliott, Widow, Charles Elliott, W.L. Hearn, W.P. Gordy, N.B. Hearn, Josiah Johnson, John James, Irvin Hitchens, Val Hearn, B.J. Hearn, George Gordy.

Frank M. Hearn Auctioneer, William L. Hearn was paid for labor on farm.

………………..End of Roll # 107…………………………

---------------------- ------Start Roll #108………………………….

Probate Files -RG4545.009- Roll # 108

(Hearn (e)’s registered in Delaware)

Probate records are From: Microfilm RG4545.009, Rolls numbers 106, 107 and 108,

Obtained from Dover, Delaware, for the county of Sussex.


Nathaniel Hearn 1869-1881

(See cemeteries visited # 71, P-1456)

(Note! A Nathaniel Hearn, d. Nov. 20, 1869, aged 80 years, 11 months, 8 days is buried in cemetery no. 81, with his wife Leah, Aug. 11, 1808- Nov. 22, 1877 and Consort Eliza Jane Hearn, d. Dec. 1, 18(37), aged 11 years, 6mo, 10 days, and daughter Sarah Catherine Hearne d. May 20, 1853, Aged 17 years, 1 mo, 6 days.)

(Note! A Nathaniel Hearn married a Eliza Jane Smith, on Dec. 17, 1834. pre 1850 marriages)

Wife; Leah

Son: Daniel Hearn

Son: Henry Clay Hearn

Daughter: Maria J. Bacon, wife of Joseph Bacon

Daughter: Martha F. Hearn

Daughter: Harriet E. Hitch, wife of William Hitch

Grand Daughter: Sally E. Horsy, wife of Nathaniel Horsy

Grandson: Daniel Fooks

Grand Daughter: Mary E. Fooks

Grandchildren: Maria J. Bacon, Henry C. Hearn, Martha F. Hearn, Harriet C. Hitch

Administrators: son-in-law: Joseph Bacon & son: Henry C. (Clay?) Hearn

Will dated Oct. 9, 1868

Died: Nov. 28, 1869

See will below:


Nehemiah Hearn - 1816

Died June 20, 1816

Administrator: Nathaniel Hearn

Widow: Jane Hearn

Heirs: Daniel Hearn, Jane Hearn, Nancy Hearn, Nehemiah Hearn, Deborah Hearn, Mary Hearn, Azel Hearn, Nathaniel Hearn, Esther Hearn, Jemima Hearn, (Each heir received $46.63 ½

And the widow received $233.18)


Nehemiah Hearn

- 1842-1843

(cemetery # 7, P-1558)

(Note! A Nehemiah Hearn married a Peggy Owens, on Jan. 29, 1824, pre 1850 marriages.)

Administrator: Nathaniel Hearn

Benefited from will: children: William Hearn, Isaac Hearn, Jacob Hearn, Levin Hearn, Elizabeth A. Hearn, Maria Jane Hearn, Charlotte E. Hearn, Mary C. Hearn, David L. Hearn


Noah Hearn - 1857-1858

Administrator: Nutter G. Wootten

Original Administrator. Of Will, Hiyar (Spelling ?) Hearn


Nutter Hearn - 1920-1921

(cemetery # 85, P-1359)

Will dated: July 14, 1920

Brother: Harvey Hearn, also Executor of Will.

Will probated: Oct. 4, 1920

See below …

Nutter Hearn-Will __-1920-1921

Recorded in Will Book X, #23, page 381, (also on microfilm RG4545.00, Roll #108).

Know all men by these presents that I, Nutter Hearn, of Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County and state of Delaware, being in poor health but in my own apprehension of sound disposing mind and memory, do hereby make my last Will and Testament, revoking all other Wills by me heretofore made.

First: My will is and I do hereby order and direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and as soon after my death as shall be by my Executor found convenient.

Second: I give and devise unto my brother, Harvey Hearn, and to his heirs and assigns the farm or tract or tracts of land where he now resides and being the same lands that formerly belonged to Job S. Sirman and later purchased by me of James W. Anderson and William J. Sirman in separate allotments and by two separate deeds and said to contain in the two pieces which adjoins seventy five acres be it the same more or less, to him, my said brother, and for his use and benefit forever.

Third: I give and bequeath unto my brother, Harvey Hearn all my personal property of every nature and kind whatsoever, which includes what money I have deposited in the first National Bank of Seaford, Delaware and in the Sussex Land Company of Laurel, Delaware, also a judgment I have entered against Joseph W. Hastings, of Delmar, one Liberty Bond and every other Personal effect that I now own & posses, whether herein mentioned or enumerated or not. Or to any other that I may hereafter become in possession of or to which I may be entitled, to him, my said brother and for his use and benefit forever. And I hereby appoint my said brother, Harvey Hearn, sole Executor, of this my last Will and Testament and I desire that he shall not be required to give bond.

  In witness whereof I, Nutter Hearn, the Testator, have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and affixed my seal this fourteenth day of July, A.D. 1920.

Nutter   Hearn    seal

Signed, sealed, published and declared by Nutter Hearn, the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.

William B. Anderson

Pattie E. Hearn – 1910 (See cemeteries visited #74.)


Priscilla Hearn - 1796

Sons: Louther Hearn, Ebenezer Hearn, Thomas Hearn, Joseph Hearn, Clement Hearn, Clements daughter: Sally Hearn.

Granddaughter, of Priscilla: Priscilla Hearn.

Executors of Will: Sons Luther & Ebenezer Hearn.

Will dated: April 5, 1796.


Priscilla Hearne died Apr. 10 1796; official copy of her will:

In the name of God Amen, I, Priscilla Hearne of Sussex County, in the State of Delaware being at this time in a very low estate of health of body. but of a sound and disposing mind and memory and understanding and knowing that it is appointed for all flesh to die and after death to come to judgment, I do therefore make and ordain this my last will and testament, and first & principally of all, I do give and recommend my soul into the care & protection of the Almighty God who first gave it to me and my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in such decent Christian manner as my Exrs. hereinafter mentioned shall think convenient or necessary & after my funeral charges and all my lawful debts is paid the residue of my estate wherewith it bath pleased God to bless me with, I do give, dismiss and dispose of in the following manner.

Item. --I give and bequeath to my son Louther Hearne my walnut table and the two cloths that belong to it & my silver and sault seller and black mare & one bed and furniture: and my will is that he shall have one third part of my sheep and cattle.

Item. --I give and bequeath unto my son Ebenezer Hearne one Negro man named Jacob and one Negro woman named Juda, two beds and furniture and my two sows and pigs and my plantation cart and timber cart and my yoke of oxen and my white horse and -large looking glass, to his heirs and assigns forever and my biggest pot and my next biggest Do. & Dutch kittle.

Item.--I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Hearne one bed and furniture and one third part of my sheep and cattle and three of my Slatt-back’d flagg bottom’d chairs and one third part of my putre and earthenware, Item. -- I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph, one shilling sterling and no more.

Item. -- I give and bequeath unto my afs’d son, Louther, six leather chairs and one third part of my putre and earthenware.

Item. – I, yet give to my son, Ebenezer one third of my sheep and cattle and one third part of my putre and earthenware, all to him mentioned to be his heirs and assigns forever & all my bees.

Item. -- I give and bequeath unto my son, Clement one bed and furniture and my will is that he may have no more of my estate.

Item. -- I give and bequeath unto my son, Clement’s daughter, Sally Hearne one Negro girl called Lizzie to her and her heirs and assigns forever.

Item. -- I give and bequeath unto my grand-daughter Priscilla Hearne one negro girl called Rose to her and her heirs and assigns forever and my riding saddle and my large Sele skyn trunk: and I do nominate, constitute and appoint my son, Louther Hearne and Ebenezer Hearne, Exrs.of this my last will and testament revoking and annulling all other wills heretofore by me either written or verbal. In testimony whereof I have hereunto my hand set and affixed my seal this fifth day of April seventeen hundred and ninety six.

Signed, sealed, published and pronounced in the presence of us.









Reuben R. Hearn __- 1904-1905

(cemetery # 52, P-1426)

Renunciation of Administration: Cartha Hearn, Widow.

Ref: Book R, No. 17, folio 166.


Sallie A. Hearn - 1873-1874


Son: William T. Hearn

Daughters: Mary W. Parsons, wife of Minos Parsons, Louisa Adaline Parker, Unisey Erulian Ellis.

See below

Will of Sallie A. Hearn, filed Dec. 9, 1873

Reference: Will Book “N”, folio 280

Grandson: Lorenzo T. Hearn

Executor: John Ward

Will dated: Dec. 6, 1866

See below:


Sallie A. Hearn __-1873-1874

Reference: Will Book "N", folio 280 filed Dec. 9, 1873 (See will of Theodore B Hearn, husband.)

I, Sallie A. Hearn, of Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County and state of Delaware, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following:

Item 1st; I give and bequeath to my son, William T. Hearn, one set of tea ware , gilt edge and no more of my Estate.

Item 2nd; I give and bequeath to my daughter, Louisa Adaline Parker, one bed and furniture , first choice, one blue chest, one candle stand, one set of tea ware bought at P.W. (Vendue).

Item 3rd; I give and bequeath to my daughter, Mary W. Parsons, one bed and furniture, second choice, one corner cupboard, one purple set of tea ware, broken.

Item 4th; I give and bequeath to my daughter, Unisey Erulean Ellis, one loom and all the tackling thereto belonging.

Item 5; I give and bequeath to my grandson, Lorenzo T. Hearn, all the rest and residue of my Estate that I now have or may be possessed with at the time of my decease not otherwise disposed of to him and his heirs and if he shall die without a lawful heir then the same to be divided, share and share alike between the lawful children of my daughter, Mary W. Parsons that may be living at the time. and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint John Ward of B, to be my whole and sole Executor, of this my last Will and Testament, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this the 6th day of December one thousand eight hundred and sixty six.


Polly x Hearn


Signed in the presence of us:

William Ward

Cyrus Ward

Joseph Ward


Sallie C. Hearn – 1949

Record Book 14,pg. 194

Administrator: William R. Hearn

Children: Samuel B. Hearn, Reuben R. Hearn, Linda E. Brasure

Note! All above received inheritance of $557.32 each


Samuel Hearn, Sr

1802-1804, Will book F, no. 6, pgs. 72-74-Archives Georgetown, Del.

(On file) Children: Thomas, William, Jonathan, Benjamin, Nancy, Hannah, Polly, Betsy, wife: Elizabeth

See will below;


Will of Samuel Hearn(e), son of Wm & Eliz. Hearn(e), who was son of William, (the merchant) & Mary.

Taken from Will Record Book F, No.6, page’s. 72-74, Georgetown, Del.)

In the name of God Amen, I Samuel Hearn, Senior, of Sussex Co., in the state of Delaware being in perfect health, of body and of sound sense and memory, Thanks be to God for the same, doth this Twenty-fourth day of December, in the year of our lord Christ, Eighteen hundred and two, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following...

I give to my two sons William Hearn and Thomas Hearn all my lands, messuages and tenements to be equally divided between them at their discretion, to them and their right lawful heirs forever...

I give to my son William Hearn, one Negro girl called Denny, her and her issue, to him and his heirs forever...

I give to my son William, one Negro boy called Peter, to him and his heirs forever...

I give to my son Thomas Hearn one Negro girl called Dinah, with her issue forever....

To my son Thomas, I give one Negro boy called George, one horse or mare (his choice), and bridle and saddle, one feather bed and furniture, to him the said Thomas Hearn and his heirs forever.

I give to my son Benjamin Hearn, one Negro boy called Stephen and one Negro girl called Esther, with her issue forever, to him and his heirs forever.

I give to my daughter, Nancy Ellis, one Negro girl called Rose and her issue, to her and her heirs forever.

I give to my daughter Hannah Hasty, one Negro girl called Phillis, and her issue, to her and her heirs forever. And the rest and residue of my goods and chattels all and singular I give to be equally divided amongst my children, Viz: William Hearn, Thomas Hearn, Benjamin Hearn, Nancy Ellis, and Hannah Hasty, Polly Melson, & Betsy Parsons.

I give to my wife Elizabeth Hearn, after my decease, all my estate, real and personal, during her natural life and widow-hood, she making no waste or destruction thereupon, and after her decease or marriage to be disposed of wherein by advised and directed...

I, likewise make and ordain my sons William Hearn and Thomas Hearn my sole executors of this my will and testament and I do hereby disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other former testaments, wills, legacies and executors by me in any ways before named, ratifying and confirming this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written, signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Samuel Hearn as his last will and testament in the presence of us the subscribers.

Benj. Collins, Joshua Lingo, Samuel Hearn seal

Gillis Collins.

Sussex Co., Del. Memorandum The 8th day of July, 1803, Before me Phillips Hollock, Register, appointed for the probate of wills and granting letters of Administration for the county aforesaid, appeared Benjamin Collins & Gillis Collins, two of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, who being duly sworn, on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, did severally dispose and say that in their sight, presence, and hearing, the testator Samuel Hearn did sign, seal, publish, and declare the same to be his last will and testament and that at the doing thereof he was of a sound disposing mind, memory, and judgment and that they together with Joshua Lingo subscribed the same as witnesses in the presence of the testator and at his request.

Phillips Hollock,  Reg.


Samuel Hearn of W. 1846-1851

Ref. A75, P180

Will dated : Aug. 28, 1846

Executor: Brother: Isaac Hearn of W. ( buried at site #56.)

See below

Will of Samuel Hearn of W.

(See Isaac Sullivan Memorandum Book)

(Dated August 28, 1846, probated April 15, 1850.)

(Note! A Samuel L. Hearn, Dec. 30, 1807- Mar. 24, 1850 is buried in cemetery no. 56, P-1322 & P-1432 & P-1433), Along with Isaac Hearn of W.)

RG 4545.009, Roll # 108-Sussex Co. Probate, Samuel Hearn, 1846-1852

In the name, of God, Amen, This twenty-eight day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty six.

I, Samuel Hearn, of W. of Sussex county and state of Delaware, Being at this time poorly, but of sound and perfect memory and understanding, Thanks to Almighty God for the same and calling to mind the mortality of my body, knowing it was once appointed for all living to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the following manner. To Wit:

Item 1st: I give and bequeath to my brother, Isaac Hearn, of W, all the land that I bought of Benjamin B. Hearn, To him and his heirs and assigns forever. Also all the lands where I now live called “German land”, that I bought of George J. Harris, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

  Item 2nd: I give and bequeath unto my brother Isaac Hearn of W. three head of horses, to him his heirs and assigns forever, Also I give and bequeath to my brother, Isaac Hearn of W. one (haggon) and harness and the (tackliss to hrs) belonging to him, his heirs and assigns forever, Also two horse carts, to him, his heirs and assigns forever, Also I give and bequeath to my brother, Isaac Hearn of W, four beds and furniture, to him, his heirs and assigns forever, Also I give and bequeath to my brother, Isaac Hearn of W, four head of cattle and eight head of sheep, to him his heirs and assigns forever, Also I give and bequeath to my brother, Isaac Hearn of W, eight head of hogs and six pigs to him, his heirs and assigns forever, Also one walnut desk and one cupboard, to him, his heirs and assigns forever, Also I give and bequeath to my brother, Isaac Hearn of W, six chairs to him, his heirs and assigns forever, Also four-hundred and fifty dollars in bonds and Judgment notes.

, To him his heirs and assigns forever, Also all of the residue of my personal property not above mentioned, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Also my wish and desire is that my brother Isaac Hearn of W, should be my executor of this my last will and testament, Ratifying and revoking all former wills by me made the day and year above written.

Signed, Sealed and pronounced by the above named Samuel Hearn of W, in sight and presence of us and at his request, we have subscribed our names as witness to the same.


Samuel X Hearn of W.



Isaac Sullivan

John James

William C. King

State of Delaware, Sussex County:

Be it remembered that on the fifteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord, One-thousand-eight-hundred and fifty, before me William Dunning, register for the probate of Wills and granting letters of Administration, in and for the county afore mentioned appeared William C. King, one of the subscribing witnesses to the within and foregoing instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Samuel Hearn, late of the county aforesaid, deceased, and being solemnly sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, deposed and saith that he saw the said Samuel Hearn, the testator sign the said instrument of writing and heard him publish , pronounce, and declare the same as and for his last Will and testament: That at the doing thereof He was of a sound disposing mind and memory and upwards of twenty-one years of age ; That this despondent attested  and subscribed his name as a witness to the said instrument of writing , at the instance and in the presence of Isaac Sullivan and John James the other subscribing witnesses attested and subscribed their names as Isaac Sullivan and John James as witness to the said instrument of writing, at the instance and in the presence of the said Samuel Hearn, the testator and in the presence of this despondent and that the said Isaac Sullivan and John James are now deceased .

Subscribed and sealed before

William C. King


Samuel B. Hearn, 1909

(See Wm. G. Hearn)

William P. Phillips, Annie L. Phillips, Laura E. Wilson, Elligood Bonneville thru: their Grandfather: Samuel B. Phillips.

No will-Receipts Estate of J.I. and N.E. Phillips, Adm. From Wm. A. Phillips et al filed Jan. 23, 1909.

Recorded in Book # 4, folio 430, Georgetown, Del.

Received October 31st of Joseph I. Phillips and Harlin E. Phillips two-hundred dollars , in full of the amount bequeathed to me by my Grandfather, Samuel B. Phillips to be paid to me by J.I. & H,E. Phillips. $200. 00/00

Wm. P. Phillips seal

Received October 31st of Joseph I. Phillips and Harlin E. Phillips one-hundred dollars in full of the amount bequeathed to me by my Grandfather, Samuel B. Phillips, to be paid to me by J.I. & H.E. Phillips.

Laura E. Wilson seal

Received November 20th, 1908, of Joseph I. Phillips and Harlin E. Phillips, One-hundred dollars in Full of the amount bequeathed to me by my Grandfather Samuel B. Phillips, to be paid to me by J.I. & H. E. Phillips .

Annie L. Phillips

Received November 3rd, 1908 of Joseph I. Phillips and Harlin E. Phillips the sum of eighty-three and 10/100 dollars in full payment of the balance of the amount bequeathed to my deceased father by my Great Grandfather, Samuel B. Phillips to be paid to my father John E. Phillips, deceased, by J.I. & H.E. Phillips.

Ellegood Bonneville

State of Delaware, Sussex County, S.S.

Acknowledged by William P. Phillips, Laura E. Wilson, Annie L. Phillips and Ellegood Bonneville to be their volunteer ----(rest missing on microfilm.)


Samuel Batson Hearn-Will- 1917

(This will is not on the Sussex Co. microfilm.)

   See will below:


Kendal B. Hearn's last Will and Testament

Ref: Will Book 38, page 83, located at Bowling Green, Va.

I, Samuel B. Hearn, of the county of Caroline, in the state of Virginia, being in sound mind, mentally and understanding, do make and declare this to be my last will and testament, as follows: I, Give, devise, and bequeath to my beloved wife, Mary Virginia Hearn, all of my property, real, personal, and mixed, of every kind and description, which I now own or hereafter acquire absolutely and in fee simple and appoint her sole executrix, and that no security be required of her on her qualification as said executrix and that no appraisement of my property be made, Written wholly with my own hand and signed by my own hand this 31st day of Oct., 1912.

Samuel B. Hearn


  In the clerks office of the circuit court of Caroline County the 1st day of November, 1917, a writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Samuel B. Hearn, deceased, was this day produced to me in my office for probate and there being no subscribing witnesses thereto, C. K. Hearn and Lucy E. Hearn, were sworn and severally disposed that they are well acquainted with the hand writing of the said Samuel B. Hearn, deceased and verily believe the said writing and the name of the said Samuel B. Hearn thereto subscribed  to be wholly written by the testators hand , and they further deposed that at the time writing bears date the said Samuel B. Hearn, was of sound mind, and memory, thereupon said writing is established and admitted to probate as and for the true last will and testament of the said Samuel B. Hearn, deceased, and is ordered to be recorded, and on this motion of Mary Virginia Hearn, the executrix named in the said will, who made oath thereto and entered into, signed, sealed and acknowledged a bond before me in my said office, in the penalty of five-thousand dollars, conditioned according to law, (the testator requesting in his said will that no security be required of his said Executrix.) Certification is granted the said Mary Virginia Hearn for obtaining a probate of said will in due form.

Teste E.H. Coghill, Clerk, Truly Recorded, Teste E.R. Coghill, Clerk


Samuel S. Hearn, ___- 1907-1921

deceased May 8, 1907.

(Note! A Sam’l S. Hearn married a Georgia A. Hitchens, in 1864, also a Sam’l S. Hearn married a Minerva Parsons in 1883. Marriages aft. 1850.)

Administrator: Harlan W., Hearn,

  Appraisers: William A. Baker, Wilbert W. Culver.

  List of persons who bought at sale of Personal property: Widow, Robert Hastings, W.W. Culver, E.W. Hearn, Joseph Wingate, Wm. Lecates, J.B. Elliott, Charlie Hastings, J. H. Baker, E.G. Parsons, John Collins, J.H. Dorman, G.E. King, Vernon Elliott, Joseph Workman, W.A. Baker, S.B. Hearn, Conner Elliott, G.T. Wingate, J. H. Holloway. 

  ( Note ! A Samuel S. Hearn, 1842-1907 & wife, Minerva E., 1856-1936 are buried in cemetery no. 30, P-1328)    


Samuel T. Hearn 1920-1921

  Administrator: Luther M. Hearn

Some persons who bought goods of the deceased at sale: I. Hearn, I. Horsey, Thos. Elliott, G. Hastings, E.D. Callaway,  H.E. Lowe, C.C. Ellis,  G.W. Davis, T. Elliott, Wesley Gordy, M. Hastings, B.B. Vincent, John Lecates, Isaac Hearn, Geo. M. Hearn, T.E. Ellis, John Wingate, S.E. Culver, F.M. Hearn, S.G. Hearn. Frank M. Hearn –Auctioneer Minos B. Hearn –Clerk

( Note ! A Samuel T. Hearn, July 26, 1843-Oct. 7, 1920 and wife, Frances E. Hearn, Mar. 31, 1854-Oct. 11, 1926 are buried in cemetery no. 39, 1 ¼mile north of Delmar, Del, P-39-09)


Sarah Hearn-Will- wife of Elijah- 1792

Will of Sarah Hearn of Somerset Co.

(wife of Elijah Hearn)

In the name of God, Amen, As it is appointed for all persons to die, I Sarah Hearn, of Somerset County and state of Maryland, being a low state of health but of ___ perfect, sound disposing mind and memory do dispose of what worldly estate it hath pleased God to bless and possess me with, in the manner and form, as by this my will here after expressed. Viz: Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Joanna Townsend, fifty pounds or the value thereof in other articles out of my estate to be paid by my son William in whatever it may seem best to him to pay it in and likewise all my wearing apparel all of which I give and bequeath unto her & her assigns forever ..

Item: I give and bequeath unto my son, William Hearn all the residue of my estate to him and his heirs and assigns forever...and hereby do utterly revoke and disanull all other former wills & legacies, do make, constitute and confirm and acknowledge pronounce & declare this to be my last will & testament. In testimony hereof, I hereunto set my hand & seal this thirteenth day of October, anno domoni, seventeen hundred & ninety-one.

Sarah Hearne seal

Signed, sealed, acknowledged & declared in the presence of

James Haymie, Eli Vinsor, Leaven Gilliss

April the 28th day, 1792, Then came William Hearn and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that the within instrument of writing is the true, whole last will & testament of Sarah Hearn, late of Somerset County, declared that hath come to his hand or possession and that he doth not know of any other.

Before Esmr Bayly, Reg. April the 28th day, 1792 then came James Haymis, Eli Vicent, and Levin Gilliss, the three subscribing witnesses, to the within last will and testament of Sarah Hearn, late of Somerset County, deceased and made oath upon the Holy Evangels of almighty God, that they saw the testice within named, sign and seal this will, that they heard her publish, pronounce, and declare the same to be her last will and testament that at the time of her so doing she was to the best of their apprehensions of sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding and that they severally subscribed their names as witnesses to this will in the presence and at the request of the testator and in the presence of each other.

Recorded in Lib. EB No. 17,vol.212-213... Before: Esmr Bayly, Reg.

Test: Esmr Bayly, Reg..


Sarah Hearn, wife of Thos. ___- 1834-1835

(See cemetery #71, P-1458?)

Administrator: James R Hearn

See probate below:

Inventory of the Goods & Chattles of Sarah Hearn, dec'd.

filed 20th of Feb'y, 1835. (Wife of Thomas Hearn)

State of Delaware, Sussex County

   James R. Hearn, maketh solemn oath and sayth that he has made deligent inquiry covering the goods, chattels, and money of Sarah Hearn, dec'd, and that this inventory doth contain all the goods, Chattels, and money of Sarah Hearn and which had come to the possession or knowledge of this {deforment.} Subscribed and sworn the 16th day of October, A D 1834.

                          James R. Hearn

      Before:  ____Paynter, Reg'r.

     Inventory of the goods & Chattels, of Sarah Hearn, dec'd, appraised this 28th day of August in the          year of our Lord eighteen-hundred and thirty-three. 1833

bed bedstead and furniture, no. 1---$10.00
bed bedstead and furniture, no. 2, ---10.00
bed, bedstead and furniture, no. 3----10.00
bed, bedstead and furniture, no. 4------5.00
one walnut table-- 1.50
lot of old sheets--- .50
large pine chest--- 1.00
2 looking glasses-- .50
one spinning wheel, no.1-- .75
one spinning wheel, no. 2--- .75
one spinning wheel, no. 3-- .75
one hackle-- .50
lot spun yarn-- 3.50
pair candle stands-- .30
knives and forks-- .25
11 small plates-- .40
lot old plates-- .05
lot cups and saucers-- .15
some cups and saucers-- .05
pair salad dishes-- .15
one turene-- .30
one large and small bowl-- .20
salt jiller and pepper box-- .05
lot phials-- .05
tonges and fire dog-- .50
2 pitchers-- .10
13 pewter spoons--.15
2 bread bowls-- .08
loom says & geers-- 4.50
woman saddle-- .25
dye tub-- .05
cotton gin & pickle tub-- .05
floor carpet-- 2.00
2 table cloths-- .50
one large pot-- 1.50
one middle sized-- 1.00
one middle small-- .50
spider and tea kettle-- .75
one dutch oven-- .75
pot rack-- 1.00
lot tite ware-- .15
lot tin ware-- .05
3 pair pot hooks-- .30
one large coffee pot-- .06
2 large baskets-- .15
flish forks, pan handle and shovel-- .03

We the subscribers appointed by the register appraising of the goods & chattels of Sarah Hearn (dec'd.) do on oath respectively say that the goods and chattels in this inventory has been appraised by us at the doing set down against the same respectively, and that said sums are, according to the best of our skill and judgment, the true value of said goods, & chattels in money ; as witness our hand this twenty-eight day of August 1833.

Jonathan Waller

William Ellis

Admin. Account on the estate of Sarah Hearn, dec'd, Ddtd Oct. 16, 1834 (Ref: A75, page 181.)

The account of James R. Hearn, Adm. of Sarah Hearn, late of Sussex County, deceased as well of such and so much of said property, which came to his hands or possession, as also of his payments out of the same.

Amount of sales   $51.24 3/4
Amount of payments 39.52
Bal. due estate 11.72 3/4
The said accountant craves an allowance for his payments:
  paid for letters of Admin. $1.25
  Paid appraisers   3.00
  Paid William Ellis  1.00
  Paid Jonathan Waller  1.00
  Paid William B. a funeral  18.60
  Burning charges  7.00
  Commissions   5.17
  Paid for stating &c   2.50
      Amount of payments  $ 39.52

              The above amount was exhibited to the Reg. October 16, 1834

              On oath by James R. Hearn

               Examined and allowed & processed same day

               Commissioiner,  Paynter, Regr.

               pg. 4 & 5



Sarah J. Hearn, ___- 1910

  Administrator: Luther M. Hearn , also signed oath of all goods of the dec’d


Theodore B. Hearne, ___- 1843-1849

(cemetery # 74, no picture)

Administrator: Wife: Sally A. Hearn, Renounces administration of will, Oct. 20, 1843.

(Theodore B. Hearn married Sally Carey Jan. 17, 1832. Ref. Marriages prior to 1850)

Son: William T. Hearn

Son: Theodore P. Hearn

4 daughters: Elizabeth Ann, Louisa Adaline, Mary Wise, Linda Avelian Hearn

Will Signed: Aug. 15, 1843, See will below:

Will of Theodore B. Hearn  1843-1849

Reference: RG4545.009, roll # 108

The last will and testament of: Theodore B. Hearn of Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware.

I, Theodore B. Hearn considering the uncertainly of this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say.

Item 1st

I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Sally A. Hearn, the following property, Viz; Two beds and furniture, first choice, one blue corner cupboard, all the china glass and ___ware that I possess, half dozen stool chairs, one arm chair, one walnut table, one loom tacklin, two iron pots, one oven, one frying pan, and one spider. All first choice, one pair of and irons, one shovel, and tongs, one spinning wheel, one chest, one man cawled, Martin, one cow and calf, first choice, one breeding sow, first choice, twenty pounds of washed wool, one plough and harrow, first choice.

also give unto my beloved wife, Sally A. Hearn, one Negro man named, Levin to have and to hold during her widowhood, but if she shall again marry, then in that case the said Negr, Levin, shall go to my son, William T. Hearn, who will be herein after named, to serve him and his heirs during life.

Item 2nd

I give and bequeath unto my two sons, William T. Hearn and Theodore P. Hearn, all the lands I bought of the following persons, to Wit; Noah Hearn and William Ward, about one hundred acres. Of Isaac Kenshaw, Negro, fifteen acres, Of Thomas W. Ricards, about one hundred acres, Also about fifteen acres joining the Ricards land and one tract called "Cow Swamp", about eighty acres to be equally divided between the said William T. Hearn & Theodore P. Hearn, to them, their heirs and assigns forever, and if either of them shall depart this life not leaving a lawful begotten heir of his own body, then in that case, the surviving one by paying to his four sisters to be herein after named twenty five dollars each shall be the entire heir and owner of the deceased part of said lands him, his heirs and assigns forever.

I also give and bequeath to my son, William P. Hearn, one colt called "Jim Crow".

Item 3rd;

I give and bequeath to my four daughters, Elizabeth Ann, (Leusa) Adaline, Mary Wise and Unsa Avelian Hearn, the following tracts of land; One tract Called "Feggs Property", about one hundred thirty seven acres, One tract called "Green Savannah and all the lands that I bought of Peter West, to be equally divided to them, their heirs and assigns forever and my will and meaning is that if any one or more of the above names daughters shall depart the life having no lawful issue of her or their body, then in that case the surviving part of said daughter shall be heirs in fee simple, of said deceased part or parts, and lastly as to all the rest and residue of my personal estate, goods and chattels, of what kind and nature so ever not herein named or devised, to be sold for the payment of my just debts and burying expenses and if anything left, the same to be divided among my heirs, as the law directs, and I hereby appoint Sally A. Hearn and John Morris, of I, my sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made, In witness, whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty three. 1843

Theodore B. Hearn (seal)

Signed, sealed, and declared by the above named Theodore B. Hearn, to be his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto.

William Hitch

Benjamin Hearn

Joseph Hearn


Thomas Batson-Will-1783

See will below:


Will of Thomas Batson, Dated Sept. 17, 1783.

(Will Book D4, pages 345 & 346.In Georgetown, Delaware.)

September 17, 1733, In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Batson, being in perfect senses & memory Thank God, ___ and doth make and ordain this my last will and testament and doth give and dispense of my estate as followeth:

Item: My will and desire is first that all my just debts and funeral charges should first be paid for which I leave all my Sands that is to say by (pallons) or resurveys, that I own in and about the Poplar swamps, which I hold for Seven-hundred three acres and if that should not be enuff the balance to be made up out of my personal estate.

Item: I leave unto my beloved wife, Tabitha Batson, all my personal estate together with my tract of land , where on I now live together with twenty-seven acres adjoining the Bald Eagle Swamps durning her widowhood or natural life , provided she should keep my two sons Kendall and Thomas Batson at school, to good and sufficient teachers three years each and at her marriage or death my desire is that the estate should be equally divided amongst my six children saving my daughter, Sarah and Amones Rogers bring the goods that I (lent) him, and making good that bond I had against him for__ ( next page) into the prasement, he comes in then with the rest of my children: John Mise, Kendal, Thomas, Elizabeth, and Hannah Batson, and if not for her to have a twelth part instead of a sixth...

My will and desire is that at my wifes marriage or death that the Sand that I have lent her should be valued by the appraiser for the estate and my son John Mise, paying the one-half the value to his brother Kendall and Thomas Batson or eitherwise, it is his my son, John Wise's choice, it is my desire that the aforesaid Sands should be sold at public sale and the money arising therefrom to be equally divided among my three sons , but it should be my son John Mise's choice to keep the Sands and pay one-half of the price to his brothers as aforesaid in two years after, it should fall into their hands He keeps the Sand himself, if not the Sands is to be sold and the money divided as aforesaid. My meaning is that if the Sands is sold, that if my son John Mise should pay the one-half of the value to his brothers the first year and the other half the following the year, that is to say my meaning is the half of the one-half the first year and the remainder the next year. Upon these conditions He keeps the Sand himself , but if he should die without heirs for his brothers to enjoy the afore mentioned Sands, them and their heirs .

My desire is that nothing that is mentioned above shall be construed so by no means as to deprive my wife, if she should marry, of her thirds of the Sand, and the seventh part of the moveables, and as well two years schooling for each of my sons Kendal and Thomas Batson, it shall satisfy for the three years above mentioned.

I should give or lend to any of my children (junor dats) to this my will, it is to come into the appraisement of my estate or to be considered as part of their part. And I do hereby constitute, make and appoint my wife Tabitha Batson and my son, John Mise Batson my executive of this my last will and testament. In witness, whereof shows hereunto set my hand and seal this day and year first above written.

Signed, Sealed, and delivered in presence of us

Wm Riley Evans

John Watt

Elenor Watt

Sussex County:

Memorandum the 11th day of April, 1791, before me Phillips Hollock, Register, appointed for the probate of wills and granting letters of Administration for the county Afts appeared William Riley Evans, and Elinor Watt, two of the witnesses to the within will, who being sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God, do severally dispose and say that in their sight, presence and hearing, the testator Thomas Batson, did sign, seal, and publish, and declare, the same to be his last will and testament and that at the doing thereof he was of a sound and perfect mind , memory, and judgment and that they and each of them together with John Watt subscribed the same as witnesses, in presence of the testator and at his request.

Phillip Hollock, Reg.


Thomas Hearne of Wm, Merchant- 1762

See Will below:

Thomas Hearn Will - 3/26/1762

(son of Wm Hearne, Merchant)

In the name, of God,  Amen. The 27th day, of January,  in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and sixty-two.

I, Thomas Hearne, of Somerset County and Province of Maryland, being very sick in body but of perfect mind and memory, tanks be to God for the same, therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows:

First of all I give and bequeath to my son George one Negro fellow called Hercules.

Also I give to my son Ebenezer one Negro fellow called Jeffry and also as much tobacco as shall give him five pounds sterling.

Also I give to my son Thomas Hearne a Negro wench called Sue.

Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth wife of Isaac Moore one Negro wench called Patience.

Also I give to my grandsons Elisha Hearne, William Hearne and Joshua Hearne, the sons of my son Nehemiah Hearne, one Negro boy, the eldest of them to have the boy and to pay to the other two five pounds a piece it being the full, whole part of my son Nehemiah’s portion out of my estate.

Also I give to my daughter Jemima Hearne one Negro fellow called London and I order that the said Negro be hired out until he is of age or married, the money for the hire of the said Negro to be applied toward maintaining my youngest children; as also one good feather bed with furniture and bedstead to my said daughter Jemima and a good, likely cow and calf; also a large pewter dish and a large pewter basin, also three new pewter plates and three new pewter spoons; also one spinning wheel.

Also I give and bequeath to my son John Hearne one hundred acres of land lying and being in Somerset County called “Hearne's venture” with all and every the appurtenances there-unto belonging to him and his heirs forever.

Also I give and bequeath to my son John Hearne fifty acres of land called St. Kitts, it lying and being in Somerset County; also a tract of land called Tower Hill, containing fifty acres of land, it lying and being in Somerset County; the third tract of land I give to him and his heirs forever; also I give to my son John Hearne, one good feather bed and furniture and bedstead, and one likely cow and calf, one large new pewter dish, one large new pewter basin, three new pewter plates, and three new pewter spoons, and one small gun and my black vest and breeches and my best hat, also my Negro wench called Doll and her increase and one Negro wench called Hannah, to him and his heirs forever.

Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary, wife of Joshua Morgan twenty pounds to be levied out of my estate, it being the full of her portion out of my estate.

Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Hearne, one good feather bed and furniture and one book stand and one likely cow and calf and one pewter dish and one pewter basin and three new spoons and one Negro girl, called Pegg, to her and her heirs forever.


Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Anne Hearne one feather bed and furniture and one bedstead and one cow and calf and one pewter dish and basin and three new pewter spoons.

Also I give to my daughter Anne one Negro boy called Andrew, to her and her heirs forever.

Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Ester, wife of Benjamin Vincent, one Negro boy called Holborn to her and her heirs forever.

Also I give and bequeath to James Hearne the son of Wm. Hearne one hundred and fifty acres of land taken out of a tract of land called Stains, containing four hundred and twenty acres lying and being in Somerset County near a branch called Coxes Branch.

Also I give the remainder of my personal estate to be divided amongst all my children and they that take the most valuable effects to let the others have in proportion the more of other goods.

Also I appoint and constitute my son Thomas Hearne my only and sole executor of this my last will and testament, ratifying and confirming this my last will and testament.


Probated March 26th, 1762.


Thomas Hearn, ___- 1832-1835

Wife: Sarah Coffin

Administrator: James R. Hearn

(On file) Children: Burton (R.), (Samuel) Batson, James R., Fernitea, Eleanor, Marcellus, and Sperrea Hearn.

See Probate below:

Thomas Hearn's Estate. (of S),

(Sam’l, ref. Isaac Sullivan diary, also from property he bought from N. Coffin.)

Thomas Hearn left no will. His property and descendants are listed in the Orphans Court Records at the County Seat in Delaware, dated 1833, pg. 270 ( Orphan's Court 1737-1847)

Thomas Hearn, petition for Division of his Lands:

To the honorable judges of the Orphans Court in and for the County of Sussex, the petition of James R. Hearn humbly theweth: that Thomas Hearn, late of Sussex County, died interstate, on or about the twenty-sixth day of September, one-thousand-eight-hundred-thirty-two, being at the time of his death seized in his demeanor of about two-hundred and twenty acres of land situated in Little Creek Hundred, adjoining lands of Eben Callaway, William Callaway, and others, that the said Thomas Hearn, left to survive him a widow named Sarah, since deceased, and seven children, Viz: James R. Hearn, Burton Hearn, Batson Hearn, Fernitea Hearn, Eleanor Hearn, married to Isaac Hearn, Marcellus Hearn, Sperrea Hearn, that it belongs to the said James R. Hearn, Burton Hearn, Batson Hearn, Fernitea Hearn, Isaac Hearn and Eleanor, his wife, in right of said Eleanor, Marcellus Hearn, and Sperrea Hearn to have each one part the said lands, into seven equal parts to be divided---petition therefore prays the Court to appoint five sufficient freeholders, of the County aforesaid, to go upon the land, of the said Thomas Hearn, deceased, and divide the deceases real estate equally among the children of said intestate,

according to an act of the general assembly in such care made and provided and your petition will ever pray.

James R. Hearn

26 September, 1833, read and Henry Bacon, Jonathan Bailey, Wm. Ellis, Wm. Knowles, and Charles Ralph appointed to divide (order issued)

Report on the division and evaluation of Thomas Hearn's Land:

Thomas Hearn, deceased, report on division and evaluation of his land.

Sussex County:

At the Orphan's Court held at Georgetown,, in and for the County of Sussex, the twenty-sixth day of September, in the year of our Lord, one-thousand-eight-hundred and thirty-three, report the application of James R. Hearn. It is presented to the Court, that Thomas Hearn, late of the County, aforesaid, deceased, died intestate on or about the twenty-sixth day of September, one-thousand-eight-hundred and thirty-two, being at the time of his death seizes in his demesne of fee of about two-hundred and twenty acres of land situated in Little Creek Hundred, adjoining lands of Eben Callaway, William Callaway, and others. That the said Thomas Hearn left to survive him a widow named Sarah, since deceased and seven children, Viz: James R. Hearn, Burton Hearn, Batson Hearn, Fernites Hearn, Eleanor married to Isaac Hearn, Marcellus Hearn, and Sperrea Hearn, that it belongs to the said James R. Hearn, Burton Hearn, Batson Hearn, Fernitea Hearn, Isaac Hearn and Eleanor, his wife, in right of said Eleanor, Marcellus Hearn, and Sperrea Hearn, to each one part the said lands into seven equal parts, to be divided  and the said James R. Hearn by his petition prayed the court to appoint five sufficient freeholders of the County aforesaid to go upon the lands, tenements, or hereditaments of the said Thomas Hearn, deceased, and divide the said deceases real estate equally among the children of said intestate. Where upon it is considered and ordered by the Court, that Henry Bacon, Jonathan Bailey, William Ellis, William Knowles, and Charles Ralph, five judicious and substantial freeholders being first sworn or affirmed and taking with them a skillful and impartial Surveyor, by them to be nominated and to be qualified, upon his solemn oath or affirmation do go to the said lands, tenements, or hereditaments, of the said intestate, Thomas Hearn, and divide the same into seven equal parts or shares-----being had to the true value of said lands tenements, hereditaments, and after the division thus made that they assign one of such shares to James R. Hearn, one of such shares to Burton Hearn, one of such shares to Batson Hearn, one of such shares to Fernitea Hearn, one of such shares to Isaac Hearn, and Eleanor, his wife, in right of said Eleanor, one of such shares to Marcellus Hearn and the remaining share to Sperrea Hearn and it is ordered by the court that if the said Henry Bacon, Jonathan Bailey, William Ellis, William Knowles, and Charles Ralph or a majority of them shall be of opinion that said lands, tenements, hereditaments, cannot be divided into the number of primary shares directed then they shall make no division , but shall appraise the same at the true value thereof in money and it is further ordered by the Court that the said freeholders or a majority of them do make ____ of their proceedings hereupon the Orphans Court duly certified under their hands with such draught or draughts annexed thereto as they may have required and of petition shall not have been made as prescribed by this order because of the opinion of the freeholders, such opinions as well as the proceedings thereupon shall be certified in the return.

Edw'd L. Wells, Clerk Orphans Court.

Response, to petition for division of Thomas Hearn's Lands.

I, Henry Bacon, one of the freeholders named in the proceeding order, hereby certifying that Jonathan Bailey, William Ellis, William Knowles, & Charles Ralph of the said freeholders was sworn by me on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God! and I, the said, William Knowles named in the same order hereby certify that the said Henry Bacon, was sworn by me on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God ! Each speaking for himself that they will perform the service duly incumbent on them respectively according to the said order faithfully and impartially according to the best of their skill and judgment, respectively. In witness whereof we the said Henry Bacon & each certifying for himself have hereunto set our hands the second day of November in the year of our Lord One-thousand-eight-hundred and thirty-three.

Henry Bacon, William Knowles

Thomas Hearn of Samuel.


This indenture made this fifteenth day of July in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one between, Nehemiah Coffin and Pierce his wife, of Sussex County and state of Delaware of the one part and Thomas Hearn, of Sam'l. and Henry Bacon of the county and state aforementioned of the other part, witnesseth that the said Nehemiah Coffin and Pierce his wife for and in consideration

of the sum of four hundred dollars lawful money of the state afmt to them in hand paid by the said Thomas Hearn and Henry Bacon before the sealing and delivery of these presents receipted whereof that the

said Nehemiah Coffin and Pierce his wife doth hereby acknowledge and from every part and parcel thereof doth hereby acquit, exonerate and discharge the said Hearn and Bacon, their heirs, executors and administrators, those the said Nehemiah and wife hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed and affirmed and by these presents doth grant , bargain, sell, enfeoff and Hearn and Bacon, their heirs and assigns all that tract of land whereon said Coffin now lives, said to contain two hundred acres more or less adjoining lands of tract of Samuel Hearn, Isaac Callaway and others, together with all and singular the"~- ings, improvements, woods, ways, waters, rights, liberties, privileges,

herediments and appendances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and all the estate, right, title and interest whatsoever of them the said Nehemiah Coffin and wife both at and

equity of, in, to and out of the said tract a parcel of land and premises hereby bargained and sold or meant, mentioned or intended hereby, so to be and every tract or parcel thereof to have and to hold, the

said tract or parcel of land here aftm, described unto the said Hearn and Bacon, their heirs and assigns forever and to and no other use, intent or purpose whatsoever and the said Nehemiah and wife themselves,

their heirs, executors and Administrators doth hereby convey, grant and agree to and with the said Hearn and Bacon, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns the said Nehemiah and wife and their heirs,

the said tract of land and premises, hereby granted, bargained and sold and every part and parcel therefore with the appendiments thereunto belonging to them the said Hearn and Bacon, their heirs and assigns,

against them the said Nehemiah and wife and their heirs, and against all and every person or persons whatsoever claiming or to claim any right, title or interest in and to the same or any part they shall,

 will hereafter  and forever defend by these presents. In witness the said Nehemiah Coffin and Pierce, his wife doth hereunto subscribed their names and affixed their seals, the day and

year first herein before written.

NEHEMIAH  COFFIN     seaI        PURSEY  COFFIN     seal

signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of ~~LeVin T. almurus

of Sussex County, state of Delaware.

 Be it remembered that on the fifteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one-thousand-eight-hundred and thirty-one, before me William B. Cooper, one of the judges of the court of Commons pleas for the state, of Delaware, came personally, Nehemiah Coffin and Pierce, his wife the within named grantors and severally acknowledged the witnessed and written indenture to be their act and deed and the said Pierce, wife of the said Nehemiah being by me examined separate and apart from, and out of the presence and hearing of the said husband, acknowledged that she signed, sealed and delivered the above written and foregoing indenture, of her own free will and accord and without any fear, threat or compulsion of her said husband or fear of his displeasure in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, the day and year first  above written.

William B. Cooper.
This deed was lodged in the Recorders Office in and for the county of Sussex on the sixth day of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-one.
G.A. Curris Recorder.


Thomas Hearn of L, ___- 1835-1840

Goods Appraised: April 8, 1835

(Thos. Hearn of L married Harriet Hobbs, C 1835, Marriages, prior to 1850.)

   See will below:


Thomas Hearn of E, ___-  1838-1840


Daughters: Nancy C. Chipman, Eliza, Elizabeth Short, Sally F. Holloway

Sons: William Hearn, Benjamin Hearn, George B. Hearn, Thomas Hearn, Clement C. Hearn

will dated: May 14, 1838

Goods Appraised: July 10, 1838

See will below;

Will Thomas Hearn (of E), 1838-1840

Ref: RG4545.009, Roll # 108, Broad Creek Hundred, Sussex County

Last Will and Testament of Thomas Hearn of E.

I, Thomas Hearn, of E of Sussex County and state of Delaware, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament.

Item 1: I give unto my son William Hearn, all the land which I bought of Charles Dorman, excepting a small piece of said land lying on the north side of County road leading from Tucker Hill to the late dwelling of Clement Cannon, dec'd to him and his heirs forever.

Item 2: I give unto my son Benjamin Hearn, all the land which I possess on the south side of a line beginning at William Coles bounder, thence to the mouth of a four foot ditch empting into a ten foot ditch, thence up and with said four foot ditch to my home plantation, thence due south to a cross fence, thence with said cross fence due west to a county road leading through my lane, thence south down said county road eight poles to a post, thence with a straight line to the second corner of a tract of land “Raglings Chance”, to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item 3: I give unto my son, George B. Hearn, all the land which I bought of Clement Cannon, which lays on the north side of county road leading from Tucker Hill to the late dwelling of Clement Cannon, also all that part or tract of land which I have not already conveyed to Wingate Matthews, which I took up called and known by the name of “Jackson's Venture”, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item 4: I give unto my son, Thomas Hearn, all the land which I bought of Louder Hearn, which lays on the North side of a county road leading from my son, William Hearn's to a bridge over ditch, thence down and with said ditch to branch, thence down said branch to the end of “Old Mill Dam”, thence with said Mill Dam to the lands of Thomas G. West; thence with said West lands to the lands belonging to the heirs of Jeremiah Cannon, dec'd, thence with said Hearn lands to the lands I have already devise to my afs. Son, William Hearn, thence with my Son, William Hearn's land to the aforesaid county road, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item 5: I give unto my son, Clement C. Hearn all my land adjoining my home dwelling, which I have not already devised. Beginning at William Coles bounder, thence binding up and with the aft. Ten- foot ditch and laying to the Westward of said ditch to the lands of the said Thomas West, thence with said West land to the aft. “Old Mill Dam”, thence with the land I have already divided to my son Thomas Hearn, thence with said Louder Hearn land to Louder Hearn land , to the land I have already devised to my son, Benjamin Hearn, thence with the said Benjamin Hearn's land to the place of beginning , to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item 6: I give unto my sons, namely Thomas Hearn and Clement C. Hearn all the land, which I possess laying to the eastward of the aft. Ten- foot ditch, adjoining the lands of the aft. Thomas G. West, William Parsons and William Cole, to them, their heirs and assigns forever.

Item 7: I give unto my well beloved wife one third of my personal estate, after my debts is paid.

Item 8: I give unto my daughter, Nancy C. Chipman, the sum of thirty dollars, to be paid to her by my executor herein after named, out of my personal estate.

Item 9: I give unto my daughter, Eliza Willmon Hearn, the sum of seventy-five dollars to be paid to her out of my personal estate by my executor herein after named.

Item 10: I give unto my son, Clement C. Hearn, one horse, bridle, one saddle and one bed and furniture.

Item 11: I give unto my son, Thomas Hearn, one bed and furniture.

Item 12: I give unto my son, George B. Hearn, one bed and furniture.

Item 13: I give unto my son Thomas Hearn, timber to be taken out of the land, which I held in right of my wife formally a part of the land belonging to Clement Cannon, dec'd, to the amount of seventy-five dollars.

Item 14: I give unto my six children, namely Elizabeth Short, Nancy Chipman, Sally F. Holloway, Thomas Hearn, Clement C. Hearn, Eliza Hearn, the balance of my personal estate to be equally divide between them.

And lastly I do hereby make and ordain my sons, William Hearn and Thomas Hearn, executors of this my last Will and Testament.

In witness whereof I, Thomas Hearn (of E), the testator have to this my Will written out on a sheet of paper set my hand and seal this fourth day of May in the year of Our Lord, one-thousand-eight-hundred and thirty-eight, 1838.

Thomas Hearn of E.    (seal)

Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of us we have subscribed in the presence of each other.

Thomas G. West    Henry Bacon


Will Thomas Hearn (of E), 1838-1840

Ref: RG4545.009, Roll # 108, Broad Creek Hundred, Sussex County

Last Will and Testament of Thomas Hearn of E.

I, Thomas Hearn, of E of Sussex County and state of Delaware, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament.

Item 1: I give unto my son William Hearn, all the land which I bought of Charles Dorman, excepting a small piece of said land lying on the north side of County road leading from Tucker Hill to the late dwelling of Clement Cannon, dec'd to him and his heirs forever.

Item 2: I give unto my son Benjamin Hearn, all the land which I possess on the south side of a line beginning at William Coles bounder, thence to the mouth of a four foot ditch empting into a ten foot ditch, thence up and with said four foot ditch to my home plantation, thence due south to a cross fence, thence with said cross fence due west to a county road leading through my lane, thence south down said county road eight poles to a post, thence with a straight line to the second corner of a tract of land “Raglings Chance”, to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item 3: I give unto my son, George B. Hearn, all the land which I bought of Clement Cannon, which lays on the north side of county road leading from Tucker Hill to the late dwelling of Clement Cannon, also all that part or tract of land which I have not already conveyed to Wingate Matthews, which I took up called and known by the name of “Jackson's Venture”, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item 4: I give unto my son, Thomas Hearn, all the land which I bought of Louder Hearn, which lays on the North side of a county road leading from my son, William Hearn's to a bridge over ditch, thence down and with said ditch to branch, thence down said branch to the end of an old Mill Dam, thence with said Mill Dam to the lands of Thomas G. West; thence with said West lands to the lands belonging to the heirs of Jeremiah Cannon, dec'd, thence with said Hearn lands to the lands I have already devise to my afs. Son, William Hearn, thence with my Son, William Hearn's land to the aforesaid county road, to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item 5: I give unto my son, Clement C. Hearn all my land adjoining my home dwelling, which I have not already devised. Beginning at William Coles bounder, thence binding up and with the afs. Ten- foot ditch and laying to the Westward of said ditch to the lands of the said Thomas West, thence with said West land to the afs. old Mill Dam, thence with the land I have already divided to my son Thomas Hearn, thence with said Louder Hearn land to Louder Hearn land , to the land I have already devised to my son, Benjamin Hearn, thence with the said Benjamin Hearn's land to the place of beginning , to him, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item 6: I give unto my sons, namely Thomas Hearn and Clement C. Hearn all the land, which I possess laying to the eastward of the afs. Ten- foot ditch, adjoining the lands of the afs. Thomas G. West, William Parsons and William Cole, to them, their heirs and assigns forever.

Item 7: I give unto my well beloved wife one third of my personal estate, after my debts is paid.

Item 8: I give unto my daughter, Nancy C. Chipman, the sum of thirty dollars, to be paid to her by my executor herein after named, out of my personal estate.

Item 9: I give unto my daughter, Eliza Willmon Hearn, the sum of seventy-five dollars to be paid to her out of my personal estate by my executor herein after named.

Item 10: I give unto my son, Clement C. Hearn, one horse, bridle, one saddle and one bed and furniture.

Item 11: I give unto my son, Thomas Hearn, one bed and furniture.

Item 12: I give unto my son, George B. Hearn, one bed and furniture.

Item 13: I give unto my son Thomas Hearn, timber to be taken out of the land, which I held in right of my wife formally a part of the land belonging to Clement Cannon, dec'd, to the amount of seventy-five dollars.

Item 14: I give unto my six children, namely Elizabeth Short, Nancy Chipman, Sally F. Holloway, Thomas Hearn, Clement C. Hearn, Eliza Hearn, the balance of my personal estate to be equally divide between them.

And lastly I do hereby make and ordain my sons, William Hearn and Thomas Hearn, executors of this my last Will and Testament.

In witness whereof I, Thomas Hearn (of E), the testator have to this my Will written out on a sheet of paper set my hand and seal this fourth day of May in the year of Our Lord, one-thousand-eight-hundred and thirty-eight, 1838.

Thomas Hearn of E. (seal)

Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of us we have subscribed in the presence of each other.

Thomas G. West Henry Bacon


Thomas Hearn, ___- 1884-1886

Administrator: Catherine E. Hearn

(Thos. Hearn married Catherine E. Walls, Nov. 17, 1845, marriages prior to 1850.)

Renounces administration to: Thos. W. Ralph

Appraisal Date: Feb. 19, 1884

Some who bought goods at sale: Thos. R. Phillips, C.C. Hearn, Wm. J. Windsor, Widow, Wm. S. Callaway, E. Frank Hearn, Thos. H. Ellis, J. Polk Morris, James E. Hearn, Peter Gordy, Mrs. John Phillips, Solomon Elliott, Joseph Hearn, Sam’l. Bacon.

>Ref: S. No. 9, folio 174 and filn H, No. 8, folio 376.


William Coffin-Will-Mar. 31, 1807

See will below;

Will of William Coffin, Ddtd Feburary 19, 1807

(Will Book: F, #6, Pgs 273-274, Archives at Georgetown, Delaware.)

In the name of God, Amen, I, William Coffin of Sussex county in the state of Delaware being at this time in a low state of health, in body but of a sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die and that I may be the better prepared to leave this world whenever it may please God to call me hence, I do make, constitute, and ordain this and none other to be my last will and testament, First and principally of all I give and recommend my soul into the care and protection of Almighty God, who first gave it to me and my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in such a Christian decent manner as my exe'r herein after mentioned shall think proper and after my lawful debts and funeral charges is paid the residue of my worldly goods, wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with, I do give, dismiss and dispose of in manner and form as followeth:

Item: I give and dispose of unto my daughter Mary Taylor, her heirs and assigns forever fifty acres of land being part of a resurvey called Hogg Quarter Enlarged to be laid off with a north and south line across said resurvey the said fifty acres to be laid off on the Easternmost side or end of said land.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Nancy Coffin, sixty acres of land out of the tract af'm to be laid off with a parcel line with the division line above recited,Viz: N&S to her and her heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Hessey Coffin, all the residue of my lands in ( j) tract afm to her and her heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sally and Rhoda, one negro woman, called Rachel, with all her increase to be equally divided between them their heirs and assigns forever and my will further is that all the residue of my estate yet not devised to be equally divided amongst my daughters above mentioned to them and their heirs and assigns forever, and I do further nominate, constitute and appoint my well beloved son in-law George Taylor exc'r. of this my last will and testament revoking all other wills heretofore by me made , either written or verbal, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of Feb'y 1807.

Signed, sealed, published and pronounced in the presence of us the undersigned:


Solomon Vincent

Abram Betts

Sam'l Hearn


William X Coffin



N 13. The divisions to be laid off, by Sam'l Hearn, is my request which I do declare in the presence of the above witnesses as witness my hand and seal.

Sam'l Hearn, Abram Betts, Solomon Vincent,


William X Coffin



Sussex County: Memorandum March 31, 1807 before me Phillips Hollok, Register appointed for the probate of wills and granting letters of Administration for the county appeared Solomon Vincent, and Abram Betts two of the subscribing witnesses to the within and fore going will who being duly sworn on the holy evangels of almighty God did severally dispose and say that in their sight presence and hearing the testator William Coffin sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare the same to be his last will and testament and that at the doing thereof he seemed to be of a sound disposing mind , memory, and judgment, and that they and each of them together with Samuel Hearn subscribed the same as witness in presence of the said Testator and at his request.

Phillips Hollock, Reg.


William Hearn –will- June 11, 1756

  See will below:

Will of William Hearne (Son of Wm the Merchant)-1/20/1756:

In the name of God, Amen, I make this my last will and testament, and calling to mind the mortality of my body, etc., I give and dispose of my small worldly estate in the manner and form following:

fst: My will is that all my just and lawful debts be paid and in due time.

2dly: I give and bequeath unto my son, Elijah Hearne, one Negro boy called, Frank, one Negr. girl called, Dinah, and two-hundred and seventy-five acres of land, part of that tract of land called Stains, and to be laid off and taken out of the original tract, aforesaid so as to include the dwelling plantation where I now live on, with as little prejudice to the remaining part of that tract as may be, to him his heirs and assigns.

3dly: I give and bequeath unto my son, Isaac Hearne, his heirs or assigns, one-hundred and fifty acres of land, out of the tract of land called Stains, where he has formally made some improvements and if any difference should arise, in the division of the aforesaid land between my two sons, Elijah Hearne and Isaac Hearne, then my will is that my two friends, Benjamin Hardy and George Hearne, divide it according to the intent of this my last will and testament, with as little prejudice to my sons as may be.

4thly: I give and bequeath unto my son, Samuel Hearne, his heirs or assigns, one Negro boy, called Caesar.

5thly: I give and bequeath unto my son, Jonathan Hearne, his heirs or assigns, one Negr. boy called, Mumford.

6thly: I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Hannah Hearne her heirs or assigns one Negr. girl called, Jenney.

7thly: I give and bequeath unto my son, Benjamin Hearne his heirs or assigns one Negro woman called Moll.

8thly:I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Mary Freeney her heirs or assigns, fifteen pounds current money out of my movable estate according to appraisement.

9thly: I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Sarah Tindal her heirs or assigns fifteen pounds current money to be paid out of my movable estate according to appraisement.

10thly: I give and bequeath the remaining part of my estate not already given to my children: John Hearne, Isaac Hearne, Benjamin Hearne, Elijah Hearne, Samuel Hearne, Jonathan Hearne, Sarah Tindal, Mary Freeney and Hannah Hearne, to them, their heirs or assigns.

11thly: My will is that my son, Elijah Hearne, be whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament.

In witness, whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 11th day of June, Anno Domini, 1754.

Signed, sealed, pronounced and declared to be my last will and testament in the presence of Isaac Handy, Nehemiah Hearne and Joseph Scrogging. Probated Jan. 20, 1756.

William Hearne   Seal

January the 20th, 1756. Came Isaac Handy, Nehemiah Hern and Joseph Scrogging subscribing witnesses to this instrument of writing and made oath on the Holy Evangells of Almighty God, that they saw the

testator, William Hern, sign and seal, and heard him publish, pronounce and declare this instrument of writing as his last will and testament, and that at the time of his doing, he was to the best of their apprehensions of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, and that they the said Isaac Handy, Nehemiah Hearne and Joseph Scrogging subscribed as witnesses to this will in the presence and at the request of the testator, William Heirne.

Sworn to before    Nehemiah King, Depdy Cont, of  Som. County.

Note! Will of William Hearne, copied from the records of Princess Anne, Somerset County, Maryland (it is also on record at Annapolis, the capital of Maryland): Ref: EB4- (4 or y) 3, pgs. 42-43.


William Hearne, Merchant –1691

  See will below:

From the same records at Princess Anne, the will of William Hearne, bearing date of March 28, 1691, and probated November 10, 1691, shows that he evidently died in October, 1691. A verbatim copy of the will and inventory of his personal estate is as follows:


William Hearne, Merchant –1691

(See cemetary  # 67, P-67-03)

In the name of God, Amen, I, William Hearne, of Somerset County in the Province of Maryland, being sick and weak of body but of sound and perfect memory (Blessed be God) and calling to mind the uncertain estate of this life on earth and being desirous to sett things in order, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following:

First and principally: I commend my soul to God that gave it assuredly believing that I shall receive full pardon and free remission of all my sins, and be saved by the precious death and merits of my blessed Savior Jesus Christ, and my body to be buried in such decent order as to my executrix hereafter named shall be thought meet and convenient. And as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God in his mercy, hath been pleased to bestow upon me, my will and meaning is (that after my real and just debts be paid) that the same be disposed of as by this my last will is expressed, and first I do hereby revoke, renounce and make void all former wills by me made and declare and appoint this to be my last will and testament.

Item. --I give and bequeath my whole estate both real and personal to be equally divided between my loving wife Mary Hearne and my son William Hearne to be delivered to my said son when he shall arrive to the age of twenty-one years. And whereas my said wife being now with child, if it should please God that the child or children with which my said wife now goeth with should live,

then my will and pleasure is that my said estate both real and personal be equally divided between my said wife and children when my said children shall arrive at the age of one and twenty years, then to have and receive their said parts, and portions paid them. And in case my said child or children should depart this life before they arrive at the age aforesd then my said estate to be equally divided between my said wife and the surviving child or children. And I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my said loving wife Mary Hearne to be my executrix of this my last will and testament. And Mr. Francis Jenkins, and Mr. John Cornish overseares of this my last will, whom I request to help and assist my said executrix in the performance of my said will.

In testimony, whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 28th day of March, Ano Domini, 1691.

WILLIAM HEARNE (o) sealed.
Signed, sealed and delivered
in presence of

This will was proved in open Court by the Qathes, of Wm. Mead and Peter Dent, the tenth day of November Ano Domini, 1691. Test. JNO. WEST Clk. Cir. Court Somerset.


William Hearn (*of Jon.), ___- 1826-1831

Administrators: Polly & Josiah Hearn

(A William Hearn married a Polly Callaway, c 1820, Marriages prior to 1850.)

Goods Appraisal Date: April 7, 1826

* Noted at top of sheet listing Debts in favor of the Estate of Wm. Hearn of Jon., Dec’d.

Descendants: Polly Hearn, (Widow of Wm.), William Gordy and Patience, his wife, James Low and Rachel his wife, Samuel Hearn, Jonathan Hearn, Samuel Low and Betsey, his wife, Joseph Ellensworth and Frances, his wife, Nancy Hearn, Nelly Hearn, Isaac Hearn, Josiah Hearn.

Some persons who bought goods at sale: Stephen Gordy, Isaac Hearn, Joshua Hastings, Sam’l. Turpin, Benjamin Lecates, C. Windsor, Josiaph Gordy, James Collins, Job Hastings, Peter Hasting, Martin Hasting, Elijah Callaway, Jackson Gordy, George Hearn (of Jon.), Isaac Sullivan, Ebenezer Lecates.

See below …


William Hearn of Jonathan probated 1826-1831

Descendants: Josiah, Jonathan, Samuel, Isaac, Frances, Patience, Rachel, Polly, Betsey, Nancy, Nelly, (dau. married to Samuel W. Thompson, Eleanor married to Elliott.)

Jonathan of W 's children: (known at this time) Miranda married a Windsor, Isaac N, Samuel I.

See below …

William Hearn (of Jon.)* 1826-1831

Reference: Microfilm RG4545.009, Roll #108, Dover, Del.

We hereby certify that we have valued and appraised the goods, chatty and personal estate of William Hearn (deceased) which was of the said dec'd at the time of his death, so far as came to our sight and knowledge, as witnesses our hands this thirteenth day of April one-thousand-eight-hundred and twenty-six.

Henry Bacon

Samuel Elliott

Inventory of the goods, Chattels and personal estate of William Hearn (deceased) given in by Polly Hearn, Administrix and Josiah Hearn, Administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels which were of the said William Hearn at the time of his death and appraised on oath by Henry Bacon and Samuel Elliott, appraisers appointed by the Register, for the probate of Wills and granting letters of Administration in and for the county of Sussex and state of Delaware.

List of debts in favor of the estate of Wm. Hearn of Jon which is deemed to be collected together with those which have been collected since the death of said Hearn, deceased.

Joseph English   2.13 1/2 Handcook Whirlorve   1.25
Stephen Gordy    5.06 1/4Peter Hasting   1.25
Isaac Hearn of Jon Gilly Davis   4.09
Samuel Hearn of Jon John James    .25
Joshua Hasting    3.57 James Lecate   21.25
Samuel Turpin    .73 Jackson Gordy    1.34
Benjamin Lecate    4.12 Morning Wroe   2.10
Cathentan Windsor    .62 1/2 William Ellis of Elijah Callaway *1  23.18
Leonard Hasting   .77 George Hearn of Jon *2    5.52
Josiah Hasting    3.24 1/4 Isaac Sullivan *3    5.28
James Collins    3.00 Ebenezer Lecate *4     2.31
Loloman Hasting   1.37      
Jonathan Hearn   1.41 * 1- Judg P 10 June, 1825
Job Hasting   26.61 *2-    "   "  9th Dec, 1825
Martin Hasting   .50 * 3-    "  " 11th Feby, 1826
Elijah Callaway    3.46 1/4 *4-   "  "   22nd Sept, 1820

   *Noted at the top of sheet, listing debts in favor of the estate of Wm. Hearn of Jon, Dec’d.


Distribution of the Estate of Wm. Hearn of Jno.

Polly Hearn (widow) -- $271.82
Josiah Hearn -- 54.36
Wm. Gordy& Patience, his wife – 54.36
Jas. Lowe & Rachel, his wife – 54.36
Samuel Hearn – 54.36
Jonathan Hearn – 54.36
Sam’l Lowe & Betsey, his wife – 54.36
Joseph Ellensworth & Frances, his wife – 54.36
Nancy Hearn – 54.36
Nelly Hearn – 54.36
Isaac Hearn -- 54.36

Rachel of W's children: (known at this time.)

Selby M. Lowe

Other Children of his brothers: (unknown which brothers at this time.)

Isaac W Hearn, Samuel J. Hearn, Benjamin B. Hearn, William Hearn.

Note! 1-16-08: At this writing I have found that Josiah Samuel Hearn’s children are: Benjamin B, William W, Mary Ellen, Sally Ann, Lyscia, and Elizabeth Jane Hearn, (See Will or probate of Josiah Hearn.)

Samuel J. Hearn, possible father of Thomas Hearn, according to Isaac Sullivan Diary.

Note! Isaac Sullivan was a witness to the signing of Samuel Hearn of W's will, signed Aug. 28, 1846. He died in 1850.


William Hearn of S, ___- 1876

Administrator: Samuel T. Hearn

Goods Appraisal Date: Aug. 17, 1875, ( See  1850, no. 6, 1860, no. 5, and 1870, 695b, census)

Children: Samuel T, age 8, Sarah, age 6, Isaac, age 3, Mary, age 2, Luther M, age 8, Emily, age 6, and Joseph, age 15,  Frances E. Hearn , age 75, living with Family in 1850.

Some people who bought goods at sale: Luther M. Hearn, Widow, Samuel Bacon, William S. Hearn, S.T. Hearn, S. G. Hearn, James Ellis, George H. Hearn, James B. Lowe, Levi Callaway, James W. Hasting, Job M. Callaway, Isaac Hearn, George M. Hearn, Robert Morris, Joseph Hearn, John Lowe.

Goods appraised by: Wm. B. Records and William S. Hearn.

See below …

William Hearn Of S, 1876

First and final account of Administration:


Aug. 17 To paid, for letters & state tax $3.00

Aug. 26 To paid J.C. Cannon in full for services as auctioner 2.50

Dec. 1 To paid Joseph S. Parker in full for coffin for said deceased 17.00


Feb. 14 To paid Wm. B. Records in full for service as appraiser 2.00

Aug. 4 To paid Geo. B. Phillips in full of burial charges .75

Sept. 23 To paid Caldwell W. Hasting in full for bricking grave for burial of said decd

Sept. 23 To paid Sirman & co. in full of acct etc .45

Sept. 27 To paid Wm. S. Hearn in full for services as appraiser 2.00

Sept. 27 To paid Luther M. Hearn in full for bricks for grave of said decd 3.92

Sept. 28 To paid J.T. Records in full for services as clerk at sales 2.00

Sept. 28 Retained by this Administration in full of his own note and interest present 95.35



To Commission on $47.62 amt of payments at 6%=2.38

To commission on $279.40 amt of receipts at 5 % 13.97

To paid for stating, passing and recording this account 6.00



To unofficial balance in hand = $114.08

Aug. 26 By amount of this list of sales of the personal property of said deceased



By amount bought down$279.40

By unapplied balance in hand $114.08

This account was presented, examined and settled September 28 of 1876

William Hearn of S  __-1882-1883

Administrator: Sam'l T. Hearn

Appraiser of goods: Wm. S. Hearn and Wm. B. Records

Chattels and Goods sold August 17, 1875

List of sales of Estate of Wm. Hearn of S :

Samuel T. Hearn     2 harness teeth S. Callaway     1 iron wedge
Wm. T. Hearn       2 iron wedges Jas. W. Hastings      1 lot augers
Job W. Callaway    2 augersGeo. M. Hearn     1 drawing knife
Stephen G. Hearn    1 drawing knife Job M. Callaway     1 cooper ad
M. Hearn    2 planes M. Hearn    2 planes
S.G. Hearn     1 axe Jas. G. Ellis    1 set cultivator teeth
S.G. Hearn    1 set cultivator teeth Wm. Hearn   1 pair  Andirons
Jas. B. Lowe    1 old axe Luther N. Hearn      1 old  axe
Wm. S. Hearn   1 old  axe Geo. M. Hearn    1 old  axe
S.G. Hearn   1 old  axe Wm. Hearn    1 black  axe
John M. Elliott  1  grubing hoe S. G. Hearn  1  old  axe
S.G. Hearn   1 weeding hoe S.G. Hearn   1  weeding   hoe
S.G. Hearn   1  weeding   hoe Luther M. Hearn   1   weeding   hoe
Jas. B. Lowe   1  weeding   hoe Wm.  Hearn   2 old  shovels
S.G. Hearn    1  pitch fork J.T. Record    1   pitch   fork
Widow   1  Red cow Luther M. Hearn   1  Red cow
Samuel Bacon    10  sheep @ $2.55 Wm. S. Hearn   6  geese @ 4.0
S.T. Hearn    1  Bay mare Jas. Ellis     6  stool  chairs  @ .25
Geo. M. Hearn    5  flag  bottomed  chairs Luther M. Hearn    1 (fake) leaf table
Widow    1  dish  basin  .05 Luther M. Hearn   1  milk  bucket   .05
Luther M. Hearn    1  water  bucket   .05 Luther M. Hearn    6  white  plates    .12 1/2
Luther M. Hearn  6  white  plates  .10 Luther M. Hearn    5  cups and saucers   .10
Luther M. Hearn   2  small bowels   .02 Luther M. Hearn   1  black jar   .02
Lu 1 coffee pot  .02 Luther M. Hearn   1  coffee pot   .02
Luther M. Hearn  1  basin  .02 S.T. Hearn  1 shot gun   2.00
Jas. B. Lowe   1 shot gun  .65 S.T. Hearn   1 shot gun  .25
Samuel Bacon   2 powder horns  .06 Luther M. Hearn   1 looking glass  .05
Widow   1 chest and contents   .85 Widow   6 glasses   .05
Luther M. Hearn  1 mantel clock  .50 Luther M. Hearn  1  knife  .25
Luther M. Hearn  1 pair Antirons  .05 Luther M. Hearn   1 pair shovels and tongs  .05
David Baker   2  waiters   .02
Widow  1  chair   .01 Widow   1  wash  basin  .05
Widow   1 pail  .01 Widow   2 pitchers   .01
S.T. Hearn  1 bowl  .02 S.T. Hearn  1  bowl  .02
S.T. Hearn  1  bowl  .01 Levi S. Callaway   1 brew pot  .25
Luther M. Hearn  1  brew pot  .60 Luther M. Hearn 80 1/2 lb bacon @ 71/2-13.281/2
Jas. W. Hastings 18 lb baco @ 13-2.34Job W. Callaway 44 lbs raw bacon @ 71/2-4.18
Luther M. Hearn 40 lbs lard @ 131/4-5.30 Luther M. Hearn  1 can .25
S.T. Hearn 1 lot soap grease .16 S.T. Hearn 1 lot soap grease .10
Isaac Hearn 1 hominey mortar Geo. M. Hearn  2 salt casks  .01
__Morris  1 lot of old barrels  .05 Widow   1 lot salt  .20
S. Bacon  2 grease kegs  .19 S.G. Hearn  1  chest  .06
H.B. Waller  1 pair spoon molds  .13 H.B. Waller  3 ladels  .19
Jas. B. Lowe  2 boxes  etc .07 Isaac Hearn  1 bow net  .05
S.G. Hearn  1 jug etc  .01Jas. Ellis  25 lbs soap @.07-1.75
Jas. B. Lowe  93 lbs of soap@ .06- 5.55 Wm. Hearn 1 old pot  .02
Geo. M. Hearn 1 old pot, lid and hooks  .40 John M. Elliott 1 oven and lid  .25
John M. Callaway 1 tea kettle & spider .02 S.T. Hearn 1 half bushel .25
S.T. Hearn 7 mash (blard) .01 S.T. Hearn 1 mash (blard) .01
Job M. Callaway  1 lot barrels  .05 S.T. Hearn 1 iron harrow  2.50
S.T. Hearn 1 iron harrow  2.50 J.T. Records 2 plows  .50
S.G. Hearn 1 set Rap traces  .23 John M. Elliott  1 set rap traces  1.00
Jas. Ellis  1 crop cutsaw  .05 Joseph Hearn 1 handsaw  .16
Geo. M. Hearn 1 hammer   .07 S.G. Hearn 1 lot iron harness
S.G. Hearn 1 mall  .05 S.G. Hearn  2 muzzles  .12
S.G. Hearn 2 bridles  .12 S.T. Hearn  1 horse collar  .80
Luther M. Hearn 1 set horse cart harness  1.00 Samuel Bacon 1 sheep skin  .20
  S.T. Hearn 1 lot (cart tyre)  .40 Luther M. Hearn 1 horse cart 10.00
S.T. Hearn 1 lot barrels .05 Wm. S. Hearn 1 ox yoke etc  .05
Robert Morris 1 grind stone  .75 Widow 2 tubs   .01
Widow 2 buckets   .01 Jas. W. Hastings  1 dish  .15
Samuel Bacon 1 pair sheep shears  .21 Luther M. Hearn 57 lbs bed @ .05-2.55
Luther M. Hearn 1 bedstead & under bed .05 Isaac Hearn 1 shoe bench  .65
Luther M. Hearn 1 bed quilt  .40 Luther M. Hearn 1 bed quilt .20
Luther M. Hearn 1 bed quilt  .30 Luther M. Hearn 1 bed quilt .30
S.G. Hearn  1 bed quilt   .10 Jas. Ellis   1 bed quilt   .15
Luther M. Hearn  1 counterpane  1.00 S.T. Hearn  1 counterpane  1.00
Luther M. Hearn 1 blanket  .50 S.T.. Hearn 1 blanket  .50
Luther M. Hearn 1 blanket .50 Luther M. Hearn 1 sheet  .25
S.T. Hearn 1 sheet .25 S.T. Hearn 1 sheet  .25
Luther M. Hearn 1 sheet .25 Wm. S. Hearn 1 pair steelyards  1.50
Luther M. Hearn 1 chest  .05 S.T. Hearn 13 lbs bed @ .05-2.15
Luther M. Hearn 1 bedstead  .25 John G. James  8 lbs wool @ .40-3.20
Wm. G. Hearn 93/4 lbs rolls @ .70-6.821/2 J.T. Records 2 leather baskets @ .30- .60
Luther M. Hearn 38 lbs bed @ 12.1/2- 2.65Luther M. Hearn 1 bedstead  .15
Luther M. Hearn 3 chests  .06 S.G. Hearn 1 old clock  .15
John Lowe  1 spinning wheel  .10 S.T. Hearn 1 jar & soap grease .05
S.T. Hearn 1 jar & soap grease  .05 Luther M. Hearn  1 jar & soap grease  .05
Luther M. Hearn  1 jar & soap grease  .05 John N. Jenkins  1 pair steelyards  .20
Luther M. Hearn  1 pair draw steelyards  .10 Mary Sullivan  1 frying pan  .03
Luther M. Hearn  1 frying pan   .05 S.G. Hearn 1 lot ox bows  .70
Samuel T. Hearn  1 jar & shoe lass .02
  Total $279.40 ½

I hereby certify the above is a true account and a complete list of the goods & chattels of William Hearn of S, deceased as sold August the 26th 1875.

Jonathan S. Records,  Clk.


William Hearn of Thomas, ___- 1848-1851

Goods Appraisal Date: Oct. 12, 1848

(A Wm. Hearn, son of Thos. Married Harriet Dasson, Dec. 26, 1832, Ref: Isaac Sullivan Memorandum.)

(Wm. Hearn of Thos, to Harriet Dawson, Jan. 28, 1833, Ref: Early Marriages in Del. Prior to 1850.) also spelled Dorson in Harriet’s will.


William Hearn of William, ___- 1882

Wife: Sallie

  (A Wm. Hearn of Wm. Married a Lavianah   Hearn of Isaac. Jan. 8, 1828, marriages prior to 1850 and Isaac Sullivan Memorandum.)

Administrator: W.B. Records

Goods Appraisal Date: March 14, 1882

Wife: Sallie Hearn, relinquished right of Administration to Wm. B. Records.

  See below

William Hearn, of William  ___- 1882.

Reference RG4545.009, Roll # 108.

Some persons who bought items at sale of the goods of William Hearn, deceased:

C.W. Hasting, George M. Hearn, Widow, Harvey Hearn, Job Callaway, A.J. Hearn, George King, Elmer Lecates, John Lecates, John A. Ellis, Job Sirman, Clayton Hearn, James Hearn, Wm. Marvil, J.B. Kinney, Lorenzo Hearn, Robert Morris.

Resignation of Sallie Hearn, Estate of Wm. Hearn (of William.) Filed March 8, 1882.

Note: Sallie Hearn was the wife of William Hearn (of William.)


William C. Hearne, ___- 1901-1906

See cemeteries visited # 74. P-1289)


Sister: Patty E. Hearne

Brother: John M. C. Hearne

No share of estate for: Harriet H. Cannon, and Lizzie L. Horsey

Administrator: Brother: John M.C. Hearne

Nephew: Edward D. Hearne

Will dated: June 1, 1897

Sister: Rebecca P. Pepper

Niece: Mary A. McColley

Niece: Martha E. Hearne

Niece: Lizzie L. Bacon

Died: Dec. 24, 1901

  See will below:

Will of William C. Hearne - 1901-1906

  RG4545.009- Register of wills; Sussex County Probate Files, Roll No. 108.

     I, William Hearn of the village of Woodland, Seaford Hundred, Sussex County and state of Delaware, running the uncertainty of life and the certainty  (of death) being in feeble health but of sound disposing mind do make and publish this my last will and testament and as to my worldly estates and all the property Real, Personal or Mixed of which I shall die seized and possessed, or to which I shall be entitled at the time of death, I devise, bequeath and dispose of in the manner following, To Wit.

   First, My will is that all my just debts, of any there be, together with my burial expenses be paid by my executors herein after named, as soon after my death as may be found convenient.

  Items Viz;

  First I give and bequeath to my sister, Patty E. Hearn, five-hundred Dollars in Gold coin, which may be found in my bureau drawers, also two-thousand-dollars to be paid to her by my executors out of any other money they may have in hand belonging to me or my personal estate, also four spring bottomed parlor chairs, also my crayon portrait of myself. I also give and bequeath to Patty E. Hearn Privilege, of a home. That is to say she is to have the use of the parlor or parlor Chamber whichever she rather or both if she wants them, with privilege of ingress and egress therein to and from as may seems most convenient for her in the house where I now live.

   I give and bequeath to my sister, Harriet H. Cannon, one-dollar to be paid her by my executors out of my personal estate, No more.

  I give and bequeath to my sister, Rebecca P. Pepper, four hundred dollars, to be paid to her by my executors out of any money they may have in hand belonging to me or my personal estate and out of the interest that will accumulate thereon. She is to pay to my brother, John M.C. Hearn, twenty-dollars annually for each and every year that he may live, and at his death She is to furnish head and foot stones for his grave, the same as I was requested to do by Ann M.C. Hearn, deceased, in her last will and testament and also she is to make satisfactory arrangement with John M.C. Hearn, that in case she should die before he does that there shall be provision made so that he may be certain to get benefit of the same as long as he lives.

  I give and bequeath unto my niece, Lizzie L.. Horsey, one note that I hold against Jesse L. Long and Mary ( I. ) Long, payable at the First National Bank in Seaford, Del.. I also wish and request Jesse L. Long as Administrator of Levi C. Hearn, deceased of whose estate I am one of the lawful heirs to pay to. Lizzie L. Horsey the amount that I am justly entitled to out of said estate. I have received nothing in payment of my share in the estate except one silver watch, valued at eight dollars that belonged to said deceased. I also give and bequeath to Lizzie L. Horsey, one due bill I hold against the firm, Hearn & Long, with the balance due thereon which Jesse L. Long, the surviving partner ought and should at my request pay over to Lizzie  L. Horsey.

  I give and bequeath to my niece, Martha E. Hearn, the sum of forty-dollars annually during her natural single life, of which Mary A. McColley is to pay the sum of twenty-dollars and Lizzie L. Bacon is to pay the other twenty-dollars, to Martha E. Hearn out of the interest that will accumulate on money that I have given bequeath them for that purpose.

  I give and bequeath to my niece, Mary A. McColley, four-hundred of dollars to be paid to her by my executors out of any money they may have in hand belonging to me or my personal estate out of the interest that will accumulate thereon, the said Mary A. McColley must pay to my niece Martha E. Hearn twenty-dollars annually, during her natural life.

  I give and bequeath unto my niece, Lizzie L. Bacon, four-hundred-dollars, to be paid to her by my executors, out of any money they may have in hand belonging to me or my personal estate, out of the interest that will accumulate thereon the said, Lizzie L. Bacon must pay to my niece, Martha E. Hearn, twenty-dollars annually during her natural life.

 I give and bequeath to my brother, John M.C. Hearn, out of my personal property, his choice one bed and bedstead and furniture for same, say two pairs of sheets, four quilts, or comforts, one counterpane, two pairs pillow slips, and two Bolster slips and twenty dollars in money annually, during his natural life, to be paid to him by Rebecca P. Pepper, out of the interest on money I have bequeathed to her for that purpose.      After the above named legacies have all been paid and satisfied the remainder of my personal property, if there be any, I will that my executors shall divide prorata, that is I mean they shall pay over to each legatee in proportion to the above bequeaths except Harriet H. Cannon and Lizzie L. Horsey. I don't will either of them ant part of residue if there be any.

      I, William C. Hearn, dispose of my Real Estate in the following manner.

      All of my houses and lots at, on in the village of Woodland, also my wharf in Woodland, except the rights and privileges that I have given and bequeathed to my sister, Patty E. Hearn, in, and of the house where I now live. I give and bequeath to my brother, John M.C. Hearn, the right and privilege to occupy, lease, or rent and to collect all rents and receive all profits derived there from for his own use and benefit as long as he may live and no longer, provided, that he keeps all the taxes and insurance policy paid up and keeps up incidental repairs.

    After the death of my brother, John M.C. Hearn, the real estate that I have given him, the rights, privileges, and use of, during his natural life, I wish divided prosat amongst the three surviving heirs in proportion to the bequeath made and given by me in or out of my personal property, except Harriet H. Cannon and Lizzie T. Horsey. I do not wish either of them to have any share in my Real Estate.

  I hereby do appoint my brother, John M.C. Hearn, and my nephew Edward D. Hearn, my executors of this my last will and testament, As witnesses this my hand and seal this first day of June A.D., 1897.

    William C. Hearn    (seal)


       F.A. Shipley    W.F. Hargrove


William G. Hearn, ___- 1900-1903

Renunciation of Administrator: Maria M. Hearn

(Note! A Wm. G. Hearn married a Mariah M. Twilley, in 1864, marriages aft 1850.)

Administrator: Samuel J. Hearn

2 daughters: Fannie E. Phillips, wife of Isaac J. Phillips, Maggie M. Lowe, wife of Samuel

J. Lowe

Wife: Maria M. Hearn

Grandsons: Samuel J. Lowe, Jr, Elmer Jackson Phillips, Lannie W. Phillips.

Will dated: Sept. 24, 1898

Will Presented for probate: July 9, 1900

See below 


Will of William G. Hearn, ___-1900-1903.

        Reference: Will Book S, No. 18, folio 120 (Also RG4545.009, Roll no. 108

I, William G. Hearn, of the town of Delmar, county of Sussex and state of Delaware, being in ordinary health of body and sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following:

After the payment of my debts and funeral charges, I give, devise and bequeath as follows:

I give and bequeath unto my two daughters, Fannie E. Phillips, wife of Isaac J. Phillips and Maggie M. Lowe, wife of Samuel J. Lowe, to each the sum of one hundred dollars.

All the rest and residue of my property, real, personal or mixed, where so ever situated, which I now have or may hereafter acquire and of which I shall die seized and possessed, I give, devise and bequeath to my wife, Maria M. Hearn during her natural life, provided she does not remarry and from and after her decease or remarriage, which ever event may first occur, I give and devise the same as follows:

1st- I give and devise unto my daughter, Fannie E. Phillips, all that farm or tract of land and the improvements thereon, situated in the said county of Sussex, whereon George H. Hitch now lives, also all that part of the Joseph J. Bailey Farm which lies on the South side of the country road leading from Ralph's Store to Sharptown, Maryland, to her the said Fannie E. Phillips, her heirs and assigns forever.

2nd- I give and devise unto my daughter, Maggie M. Lowe, all that farm or tract of land and the improvements thereon situated in the said county of Sussex, whereon she now lives, all that part of the Joseph (J) Bailey farm, which lies on the North side of the country road leading from Ralph's Store to Sharptown, Maryland, and all my interest or estate in all that lot of ground and the improvements thereon, situated on the South side of Grove Street, in the town of Delmar, whereon I now reside, to her, the said Maggie M. Lowe, her heirs and assigns forever.

3rd-I give and devise unto my grandson, Samuel J. Lowe, Jr, all my interest and estate in the Delmar Union Store Company, to him, the said, Samuel J. Lowe, Jr, his heirs and assigns forever.

4th- I give and devise unto my grandson, Elmer Jackson Phillips, all that lot of land situated about one fourth of a mile east of Delmar, which I purchased of Joseph J. Ellis, to the said Elmer Jackson Phillips, his heirs and assigns forever.

5th- I give and devise unto my grandson, Lannie W. Phillips, all my interest and estate in four lots or parcels of land, situated east of Delmar, which are now owned jointly by Joseph J. Ellis and myself, or so much thereof as I may possess at the time of my decease, to the said, Lannie W. Phillips, his heirs and assigns forever.

6th- I will and direct that whatsoever may be remaining of my estate, at the time of the decease or remarriage, of my said wife, and not otherwise herein before devised, shall be divided equally between my two said daughters, Fannie E. Phillips and Maggie M. Lowe.

I name, constitute and appoint my said wife, Maria M. Hearn, and Samuel J. Lowe, Executors of this my last will and testament and I request that they be not required to give bond for the performance of their duties as such.

In testimony, whereof, I hereunto set my hand and seal, this 24th day of September, in the year Eighteen Hundred and Ninety Eight.

William G. Hearn     seal

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named, William G. Hearn, as and for his request, in his presence and in presence of each other have hereunto set our hands as witnesses thereto.

Benjamin W. Parker

John W. Culver


William H. Hearn, ___- 1884-1885

( A Wm. H. Hearn married a Zipporah Bryan, Dec. 25, 1838, marriages prior to 1850.)

Renunciation of Administration: Zipporah Hearn,

Dated: Jan. 16, 1884

Administrator: son: Isaac Hearn

Some persons who bought goods of Wm. H. Hearn:

Geo. E. Ellis, Francis M. Hearn, Thos. H. Ellis, Jacob Ellis, Francis G. Moore, C.R. Ellis, W. S. Workman, Townsend Williams, Stephen Ellis, Geo. Pusey, Robert. G. Riggin, Irvin Hopkins, J.T. Hearn, D.L. Hearn, Mrs. David H. Baker, Widow, Jno. Pusey,  Oliver Moore.


William H. Hearn, ___- 1938

(Note! A Wm. H. Hearn married a Sarah E. Conaway, in 1878, marriages aft. 1850.)

Brother: Charles Hearn also Executor.

  Moneys bequeathed to heirs: Bessie Williamson, Cynthia Goswellin, Pearl West, Elizabeth Givens.

  $500.00 to each except Elizabeth was to receive only $10.00, according to the last will and

  Testament of Wm. H. Hearn, no will on microfilm.


William M. Hearn of I (not L.), ___- 1905-1913

Recorded in Book “S”, no. 18, folio 52 ; Filed March of 1905

Widow: Mahaley E. Hearn, Renounced right of Administration

   (Note! A Wm. M. Hearn married a Mahola White, in 1893, marriages aft. 1850, also

    a Wm. M. Hearn married a Sally Culver in 1860.Marriages aft. 1850)

   Administrator: John H. Elliott

   Share of Estate to Matilda J. Culver, decd signed for by William E. Culver


William N. Hearn

Died: Feb. 4, 1819

Administrator: George Hearn & Joseph Hearn.

10 heirs, one a minor with guardian, other nine heirs collected $24.54 each


William T. Hearn, ___- Oct. 19, 1863

Orphans court- probate (no will).

Wife: Sarah E. Hearn

(Note! A Wm. T. Hearn married a Sally E. Sirman, in 1860, also a Wm. T. Hearn married a Mary L. Gootee, in 1860, marriages aft. 1850.)

Sisters: Louisa A. Parker, Mary W. Parsons, Unice E. Ellis

2 nephews: Wm. T. Parsons, & Lorenzo F. Hearn.

Cousin: James (K.) Tyre

See below:

William T. Hearn - probate __-1863

Resignation of Mary J. Hearn, Widow, March 23, 1863

Laurel, Mar. 17, 1863

Dear Sir,

I do hereby relinquish my claim to the Administration on the Estate of my husband, William T. Hearn, late of Sussex County, Del. to William H. Hearn, the father of my husband.

Broad Creek Hundred       Mary J. Hearn

            John (__) Esq. Register for Sussex County


Winder Hearn, ___- 1869-1872

Sallie Hearn renounces Executor Dated Aug. 4, 1869

  (Note! A Winder Hearn married an Eleanor Waller on Feb. 9, 1839, also a Winder Hearn married a Charlotte Hearn, Feb. 28, 1849, marriages prior to 1850.)

Administrator: Isaac G. Whaley


Winder Hearn ___- 1890-1891

( see cemetery # 80, P-1253-?)

   Executors: William M.C. Hearn & Minos Hearn.

4 sons: Minos R. Hearn, Samuel S. Hearn, Joseph W. Hearn, & William M.C. Hearn.

4 daughters: Unicy Elizabeth, Eleanor Culver, Frances Ellis, & Sally A. Morris.

Wife: Rebecca Jane Hearn

(Note! A Winder Hearn married a Rebecca J. Davis, in 1882, marriages  aft. 1850.)

Will dated: Sept. 20, 1890

See below 

Will of Winder Hearn  __-1890-1891

   Recorded in Will Book "Q", no. 16, folio 137 etc

From microfilm: RG4545.009, roll # 107

In the name of God, Amen, I, Winder Hearn of the town of Laurel, Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County and state of Delaware being of feeble body but of sound mind, memory, and understanding and considering a certainty of death, It is my will that all my just debts and the charges of my funeral be paid and discharged by my Executor hereinafter named and appointed out of my Estate as soon as conveniently may be, after my decease.

Item 1:  I give and bequeath unto my son, Minos R. Hearn, my grey mare, Lucy, to him and his use and benefit forever.

Item 2:  I give and bequeath unto my four sons namely: Samuel S. Hearn, Joseph (W.) Hearn, Minos R. Hearn, and William M.C. Hearn, all the rest and residue of my personal property of every nature and kind whatsoever and I also give and devise unto my four sons aforesaid all of my real Estate. it being in the town of Laurel and on the South side of seventh Street, adjoining lot of Geo. C. Jacobs and the heirs of Theodore Parsons, however, that my said sons shall only pay unto each of my three daughters, Unicy Elizabeth, Eleanor Culver, Frances Ellis, and Sallie A. Morris, the sum of one hundred dollars  $100.00 and provided also that That my four sons aforesaid, pay the sum of one hundred dollars $100.00 to my beloved wife, Rebecca Jane Hearn, which said amount is for and intended to be in lien of dower of, to or in my real Estate. And lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my two sons William M.C. Hearn and Minos R. Hearn to be Executors of this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I, the said Winder Hearn, Testator, aforesaid have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and seal this 29th day of September A D 1890

Winder Hearn    seal

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Testator, Winder Hearn, as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us , who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto this 29th day of September A D 1890

John N. Elliott   seal

William M. Needles


Zipporah Hearn ___- 1892-1893

.......................... End of roll # 108......................

Administrator: Isaac T. Hearn, appointed Sept. 2, 1892

(Note! A Zipporah B. Henry married an Isaac Hearn, in 1874, marriages aft. 1850.)

(Note! Zipporah B, wife of Isaac Hearn, born May 31, 1850, died Nov. 20, 1874 is buried at

  cemetary site no. 3.